Queen tingz

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Michiko POV “Umm this color is not for you.” My mom says as I cut my eye at her. “White is for marriage and I am not marrying that f*****g boy.” I tell her as the seamstress walks between me and my mother tightening the dress as if I wasn't already suffocating. “You will marry him, you don’t get to pick who you get to marry, whatever rank you are.” She snaps as I glance at Sinae as she shrugs. “What if someone else wants to marry me? Offer y'all more than you can imagine then it changes the game, right?” I ask turning to the seamstress as her actions slow down as if wanting to actually hear our mini argument. “That is what arrange marriages are all about, especially in our kingdoms, because I know for a fact you and father weren’t ever suppose to m-” “You will watch who you are f*****g talking to. You don’t know what your father and I did, do you understand yourself.” I smirk holding my cheek from my position. My mother literally smacked the s**t out of me. “That wasn't ladylike of you mother.” I sneer as Sinae helps me from the floor and my mother glares at me. “You will wear what I tell you and you will do as you are told until Friday.” She says before stalking out of the room. “You shouldn't anger her so much, she is a lot worse to the staff.” The seamstress says as I frown. “I guess you're right.” I sigh, making a grunting sound as Sinae laughs. “I guess we are doing white then huh?” Sinae giggles, shaking my arms as we look at the seamstress and she sighs. “Don’t you worry, I will make sure it is to your liking.”  “You must really not want to hear your mothers mouth.” “Not at all.” I grumble as we walk to the entrance of the castle where her family was waiting for her. “I know for a fact that I will hate my life with this Miguel character.” “You never know, he could be a good guy out of the whole bunch.” “And how certain are you on that, because if it comes down to it, I am not scared to defend myself against a fucker like him.” “Mhmm.” She hugs me tightly as I relax in her arms. “Now my favorite Michiko, how about you go on and be the good princess you are, yeah?” “f**k you.” ~ “So what? Now you're doing what you're asked?” Minko says as we walk side by side behind our mother. She was making her rounds checking out the workers. “Better now then never yeah?“ I smirk at her as she glares at me. “They have sons to take over kingdoms and daughters to sell them to.” “Your negativity will get you nowhere, especially with the one you marry. Miguel will not put up with your shit.” Minko snaps as I hum holding back my comment. “Arguing with your older sister isn't needed.” My mother glances back at her as Minko's face reddens in embarrassment. “She is actually doing what she needs to do and this Friday will be a great day for her as well as the kingdom.” “See?” I smile at Minko as she doesn’t even glance my way following our mother. “It is nice to get out of the castle.” “Yeah maybe if you weren’t -” “Stop it.” My mother shushes her as I giggle as she greets some passing people. “You are to be married within the year as well, Minko so you shouldn’t fight with your sister like you do now.” “So what Mannix will take over? It will be over before he even begins.” She grumbles as I laugh and she glances at me with a smirk .Even though we argued all the time we did bond over the little things, like talking s**t about our brother. “Jesus, have you no shame?” She glares at us as we both quiet down as we continue to walk. “You two need to understand that in the next two years there will be a war to break out and you will need to be with your husband at that time.” “Because we are going to steal someone's land?” I ask her as Minko elbows mw knowing I am already walking on eggshells but i can't help it because it makes no sense that we have to do things because our parents decide, oh yeah let's go to war. “Miguel is definitely not going to take your s**t Michiko, neither will any other prince or king matter of fact.” My mother turns to face me glaring down at me as I watch the snarl on her face. “If you want to survive sometimes shutting up is the only f*****g answer.” “Oh so is that why you are willing to give up your daughters like they are f*****g hot cakes, right?” I glare back at her as she swings on me as I hear Minko shriek when I fall to the ground. “You will learn to respect me.” “I don't have to do s**t if all you're going to do is give me to a tyrant of a king.”
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