Chapter 2

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"Hey, you busy tonight?" asked Shane while I was removing my apron and putting it back in my locker. "Yes, I'm busy, Sir." "Don't 'Sir' me, call me Shane." He suggested. "Sure." he is not that old. I just want to call him that even though he's just three years older than me. I'm twenty-three and he's twenty-six. I'm wondering how on earth did he set up a Café like this? Maybe his family is rich. And you're the poorest of the poorest. I sighed at that thought. "So, what are you doing tonight?" Shane asked, tilting his head and giving me this cocky smile. I bit my lower lip. I don't want anyone to know that I'll be working in a Pub. It's not just a Pub, though. It has a basement where unearthly things happen. Just thinking about it makes me want to puke. "I-I'll be out tonight with my friends. Why do you ask? I lied. "I'm gonna invite you to some gig. I have a friend doing a band so... yeah." Is he shy or what? He was scratching the side of his neck. "Thanks for asking but I can't come. I promised my friends I'll be there at our meet up." I lied again. I hope I don't look suspecting because I have this mannerism of biting my lower lip when I do. "Oh, sure. I thought you could come. I guess next time?" He winked, no suspicion from his expression. "Sure. I'll see you tomorrow, Shane. Bye." I said. He waved his hand goodbye and I walked out of the Cafe. It's time for me to move onto my next job. I could feel my heart beating incredibly fast as I think of nasty things that my Manager would want me to do in the basement. I am scared for myself. Scared that I will do this just to earn money for my living expenses and education. I hate to admit it but I needed to do this to make a living. I wiped my tears and took a bus again. It only took me twenty minutes to finally step out of the bus and there I saw The Pub. It looked luxury and expensive club. It has black columns with demon statue from each side of the cold and solid door. I look up and stare at the high building. I have seen some buildings like this in the news. Some business tycoons are building business like this. I am wondering why the government is not doing any legal action about this. Is this business legal? I shook my head from thinking and I walked past by the building, entering the back entrance of The Pub. There I saw Alie wearing a red bikini. She glanced at me and gave me a blank expression. She's a b***h. "I thought you will not come." She said. "Are you sure you'll be doing this job?" She asked raising her one eyebrow. I sat on a vacant chair and took a glance at myself in the mirror. Tonight will be the end of me. Tears welled down my cheeks. I have been thinking about this a lot. I have no choice. I need money for my future, even if I have to get the money in dirty ways. "Your tears will not help you, dear. You've signed the contract and you need to comply." Alie smirked while putting on her crimson red lipstick. She pouted her lips and it formed a heart shape. "Shut up, Alie." Sophie joined us. I was relieved that Sophie came. She was the first person I met here at The Pub. She was here for almost a year now and Alie was here for about three years. She's our senior here. From what I heard from Sophie, Alie was always the premium type. Various customers always ask for her; retired businessmen, bachelors, mafia bosses, and many more. But not until our Manager showed up with me. It was during the pole dance number when our Manager introduced me to the customers. They did the bidding and most of them chose me. That's where Alie's anger and jealousy came from. She's mad at me for getting most of his clients. We were twenty girls here now. I was the last to accept the offer. I just accidentally saw this job when I passed The Pub by, walking my way home. They were looking for a waitress but not after the Manager, Julietta, saw me staring at their advertisement. She walked next to me and without a doubt, she saw me as the 'one'. She was like the step-mother of Cinderella. She was cunning and a person you would not want to mess with. She meant business. She told me that I can use my beauty and sexy body on this job with good pay. I really refused the offer because I am not what she thinks I am. But what could I do? I badly needed the money. That's when I accepted the offer last night. And now, Sophie was helping me with my makeup. "Girl, you need to wear makeup. They will not table you unless you look seductive." She said while putting mascara on my eyelashes. "Ouch, careful there, Sophie, " I informed. "I'm not into makeups you know. I can't believe this is harder than I thought." "Stop nagging there, you old woman. We have a big fish to catch tonight and if we fail to catch that fish, you will not want what Julietta would do to you." I shivered at the warning Sophie gave me. "What will she do?" I asked curiously biting my lower lip. I looked at her and I could sense how concern she was for me. "She will punish you." "How?" After she put on my mascara, she sat on a chair beside me, "You know, you have options on how you want to be punished." "Seriously?" "Yes. You can choose being whipped by a belt." She said. I cringed at the thought of it. "Or, there are also pleasures. Are you still a virgin?" My cheeks turned pink. "O-of course! What kind of question is that?" I felt so embarrassed by the way she asked that question. She chuckled. "You're so innocent. I feel sad for me and for you." She said in a sad tone. "Why?" I asked. "I lost mine from a retired grumpy businessman. It felt like I was being r***d. He was ruthless. I thought I would go insane after that. And then this guy came in my life." She reminisced. "You have a boyfriend?" I asked in surprise. She smiled at me. "Yes." "Why are you still here, then?" I asked curiously. "Well, he was shot dead," she said. I could tell she was going to cry. "Hold your horses there, Sophie. Who did that to him?" I wasn't expecting her to tell me that. I felt bad for asking that. Sophie is a nice person. She does not deserve to be here. "I don't know who did that to him. It's hard to accept the fact that he's gone forever." She put her palm on her face and started crying. I rubbed her back. "I'm sorry to hear that, Sophie." "He's gone and now I'm alone again. I want to get out of here but I can't. We can't because this is the only place that can give us life." I hate to admit it but she was right. I let her cry for a moment and then we started changing our clothes to bikinis. My body was exposed. Most of my skin was feeling the cold air. And tonight, I will be dancing for the big fish. I wanted to run away from here. But how could I do that if this place is the only way to make me live?
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