Kingdom Moves

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Katsuro POV “I really don’t think that he will disrespect our treaty.” Quin says as I glance around the table of my men, and the closest people to me. I smile to myself very proud of the people that my father surrounded me with knowing that we were all in good hands. “He obviously wants a war and It won’t be pretty for any of us.” Jarvis says as I clear my throat and everyone gets quiet. “If Marvic ever tries that he will wish that was the least of his worries.” I tell them leaning back. “If I stress about Marvic then you know shits hit the fan, but our shipments are well making progress, so he is someone that we should wipe our shoes on.” “Yes we have found a few Marvic as well as the Martinez  people trying to scope it out.” Quin says as Jarvis glances at me and I nod. “So what’s our next move?” Eiji asks, glancing at me. “Nothing, he will come to me personally and will let me know whether before his daughters' ball or during and then we will take action.” I stand as everyone follows suit. I smile at them as I see them all relax from my smile. “Until then let’s all relax, yeah?” “Ha, Katsuro is telling us to relax.” Eiji says as I laugh. “s**t I mean they call us a war kingdom right? Called me a tyrant? I can show them exactly what that is.” “Ah look an invitation came in.” Rai smiles holding a letter. “The oldest daughter of Marvic is finally getting married, and to that asshole Miguel.” “Of course Marvic wants to make a treaty with his kingdom.” “Maybe he does want to start a war with us.” Eiji smiles as I shake my head. “How about we worry about important things, like our people yeah?”  “Right right, I’ll go check in the trading post.” Hisoka smiles as I shake my head. It wasn’t that we were a dying kingdom, but other kingdoms want us to fall hard. I mean yeah my father was terrible to other kingdoms and maybe I followed the same path but I have always taken care of my kingdom as well as my people. “So, think you will finally find yourself a queen?” Rai smiles widely at me as I shrug. “Katsuro, come on dude, you can’t hold off forever.” “I’m barely 23, I don’t need a wife who is going to want love and affection 24/7 when I got s**t to do, Rai.” I explain to her as she sighs. “Not all are like that you know.” She coos. “Come on, maybe going to this ball will help you find a wife, one that you want, and hopefully your mate.” “Yeah as f*****g if I find a f*****g mate there  with those f*****g prissy bitches.” I tell her she she giggles and I frown. “ What if Michiko is your mate, she is a beautiful girl ,you never know she might match your energy.” “No thanks, you tried.” I pat her head as she rolls her eyes laughing when I walk away. ^_^ “The trail was kind of iffy.” Hisoka says as I shrug. “That’s the point, it scares off the unwanted fuckers.” I tell him. “That’s why we have dragons.” He points. “Then again it’s been a minute Since we've been in battle.” “That’s because the kingdom that was against me got wiped the f**k out.” I remind him as he laughs. “Good times, maybe we can wipe out Marvic and his f*****g kingdom.” “Trying to get all kingdoms against us huh?” I smirk at him as he laughs. “Nah, I heard his daughters are bitches.” “Reasoning? Princes still need wives you know, just like you need your mate, our queen Suro.” Hisoka says. “ What the hell is up with you and Rai with this mate business?” I glare at him as we make it to the post. “Just saying, we all want our mates, just trying to make sure they aren't with the wrong person or about to marry the wrong person at least.” He points out as I look away from him and stomping twice on the door. I step back just as the underground door pops open and Ryuu glances up at us then smiles. “Ah, boss I swore it was another couple of scouts from the other kingdom.” “People have been passing by?” I ask entering through the door dropping to the bottom as he hums. “How often are they coming through over here?” “From the Buchanan, Martinez and the Smith.” Ryuu says as I hear Hisoka scoff behind me. “Those fuckers are really trying to take our land.” “Smith can try giving it to his beloved daughter and that fucker Martinez if he wants but he will sure as hell not get far.” “Don’t worry, we have tails for sure.” Ryuu tells us as I walk around with them behind checking out the weapons that were made. I can’t help but feel a little prideful in my pack, they were the most loyal people in the world and without them our kingdom would not be as strong as it was now.
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