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There was nothing to celebrate today, but I decided to drive to my favorite sushi restaurant instead of going home. Perhaps I could celebrate the brief freedom from eternal studying before having to face the reality of being jobless and broke. At least today was 'All-you-can-eat' sushi night for thirty dollars. Tonight at least, I can forget about reality while stuffing my face with sushi. It also sounds like a good idea to pick up a chocolate cake from the patisserie on the first floor. Situated upstairs was a contemporary rooftop sushi restaurant and bar. It's popular among the young crowd but it's never crowded or boisterous. Both the food and atmosphere are luxurious yet mature. All without breaking the bank. Despite my life being in shambles right now, I somehow decided this was an appropriate way to spend the night. I treated myself to a full plate of Japanese delicacies. While sipping on a cocktail during my 15 minute break before going back for a second round, I was unexpectedly interrupted. "One wouldn't think this to be the worst day of your life looking at you like this," I heard a deep, silky voice behind me say. If you asked me if I would swipe right just based on his voice, I would swipe right one thousand times without hesitation. At least one good thing happened today - apart from the feast I'm having now. It was a strange coincidence that this unfamiliar voice said something so accurate about me, but I know he couldn't have actually been talking to me. Slowly, I turned my head to the right to make sure that the unfamiliar voice was accompanied by another party and he wasn't actually talking about me. But I was pleasantly disappointed. As I lowered my glass, I simultaneously turned to glimpse the man's table that was behind me. I just wanted to take a quick peek, not only to see if the man was speaking to me, but to double check how I would have scored on my swipe. While still facing forward, chin softly resting on my right shoulder, I quickly glanced at the table behind me at the five o'clock position. I only meant to look briefly and turn back around but my gaze was trapped by his. He was talking to me after all. I don't know whether to feel relieved that I had an excuse to talk to this handsome guy or annoyed that it felt like this stranger was intruding into my affairs. Ninety-nine percent of the times you swipe right on a guy you find something that hugely turns you off afterwards. As they say, if it's too good to be true, it probably is. The man had straight jet-black hair styled back with gel. A few strands at the front came loose and were swaying gently front-to-back by his right ear. It was strangely hypnotizing for a couple seconds but my gaze was soon drawn to his. It felt like I was being pulled into an abyss. Like he was trying to convey a message with his eyes. I didn't get it though. I was distracted by this beautiful creature for a few seconds but soon I realized that this complete stranger was making passing comments about my life. Quickly my admiration turned into annoyance. "Were you talking about me just now?" I said with a tone that suggested he had no business trying to guess what my life is like when he doesn't even know me. He chuckled a little, then said, "You probably think that I have no business talking about you as though I know you right." 'Not only charming, but an esper,' I thought quietly. I was surprised but I couldn't afford to show it. These types like to think they have you figured out while they play you like a chess game. So the key is to remain calm and collected and keep a poker face. "That's not what I thought at all. But why would you say that when you don't know anything about me?" "Even I am not the type of person to randomly say such things about strangers. It's a hot topic on Xoro's status board that you quit med school today. All your friends are posting about it and asking why you quit." "Wait, you know my friends on Xoro?" After a little chuckle, he replied, "You really don't remember me, do you? I follow you too. That’s why I knew you'd be here. Your location is always here when you post very depressing news. Don't normal people go to a bar? I found it funny that this was your favorite spot when you were sad. But you always did like to eat your worries away." "So you're stalking me now in person. And no - I don't remember you. Where do I know you from?" His smug expression turned serious for once. He closed his eyes and let out a deep sigh. Propping himself up with both hands, he slowly rose from the table. I could see how well-toned he was through the midnight blue-buttoned shirt he was wearing. He took the checkbook and returned it to the waitress on his way out of the restaurant. "Wait, he's leaving?!" 'Unbelievable! He just left like that after confusing me. Is this some new kind of k********g tactic? I mean it is the middle of the night. There's no way I would follow him.' I knew that but something was bothering me about him. I felt like I actually did know him. No, probably more than that. Though if that was the case, then… I hurriedly called for my check and paid with my credit card. For the first time ever, I was racing to escape my safe haven. I left the rooftop restaurant after him, hoping that he hadn't yet left the building. I took the elevator to the ground floor and rushed out into the parking lot. Is this the day I have one of those fated meetings you dream about or am I foolishly walking into a k********g? "To think you would actually fall for the new a*******n scheme," said an oh-so-familiar deep voice sneering behind me. I turned around ready to fight my way through a gang but it was just him and he wasn't holding a chloroform napkin. I turned back around thinking he was the decoy and the real kidnapper was sneaking up behind me now. "Relax, I was joking," he said. "I'm not surprised you don't recognize me, but I've never forgotten you. There's a lot going on that you don't know and I know this is a really tough time for you now, but I was waiting patiently for this day." "What do you mean, waiting?" "We can't keep talking here. I know this is sudden but we have to continue this conversation at my place." "So this WAS an a*******n!" "Well, there's no way we can go to your place since it's bugged." "My place isn't bugged," I replied scoffingly. "Ah, yes it is. My point exactly. You can drive your car. Just follow behind me. I'll explain everything-, as much as I can tell you." "I still don't even know where I know you from!" I shouted, but it fell on deaf ears as he was already starting his car and ready to drive off. He just says what he wants and leaves. I couldn't believe I was going to his house right after swiping right on this random guy I met in a restaurant on the worst day of my life. While driving to his house, I started typing my will just in case I didn't make it back tonight. As they say, if you meet a guy that's a 10 it's usually too good to be true. I'm probably in for a ton of trouble now. 'Oh great, I forgot my chocolate cake.'
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