Chapter Three: The Werewolves

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Gabriel had just awoken from a restful night's sleep. Eagerly, he glanced at his table, hoping to find a cup of tea prepared by Aida. However, to his surprise, there was not a single object on the table. Gabriel couldn't help but wonder why Aida had failed to prepare his morning tea, as she never missed a day. He patiently waited for a few minutes, thinking that perhaps he had woken up earlier than usual and Aida had other duties to attend to in the palace. After waiting for 30 minutes, Aida still hadn't shown up. Gabriel decided to take a bath and change into his grey pajamas and white sando t-shirt. He felt a bit warm, his well-toned chest and six-pack abs visible through his sando. He left his room and headed straight outside the palace. "Prince Gabriel!" Gabriel heard a familiar voice and stopped walking, turning around to face the person. It was Aida, and he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. This was the first time that Aida hadn't served him his usual cup of tea. "Care to explain," he stated rather than asked, his tone firm. "I'm so sorry, I was just about to prepare your tea when the King called for a meeting," Aida replied. "A meeting?" Gabriel confirmed, seeking further clarification. Aida paused, then continued, "There will be a competition for the werewolves during the upcoming full moon. It is exclusively for werewolves, and it will be a hunting competition. The werewolf that can successfully hunt the most wild animals will be declared the champion. As a reward, the winner will be granted a power by the witches." "Power?" Gabriel questioned, narrowing his eyes. This was the first time there would be a competition within Avria. "Yes, and I am eager to participate. Simply being able to transform into a werewolf is not enough for me, I desire more," Aida pleaded, forgetting who she was speaking to. "Very well then, but please refrain from making me tea today. I wish to be alone," he replied, dismissing Aida and leaving her behind. Gabriel ventured into the forest, searching for deceased plants and animals. He came across a lifeless bird on the ground and knelt to touch it. Closing his eyes, he focused all his attention on healing the bird. After a moment, he heard the bird chirping. Opening his eyes, he watched as the bird took flight. With a smile on his face, he realized he had mastered the use of his healing power. He decided to further cultivate this ability and spent an extended time within the forest. Eventually, boredom set in and he returned to the palace. Upon his arrival, Gabriel noticed a gathering of all the werewolves, with an elder witch in attendance. His father spotted him and called out his name. Reluctantly, Gabriel joined the assembly, understanding that it was necessary as he was the prince. However, his father had never informed him of the activities planned for today or the upcoming full moon, which was only five days away. "Gabriel will also be participating in the competition. As he is not yet the King, he must experience what an ordinary werewolf goes through," King Alanic announced. Gabriel let out a deep sigh, but he couldn't find the words to speak. If it was what the king wanted him to do, then he would comply. "That sounds interesting, I will join," he replied. "I have higher expectations for you, Gabriel," his father whispered, ensuring that the other werewolves wouldn't hear him. "I have never failed you, Dad. And I assure you, I will win this competition." "We shall see," his dad addressed the crowd. "In addition to the power prize, the winner will have the opportunity to work here in the palace with a higher rank. So give it your best, and show what you train for every day." Gabriel simply listened. He never left until the meeting was over. All the werewolves were excited about the competition. Gabriel was excited too, but he no longer had any interest. He had proven himself enough to deserve to be the king. And he would be the king. When the assembly concluded, Gabriel headed to the library and picked up some old books. He had almost read every book in the library to expand his knowledge and study all the creatures living in Avria. "There you are," his mother, Savanna, appeared. "I'm busy, Mom," he replied. "I know, but do you want to participate in the competition?" "Even though I'm not interested, Father just announced that I will be competing. He is the king, and we have no choice." "I tried to convince him to treat you well, but he refused." "I'm fine, Mom. I am a grown man now, I can handle everything," he said confidently. "Is that the book about our kind?" his mother asked, looking at the book he had just taken from the shelf. "Yeah?" he wasn't sure. "What do you want to learn about us?" his mother inquired. "Just don't read those books. I can interpret that book for you." His mother took the book and returned it to the shelf. "So, what do you want to know?" "I have always been curious about the history of our kind. I have heard many stories, but I don't know which ones are true." "Very well then," her mother smiled warmly. "Once the universe and planets were created, various creatures, including werewolves, came into existence. However, due to the differences between these creatures and humans, our kind and the others have always concealed our true identities to coexist with humans. My father used to say that werewolves are the most adept at hiding their true nature. We have mastered the art of concealing our identities by consuming the same diet as humans and even controlling our transformations, even during the full moon. Unfortunately, it was the villagers who exposed our existence. In the village, a few werewolves lived in secret. One fateful night, a male werewolf unintentionally transformed in front of two humans. Without proper judgment, they reported what they saw, leading to the capture of the werewolf. On another night, the villagers attempted to burn him, but he managed to transform into a werewolf and escape. This incident made the entire village aware of the existence of werewolves. The news spread rapidly, posing a threat to our kind. Scientists, along with vampires and witches, tried to develop weapons against us, resulting in a decrease in our numbers and eventually leading to a war. It was during this war that the kingdom was established." "Do you happen to know the name of that werewolf?" "Who?" "That careless werewolf," he replied. "That man was your grandfather, the husband of Queen Avria. When your grandmother married him, he became the king." "Do you truly believe that there was a purpose behind all of those events?" he asked his mother earnestly. "Whether there was a purpose or not, what matters is that we are now safe from those threats. Sometimes, I understand why your father is so strict with you. However, I cannot bear to hear those hurtful words from him because I know they pain my son." "Don't worry about me, Mom. I understand that he has a duty as the king. He cannot just show weakness to his people because he is their source of strength."
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