
The Girl With The Red Dragon Tattoo


Fighting for your own beliefs and principles is hard when your life is at stake. Audrey needed money for her to afford education. She was passionate about entering a Law School but for her to do that, she must do the things that are contrary to her principles and beliefs. For her to earn money and afford education, she needs to sell her body, innocence, and soul to an old, retired businessman. She was recruited to enter an underground illegal selling of women for s*x but not until this mysterious yet hot assassin rescues her before giving in her purity to the old man. Stuck between her beliefs, poverty, and raging emotions, she must do something to keep her life as normal and successful as possible, away from the hunt down of rising illegal business that has spread across the country.

The Girl with the Red Dragon Tattoo will launch on March 1, 2019

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Chapter 1
Hunter "Selena, will you shut your f*****g mouth? I'm trying to sleep here." I am annoyed by the fact that this slut is still here in my pad. "Seriously? You haven't touched me yet!" She whined. I sat down on my bed and pointed at my room's door. "Leave." "What? Are you freaking insane? You asked me to come over and then you want me to leave just like that?!" She shrieked. I breathed in and out. If this girl does not have the will to go out of this room, I have no choice but to drag her out. "I said leave." I hissed. I could feel my nerves throbbing inside my head. It would explode if this girl would not drag herself out. "You're unbelievable!" She shouted throwing her hands in the air. With that, she walked out and slammed the door. What an annoying person. The truth is, I wasn't sure what I was going to do. I wanted to forget this certain girl, that was why I called Selena to come over. But in the end, I wanted her to leave. I'm also confused about myself. I met this girl from The Pub yesterday night. We spoke a little and then she went out and gone. I feel like her eyes were innocent and pure. They were gleaming. I shouldn't be thinking about it but damn, I couldn't help myself. Poor me. I tried to sleep but morning came and I only slept for about three hours. That girl did this and I need to find a way to see and talk to her again. I stood up from my bed and walked lazily to the bathroom. I took a shower and put on a gray shirt and black pants. As I walked past my bed to get my body spray, my phone rang. I took a glance at it. It's River. I answered it right away. "Hunter, my man! What's all up? How's Selena? She great?" I could sense his excitement even by the phone. "Are you some crazy girl asking for details about your best friends one-night stand?" I asked annoyed. He chortled. "Stop being grumpy, you old man! Let's just say, she's the hottest cheerleader on campus. Of course, I need a review from my bad boy best friend." "Shut up. Nothing happened. And even if there was, I wouldn't tell you 'coz admit it or not, you're nosy." I said with a bland reaction. "Ow, you're hurting my inner girly ego." He joked. "Okay, I was just checking up on you. You need to go to The Pub later. You know what I mean, bro." He laughed. This fungus needs to be fed with so much girls' private part to stop him from talking like a girl. "Yeah, whatever. I'll be there." And then I hung up. River would not stop talking until his phone battery dies. I couldn't believe I have a friend like him. But even if he's talkative, he's a great friend of mine. I headed to the parking area, unlocked the security of my car and drove all the way to a Filipino food court because I'm starving. ~*~ Audrey "Audrey! Get up there! You'll get late! You have a job to attend to, right?!" Great, my best friend was shouting and I don't have any motivation in my body to go to work today. I rolled over the side of my bed and closed my eyes. But before I even enter the dreamland again someone yanked my arm and I was forcefully stood up! "What the hell, Eryn?!" "You only have thirty minutes left to get ready for your first day of work! How can you pay your Tuition fee if you keep being lazy?!" She shouted right in my ear. "Ouch! Stop shouting, will you?!" I felt like my eardrums exploded from this girl's voice. "Come on, Audrey, you can sleep later. Now, get ready and go to work." She handed me the towel and pushed me through the bathroom. "I hate you, Eryn," I said with a bland reaction. "I love you too, girl. Now chop-chop!" I heard the door closed. I sighed. Why did my parents leave me when I was still a baby? I was raised in an orphanage and then left to become independent. And I wasn't expecting that being independent would be this daunting. I need to have two jobs just for me to feed myself and enter a public school. I always cry at night because of all people, why me? Do I really deserve this? Do I really deserve to work myself to death? I took a shower and once done, I put on a white polo shirt and faded blue jeans. I took a glance at my cheap wristwatch. I still have ten minutes before I become late. I was thankful that the bus I took was overspeeding. I wasn't sure if there were any surveillance camera that took a shot on this bus. It's not my problem anymore. What's more important to me now is that I'm not late. I logged in the Cafe at the right time. O went to the Personnel Only room and I took my brown apron from my locker, wearing it as I walked inside the kitchen. "Good morning, Audrey." I rolled my eyes upon hearing this guy's greeting. Shane. The cocky manager, or should I say, the owner of the Cafe. The blonde guy irritates the hell out of me upon seeing him at the counter. "Good morning, Sir." I greeted back smiling. But it did not reach my eyes. "Wait, what are you doing? I don't want you to do the kitchen. Your beautiful face doesn't deserve to be rotten here." He smirked. I hate this creep. "What am I gonna do, Sir?" I asked. "You'll be doing the waitress's job. Go and serve our customers." He pushed me a little bit and even if I don't want to, I attend to the customers because this freaking old blonde said so. I badly need money. And in order for me to get money, I need to shut my mouth and not tell nasty words to this hateful Boss. And later tonight, I need to attend to my second job. That is in The Pub.

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