1997 Words

CHAPTER TWO. ISIDORE BEAUTRELET, SIXTH-FORM SCHOOLBOY From the Grand Journal. LATEST NEWS DOCTOR DELATTRE KIDNAPPED A MAD PIECE OF CRIMINAL DARING At the moment of going to press, we have received an item of news which we dare not guarantee as authentic, because of its very improbable character. We print it, therefore, with all reserve. Yesterday evening, Dr. Delattre, the well-known surgeon, was present, with his wife and daughter, at the performance of Hernani at the Comédie Française. At the commencement of the third act, that is to say, at about ten o'clock, the door of his box opened and a gentleman, accompanied by two others, leaned over to the doctor and said to him, in a low voice, but loud enough for Mme. Delattre to hear: "Doctor, I have a very painful task to fulfil and I

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