1805 Words

Mated to my human best friend. Chapter 13. Finally, it’s my birthday. This is the day I have been waiting for. I will finally get to see my wolf. "Hey, Wolfy, Are you ready for today?" I mind-linked her. "Yes, baby girl. I can’t wait to meet our mate," she replied. She's happy, but not because of me. She’s happy because she will get to find and meet her mate, and here I am happy that I am finally going to get to know her. We sure think differently. My phone rang, and I rushed inside my living room to get it. It must be Kyle. I picked up my phone to check who was calling. Disappointed. It was my dad. "Oh, it’s you, Dad," I sighed, as I took the call. "What? Are you disappointed that I was the one calling you, little brat?" he yelled, "Are you expecting someone else's call?" "Yes,

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