2756 Words

"But did he leave bare-headed?" "No, he took a cap from his pocket and put it on." "A cap?" "Yes, a yellow leather cap, it seems." "A yellow leather cap? Why, no, we've got it here!" "That's true, Monsieur le Juge d'Instruction, but his is just like it." The deputy sniggered: "Very funny! Most amusing! There are two caps—One, the real one, which constituted our only piece of evidence, has gone off on the head of the sham flyman! The other, the false one, is in your hands. Oh, the fellow has had us nicely!" "Catch him! Fetch him back!" cried M. Filleul. "Two of your men on horseback, Sergeant Quevillon, and at full speed!" "He is far away by this time," said the deputy. "He can be as far as he pleases, but still we must lay hold of him." "I hope so; but I think, Monsieur le Juge

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