Chapter 01 Leaving Misery Behind

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~ Luan ~ Tick tock. Thirty seconds before midnight. I pulled the straps of silk cloth to the small of my back and tied a loose ribbon. Tick tock. Twenty seconds before midnight. The white flats on the floor covered my aching feet. I sat on my bed, sinking on the medium soft mattress and glanced around my room for the last time. A broken full body mirror, the bloody pieces scattered on the floor. It reflected my body from the waist down, the rest of me hidden in the dark. Pale moonlight casted over the white dress, its length reaching the floor to conceal my legs. My lips tugged down. I actually looked somewhat decent. Tick tock. Ten seconds before midnight. I counted the remaining seconds in my head, each number a count closer to the one thing I had prayed for – freedom. Tick. All three hands pointed to twelve, the seconds hand continuing to tick away to the next minute. I smiled at the ghostly reflection of a woman. “Happy Birthday, Luan,” I greeted as I stood. They were awake. The voices and shuffling from downstairs told me so. I carefully walked around the shattered glass and opened the door. Even in the dark I could see the path that I’d walk for the last time. One step down the uneven wooden steps, the creaking music to my ears. “Wake up, Luan!” my brother yelled below. He sounded angry, but then again, he always was. He’d be overjoyed when tomorrow, he’d be screaming for me to wake up and I wouldn’t be rushing over to him. I reached the second floor and took my sweet time walking down a set of wider stairs, a hand gliding along the smooth railing. Samuel looked up at me and his moss green eyes immediately darkened. “Go to the back, now! How long do you intend to keep us waiting?” he snapped. He eyed me up and down, making me feel self-conscious. I don’t look like my brothers. Samuel had dark brown hair and was two feet taller than me. “I’m sorry, Beta,” I said and kept my head down as I joined the rest of the pack. They had arranged themselves by order of importance, and I of course, was alone at the back. In front of me were the omegas, the gammas, and leading the entire group, my older brothers. Donned in fanciful formal clothing, everyone looked their best tonight. After all, we were about to meet our new Alpha. I didn’t care much for it. I hadn’t belonged in this pack for four years now. I smiled inwardly. Eighteen years old – as expected, I didn’t shift. Not that anyone cared, considering neither Samuel nor Siel went up to my room. I would’ve shifted tonight, and no one would’ve come running to me when I screamed from the pain – I was as good as dead to them – almost, and soon would be. I couldn’t tell which was more heartbreaking – being treated like this was already difficult; now I had to live as a human… The omegas kept giggling to themselves. Noelyn, the pack’s slut, turned her blonde head and eyed me up and down. She wore a glittery black tube that hugged her huge boobs, her slim waist, and perfectly round butt. The heels she wore gave her added height, and her face was nothing short of perfection. She’s an i***t, but her beauty gets her by. She scoffed. “Do you mind? You’re too close to us the pack might think you’re one of us,” she said, waving her hand to shoo me away. “You’re right,” I replied, taking two steps back. “Wouldn’t want the pack to mistake me for a slut.” Her fake long lashes fluttered, and she raised her voice in irritation. “Listen here you –“ The doors of the pack house opened, and everyone started to file out, stopping her. She scoffed and turned on her heels. Her equally obnoxious friends did the same while giving me a side eye. I kept my distance from them, and we all gathered in the open grounds. From where I was and with my deprived height of 5’2”, all I could see were heads. Our Alpha begun his speech, voice loud and clear with the mic. The set-up stage was elevated, but I couldn’t see a damn thing. Huh. Then they can’t see me either. I remained wary of my surroundings as the Alpha went on and on about his days as an Alpha and how his son would carry on his duties… The patrols emerged from the woods and joined the pack in their designated rank. Careless. The turnover ceremony was being held at night, but it didn’t mean rogues were asleep at this hour. They were always out there – wild and free. I envied them. The pack cheered and shrill screams from the women pierced my eardrums. I covered my ears with my hands. The new Alpha’s voice was heard, and he began his speech. Yeah, yeah… whatever. You’re all shitty Alphas anyway. Glancing around me, everyone was distracted with the new Alpha. Everyone’s eyes was to the stage. This was my chance! I slowly backed away, keeping my eyes on the crowd as I made my way into the woods. Then I took off, running, a wide smile on my face. Their noises drowned as I got further and further away from them. “Happy eighteenth birthday to me!” I exclaimed, panting. It’d been a long time since I had a good run. The sound of my steps thudding as my shoes bounced off the ground, the calming scent of evergreens, and the cold night breeze biting against my skin – I missed these sensations and every single one of them was a taste of freedom. A laughter reverberated from my chest as I came to a stop under a tree. I reached down to get my backpack, stuffed with the few clothes I own, a few of my favorite paperback books, some food and bottled water, a medical kit that I managed to steal from the clinic, and a few bills. Having covered it with dried leaves, I’m glad the idea actually worked! I swung it to my back and shrugged my shoulders, getting used to the weight – the weight of freedom! I could just scream it right now if I wasn’t still within the pack’s territory. It should take a few more minutes before the patrollers returned to their stations. Thankfully, the weather was accommodating tonight. Had it rained, my plans would’ve been soiled and this bag, found. I couldn’t even begin to think what they’d do to me if they knew. The sooner I got out of here, the better. I’d been here for all my life. I didn’t know much about the outside world, but I should be able to blend in with the humans, now that I was technically one of them. It shouldn’t be so bad. I’m excellent in domestic work and I think I have my basic socializing skills polished to perfection. Make friends, travel to new places, experience life to the fullest and never look back. It’s a scary thought that I’d been pushing to the back of my mind for years. If it wasn’t for the near-death experience yesterday, I would’ve remained blind. They hurt me, and they’d continue to hurt me. No amount of abuse would satisfy them. After that day, I was no longer family to them. ‘I don’t want to see your ugly face again!’ I kept telling myself that they’d come around one day, but they never did. It wasn’t my fault… ‘Get out of my sight!’ I felt myself begin to tear up. I looked up at the full moon and blinked rapidly and breathed deeply to calm myself. They didn’t deserve another tear. The brothers I once knew were dead. Starting tonight, I’m on my own. I quickened my pace to reach the borders sooner. Butterflies fluttered in my stomach and my heart pounded loudly in my ears. I bit on my bottom lip and violently shook my hands to calm my nerves. I’m actually doing this! One, two, three! I jumped over the border and landed safely on the other side. I’m out! I let out the laugh I’d been holding back on and kicked my knees in the air as my arms shot up and waved, my fingers shaking. “Yes!” I hissed, pausing in my silly dance to look back at the woods. I’d never see this place again. “Goodbye, Dad. Goodbye, Mom,” I said aloud, with a smile on my face. These trees would always remember that Luan left this place with a happy smile. “Goodbye, Samuel. Goodbye, Siel. I’m sorry it had to be this way. I’m going now so you won’t have to wake up to my face again. You’re finally getting what you want, so, I hope you’ll both be happy. I’ll find my own happiness, too.” Wiping away the building moisture in my eyes, I bowed deeply. “Thank you for everything!” “You’re welcome,” a voice replied, chuckling. I quickly turned to find the silhouette of a person leaning on a tree. “Who are you?” I questioned, my hand reaching to my jacket pocket. I raised the flashlight to him, and he shielded his eyes with one hand, a cocky grin on his face. “Maybe if you stayed until the ceremony was over, you’d know,” he said. My eyes widen in shock. It couldn’t be! No one dragged me back into the pack. I was alone the whole time! He took a step closer, and I stepped back. The road wasn’t far from here. With any luck, a car might pass by. I kept the light focused on his eyes. “Mind moving that away?” “No,” I replied firmly, smelling spearmint, lime, and basil. Where’s this coming from? He took another step. “Stay where you are!” “But I want to see my mate,” he replied, biting his lower lip slowly, showing off his extended canines. Someone growled. I looked to my sides but saw no one around. Who was that? “Please move it away?” he asked. I cringed hearing him say ‘please’. Nobody used that word on me. It was always a direct order with a side of spite and insult. Hearing it now actually sounded a little nice, though. “I’m not going back to the pack,” I said firmly. If I do, they’d hurt me… worse than before. I might actually die this time. My heart jumped as his smile widened. “Thought you might say that,” he said before I was turning on where I stood and my head hit something hard. My cheeks heated up instantly, realizing I bumped my head on his chest. The flashlight had dropped to the ground. I couldn’t see him… I tensed and gulped; my palms were sweaty. His hands were on my lower back, and his breathing was deep and controlled. I pushed my hands at his chest to get away, but he only tightened his hold on me as he growled. I heard a whimper. Is that me? “What’s your name, cupcake?” he asked. People normally introduced themselves at an arm’s length! This dude was downright rude! “It’s not cupcake. That’s for sure,” I muttered. A chuckle escaped him, and I smiled. It felt good to make someone laugh again. “So, not cupcake, what are you doing all the way out here?” he asked, and my smile dropped. “I’ve just become Alpha, and a member of my pack is already leaving?” He stroked my hair and I involuntarily shrugged. His hand left my head. I heard a whimper, again. Am I making that sound or is it just in my head? “Won’t you answer me?” he asked, sighing. “I- I’m not going back!” “Why not?” “Because –” I bit my lip. He was best friends with my brothers, his right and left hand. I’d never seen him, nor did I know his name – I wasn’t paying attention a while back – but surely he knew about me. Who doesn’t – I’m the one who killed my parents and had no memory of it… As I thought of a reply, a lie, footsteps grew louder around us. “Alpha, everyone’s –“ The voice cut off and I tensed. Samuel. “Luan?” another voice said. Siel. They know. They know. They know. They’d take me back to the pack and hurt me. I touched a side of my head, remembering the incident this morning when I woke up ten minutes late. The road… someone might pass by, and they wouldn’t follow, I hope. I could hear them moving closer to us, four bright dots in the dark. He let go of me and turned. “What are you guys doing here?” he asked while I grabbed the fallen flashlight and sprinted. I’d never been out the borders so I could only go straight. “Now look at what you did!” I heard him say before the woods went silent, save for my breaths and shoes. I didn’t want to go back! Soon I reached the road, but no one was around. I should’ve figured this’d be the case – we were far from the city! f**k! “Easy, cupcake,” he said, suddenly beside me. I felt his arm snake around my waist. I stepped away from him and ran to the middle of the road. “Stay away!” I screamed. “Stop this right now, Luan!” Samuel shouted. I directed the light to the other side of the road and there stood Samuel and Siel. “You’re coming back with us this instant!” ‘Seeing you makes me sick!’ Samuel got closer to me, and my knees went weak. His eyes narrowed at me, his jaw clenched, and fists to his sides. I held my breath as tears welled up. ‘What are you looking at, huh?’ “Cupcake, what’s wrong?” he asked, sounding worried. It was fake. No one here ever treated me well. He was the Alpha now – he already knew who I am. And cupcake? It wasn’t endearing in any way. Siel crossed his arms and pursed his lips. Hateful emerald green eyes landed on me and I looked down. I heard him “tsk” in annoyance. He doesn’t speak much, but his actions speak louder. Seeing me bleed satisfied him – he only stops hitting me then. They were both furious at me. The Alpha was pretending to be kind. They’d gang up on me if I went with them. How could you forget what you saw! I was eighteen now. I was no longer their ward. Every day they told me to get out of their faces, to keep my head down. Every day they told me I didn’t deserve to live, and I should’ve died instead of our parents. Every day they told me that I was an ugly eyesore. And now, when my presence could finally be eradicated from their lives, they were asking me to go back? A laughter escaped my lips and Samuel stopped in his tracks. I laughed aloud, bending over until my stomach hurt. His lip twitched and his knuckles were white, but I paid it no heed. “Why?” I asked, laughing. “You won’t be able to see me now.” Light spilled on the road. A trailer truck was coming our way. It honked at me, loud and urgent. I heard a whimper, and my gut clenched. I smiled widely, closing my eyes at the blinding lights. ‘You should’ve died, you ungrateful b***h!’ ‘You’re a f*****g eyesore, Luan.’ I heard the blaring horns again, the peculiar whimper; I heard my name being screamed, and I heard him scream cupcake. I kept my eyes closed – this was what they always wanted. Salty tears slid down my upper lip. It’s better this way. I heard screeching, I heard screams… then I heard nothing. XXX
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