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"I'm so sorry, Leiya. You had such a terrible experience because I hid like that." "It's okay. If they saw you it would have made things worse, since Katelyn had proof that someone tried to break into Bryan's computer." "I didn't think about that. Even still, it doesn't excuse the fact that I let you bear all of that alone. I feel awful about that." After our suddenly scheduled meeting with Bryan, we were summoned to Jeremy's office for a second 'meeting'. Karren said she texted Jeremy about what happened and now he wanted to see us. As we walked back to the elevators to go to my department, Karren walked hunched over, despondent about what had happened, and almost on the verge of tears. I couldn't help but take a minute to wrap my arms around her and give her a shoulder to cry on. "It's a good thing that you had him on your side, isn't it," she said in between whimpers as she raised her head up and wiped her eyes. "What do you mean?" "The plan to get close to Bryan saved us, didn't it? He seems quite fond of you now. Could it be that you're actually dating him?" She seemed to have recovered as she asked that question with twinkling eyes. Technically, the answer was yes, but no one was supposed to know that except for Jeremy. As I released Karren from our short comfort session, I thought I saw Roshni disappear from around the corner. Did Andrei tell him what happened? Did he also tell him to check on us? It's so frustrating that I can't get a read on either of them and figure out what they are thinking. "I don't think he's fond of me in that way. He just made a very reasonable argument in my favor." I replied, trying to dodge the question. "Come on, you guys have a thing going on, don't you? I saw the way he looked at you." What was she seeing? He was definitely not looking at me in any such way. I was glad she felt energetic again, but I would love to switch the topic of discussion now. "What can I say for you to believe me? There's nothing like that between us." "Alright, fine. I won't press the matter." Thank goodness she stopped asking about that, and just in time too, as we arrived at the door of Jeremy's office. I wouldn't want him to offer his opinions on this subject either. "Hello ladies. Please, have a seat. I heard you had a rough time a while ago but I'm glad you made it through." "We were close to getting the program," Karren replied sullenly. Her energetic demeanour didn't last long once we entered this office. "Copying the program triggered a security breach on his computer which notified the IT executives. It's a miracle we got out of there without being suspected." Yes, the miracle was how Andrei deftly shut down Katelyn's uproar and all the suspicions against us. "I see. It's too bad we couldn't get the program, but the important thing is you're both in the clear. Thanks for trying to help her, Leiya." I nodded in response to his insincere words of comfort and I continued to listen quietly while they spoke. As much as I wanted to tell him to leave her out of this, saying anything along those lines would be unnatural given my 'motivations' for working with Jeremy. All I could do was play along and hope this mission would end soon. "What should we do now?" Karren asked. "There's only one thing left to do. You'll need to destroy the program entirely." So much for my wish; it sounded like things were about to get even more cumbersome. "Can we destroy the program alone without any collateral damage that would hurt the company?" I'm glad Karren was at least concerned about the company, unlike this crazy man. "Of course. I have procured just the item for that. With it, there will be no collateral damage. I'll give it to you once it arrives. The perfect time to use it would be during the meeting, right before Bryan starts his presentation, as there would be no way for him to save face at that point." Couldn't Andrei just keep a copy of the program then? I needed to tell him about this so that he could be prepared, although he likely already has a copy of the program since he's always thinking ten steps ahead. For the rest of the week, the office still felt stifling, especially whenever I ran into someone from the IT department. It was obvious when I did, since I would be met with weird stares and whispering. Karren tried to repay me by dissipating the chatter from the back lines so that the rumours would die down as quickly as possible. Although I remained the gossip topic of the IT department, thankfully they loved their jobs enough not to spread the rumours to the rest of the company. All in all, I managed to survive the rest of the week and I even racked up several more sales for the Silver team. Their appreciation was short-lived as they bombarded me with their expectations of tripling my sales next week. It was clear that the coming Fall meeting made everyone lose their senses and perception of realism. I never thought I would say this, but I was glad to get my mind off anything related to Bolster for the weekend, Andrei included. Although I was meeting Daniel today, I could never totally separate Andrei from the matter, since it was his actions that indirectly led to this situation with Daniel. As usual, I couldn't figure out his intentions and he still hadn't said anything about Daniel. I would be remiss to think that he wasn't going to interfere. Or could he really be leaving it up to me to make my final decision? After all he's said and done to keep me for himself, his actions regarding Daniel and I don't make any sense to me. Then again, by saying this now, it's like I wanted him to barge in and drag me away from Daniel. That's what he would normally do, wasn't it? Daniel came to pick me up at my regular apartment on Saturday afternoon. Considering my low compatibility with surprise dates, even the ones I selected myself, I became a little apprehensive hearing the word 'surprise' in place of the destination of today's outing. Still, I went along for the ride and drove with Daniel for over two hours until we passed a sign that said, "Welcome to Mexico." Hold on…we're in Mexico now? I looked over at Daniel, who was driving comfortably and paid no attention to my distressed expression. It shames me to admit this, but even though I lived in California for over twenty years, I had never been across the border before. Actually, it shames me even more to say this, but I have never even travelled internationally until now. Daniel continued to drive for several more minutes, then we finally arrived at 'Mi Amora,' the hotel we would be staying at tonight. I agreed to go to the hotel with him, as long as he booked two separate rooms. However, the atmosphere at this hotel was not what I expected. Just from stepping one foot outside the car, I could already smell and feel the thick and nauseating lovesick atmosphere emanating from the building. Good on Daniel for finding a place like this; it seemed like a good choice if you were trying to get back with your ex. He must be expecting me to succumb to the toxic spores of love and hoping I would crawl into his bed tonight. He can continue to dream then. We checked in and I got my own room for tonight, then we headed to the beach. While he said that he wanted to go to the beach today and stay over at a hotel, he didn't tell me where it would be, much less that it was in another country. I wasn't the least bit upset, however. The vivid scenery was gorgeous in the evening and the food here was amazing. We went to the beach for the rest of the afternoon after we dropped off our bags in our rooms. It was quite relaxing when you ignored all the couples around you. When the sun receded, we went in the ocean for a while. If anything, this trip served to take my mind off the all the Bolster drama, for I remembered nothing about it after I stepped foot on the hotel grounds. I sank deep into the glistening blue coastal waters. The relaxing tides rolled back and forth and I allowed the incoming tides to pass over my head and wash away all my current anxieties. I only wished it could wash away my future anxieties too. Then, right before sunset, we partook in a full course of delicious Mexican cuisine until we were satiated. Our meal was served on a large boat as we traversed the ocean. It was an exclusive ride with one table for each boat. The captain and waiter remained inside while we enjoyed the three-course meal topped with the salty evening sea-breeze. We returned to the beach with full stomachs, then Daniel proposed taking a walk along the beach. We strolled along the entire stretch of the beach to the north, until we arrived at a cave at the edge of the water. We paused, then briefly looked at each other. With one glance I could tell that Daniel was up for the adventure, so I followed suit. Before I knew it, he was leading me by the hand through the unknown rock formations that had a strangely colorful glow. The dewy smell of the cave was barely noticeable as I was distracted by the gradual limestone transformation the cave underwent. By the time we exited the cave on the other side, the rocks had completely transformed into a spectacular display of corals. The stretch of variegated corals went on for some distance that it was almost like walking in a coral garden. The solidified salt on the hardened corals flickered like sparkles under the reflection of the moonlight. I became completely caught up in Daniel's pace as we pranced and twirled about in our vibrant secret coral garden. I didn't realize how much time had passed while I was on this walk with Daniel. In retrospect, I don't recall ever feeling so free in his presence. The old me probably thought she felt free and comfortable with him too, but I wished I could have told her how wrong she was. As for the reason I felt so at ease at that moment in time, I already knew deep inside. I hadn't once thought about the time and how long we had spent here in this isolated realm. We had this entire space and this entire moment for ourselves. After being led around by him for the past hour, I had at last come to a full stop. And when I did, I found myself panting and catching my breath in his arms, which seemed more reliable than they had ever been. The ocean took on the afterglow of the purple and red corals surrounding us. The moon gently peeled off their colours into the millions of beads of light it drew towards the sky. I stood tall, facing him, while catching the last of my breath and I found myself unable to look away from the person I had been captivated by for the last ten years, unable to escape his enclosing embrace, which was stronger than I remembered. In the heat of the moment, unable to think clearly, all rational thoughts began slipping away without so much as swallowing a drop of alcohol. By what felt like a conditioned response, my hands tugged weakly on his shirt, unable to muster any strength to push him away. Is this the result of loving him for over ten years? I hoped that was all it was. If it wasn't, then what does that say about my current feelings? What are my current feelings? I had no time to search for the answer. Within the next second, fluttery sparks rapidly fired from his fingers as they caressed lightly over my cheek, priming my body for what it knew usually followed those actions. Half a second later, his face towered over mine, and he supported my head in one hand as he lowered his face towards mine. Without delay, and with no time to react, he pressed his lips against mine. Or maybe there really was time to react, but my body just didn't want to. As the small tides ebbed and flowed over our ankles, he supplanted a long and tender better-than-the-usual familiar kiss, under the haze of the scarlet moonlight.
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