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The destination of my consented k********g escapade was a luxury apartment, the likes of which I've never seen. He had me park outside in the visitor's parking area, while he drove into the underground parking lot. The entire building was marbled with a beautiful tinted glass that luminesced when the light was on. I couldn't even begin to imagine the cost of rent for a place like this. He came back up top to let me in through the front entrance. I smiled at the front desk personnel and followed this man into the elevator up to the sixth floor. It was at this time that I realized I didn't even know his name. He obviously knows me and it seems I've met him before. He also said he follows me on Xoro. I took out my phone to scroll through my finite list of friends on Xoro before we got off the elevator. Do I really know this guy? Honestly, I think I might know who he is. I just really hope I'm mistaken. To meet him again after all this time at this moment… No, if it's actually him and he's really been keeping tabs on me, then it's because of this timing why he revealed himself. If it's really you reappearing before me. Before I knew it, I was gasping for air. I could barely control my breathing. I felt like I was going to have a panic attack. I tried taking deep breaths but couldn't get any air in. Am I really going to pass out here? Showing weakness before I get any answers. What's wrong with you, Leiya? But I could no longer stop the attack. The suffocating presence of a lump in my throat intensified and my vision blurred pitch black. I lost all feeling in my limbs. I could feel myself swaying to the left of the small elevator while the phone crashed on the ground, startling the man in front of me. 'I can't believe I had a panic attack just because I remembered you-'. "-Andrei," she muttered almost inaudibly as she plummeted to the ground. As the phone crashed, the man standing in front of her turned around swiftly to see what chaos was transpiring in this small space. Despite the noise, he quickly reached out to break her fall on reflex after hearing his name. He caught her with his left hand wrapped around her right side and nestled her head in his right hand. Almost like a recoil response, he jerked her forward towards him in a hug, but he didn’t let go. He squeezed even tighter, delighted by the one word she said in the elevator - his name. "So you do remember me after all," he said with a smile as her left cheek brushed against his right cheek. He was so elated by the revelation that he completely forgot she could be having a medical emergency that very moment. A couple of seconds later, he remembered to check her pulse and breathing, which were both normal. He sighed with relief as the elevator door opened to the sixth floor of his apartment building. He snuggled her head securely against his chest, wrapped his right hand around her waist and lifted her gently off the floor with her legs in his left hand. He carried her to his apartment, which was at the end of the corridor on the right side. He lifted his right hand to the door handle and turned it down to open the door. Thankfully, he was wearing his key bracelet, so he didn’t have to use the key card. The door opens once the bracelet and the key card are within 6 feet of each other. He opened the door and pushed it with his right foot, took her inside and shut the door behind him. He cleared the front passageway, then turned to his right and slowly walked towards the floor-to-ceiling windows that spanned the entire right wall of the living room. The blinds were open and the moonlight seemed to illuminate crystals on the glass. He walked over to a dark sofa as big as a full-sized bed which was placed against the wall to the right of the windows. "This was not exactly how I planned our reunion. What happened to her in the elevator?" he commented as he gently lowered her on his sofa. First, he lay her legs down. Then, he brought his left hand up to support her back while he took her head in his right hand. 'Was I sleeping? I remember going to the restaurant, meeting a one-in-a-billion perfect ten out of ten guy, and then-'. '-Andrei. Oh, I remember now,' Leiya thought while fading in and out of consciousness. I met you on the first day of junior high. You were my height and had silky black hair. Your sharp gaze pierced through your straight bangs. The first time I introduced myself, it turned into a staring contest. Then, when my eyes started burning and watering, you burst out into a high-pitched laugh. I was upset at you for laughing at my pain but also relieved that you were more kind than you looked, since you gave me your handkerchief afterwards. Ah, it's all coming back now - how I felt about you, why I wanted to forget about you and why I deleted my memories of us. But to think the psychological effect would be this strong. Finally regaining consciousness, I opened my eyes slightly to a dark, unfamiliar apartment. As I opened my eyes fully, I felt a cold rhythmic sensation on my lips. A cold breath touched my lips in pulses. I couldn't make sense of what was going on or where I was. There were just too many sensations to process. Someone's chilled breath on my lips and two other pressure sensations on my head and lower back. Slowly, I remembered. I was with a man when I passed out. And not just any man. It was Andrei. My eyes opened widely as I realized. The man I had unspeakable emotions for was holding me over a bed…no, a sofa…in his dark apartment, where I was alone...and defenceless.
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