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Larry is seated on my kitchen counter with a glass in his hand. I know it contains tequila because there is a bottle of tequila on the counter, next to him. What the hell is he doing here? How did he know where I live? How did he get in? “Surprised?” This asshole can’t even smirk. He has the same stoic expression on his face. “Yeah. How did you get here? Why are you here? How did you know where I live?” I ask walking to the fridge. I take a bottle of wine and pour some into a glass. I need a stronger drink, which is tequila but I can’t go closer to him. I don’t trust him. “You know who you are talking to, right?” he asks swinging his legs. He takes gulps of the  the tequila and pours more into his glass. He takes a sip and looks at me. “Yeah. I do.” I say and gulp loudly. “Then why are you asking those questions? You should know how powerful people like me are. Just a snap of my finger and I have your address and all your information.” Pride! I want to tell him that he should not floss but I know well who I’m dealing with so I gulp heavily and let it go. “How can I help you?” I ask sitting down. “Help me? You think you can help me Dr. Myra? Nope. I’m the one who wants to help you.” He says biting on his lip. I sigh heavily and shut my eyes for a few seconds to prevent myself from hurling the glass at him. Or better the bottle on the island. He is really crossing the line here. He is such a dumbass. “How do you want to help me?” I ask without intending to put sarcasm in it but it comes out sarcastically. He glares at me and takes a sip of the tequila. “So you know sarcasm?” he asks sarcastically. I bite on my lip angrily and decide to ignore his remark. “As I said, I’m here to help you.” He steps down and walks to a chair opposite me. He sits with his legs astride it and gives me a long look. “Ramsey called me and told me something interesting. That’s why I’m here.” He places the glass on the island and continues looking at me. His eyes are intense, so I decide to gulp down the wine and pour more into the glass to avoid them. “What was that?” I ask feigning naivety. “You are messing with the wrong person Myra.” He says angrily. “How am I messing with you?” “You have bruised my ego. First, you didn’t know who I was. You asked me my name. Who doesn’t know me here?” “Sorry sir. Was trying to get to know my client.” I’m in no mood for petty fights. He is so full of himself. “Not done miss Myra.” He shifts on the chair. “Secondly, Ramsey asked me whether I mind getting another shrink. You don’t want to be my shrink?” he asks angrily. “We were not on the same page at that time sir. That’s why I thought you getting another shrink, as you call it, is the best for both of us.” “So now you know what’s best for me?” he asks sarcastically. “Didn’t say so. I felt like I was not helping you so I thought you might get help else where.” “You thought?” he lets out a sarcastic laugh. “Do you think Myra? Because if you think, you would not be talking about getting me another shrink. How many shrinks do you think I want to share my private life with?” this one is bewitched. He is under a spell and he really needs a lot of help. His argument doesn’t make sense at all. He need a psychiatrist not a shrink. “I’m trying to help here.” “Really now?” “Yes sir.” “The only way you can help is to continue being my shrink.” I sigh heavily and shake my head at him. “Yeah you have no option. I don’t want every shrink to know what my problem is.” “No therapist can talk about a client with another person. It’s against our work code so your secret will be safe with me and your next therapist.” “I’m not taking another shrink. I started with you and I will continue the sessions with you until I’m okay. I’m not the type of people that like change.” He says glaring at me. “Meaning?” “Meaning you are going to be my shrink until I have had enough of it.” “How many sessions per week?” “I will communicate with you on my next session.” “Which is your next session?” “Any day that I’m free. I guess you can handle that. I’m paying a fortune for this. You should count yourself lucky.” He says with a smirk. “Lucky indeed.” The words are out before I can control them. “I like your sarcastic side.” He says with a chuckle and gets out of the chair. He stands looking at me. “That’s not being sarcastic.” “So what is it? Being humorous?” “Nope. Anyway, I have a schedule Mr. Larry. I have other clients and I need your schedule kindly.” I beg him. “I will look at my schedule and get back to you.” This is a surprise. I expected him to snap at me. “ How many times a week?” “Like twice or thrice.” The heck! This is going to be tough for me. Seeing him twice a week? “Okay.” I shrug and walk into the living room. “What are we watching?” He asks slumping on the couch next to me. He props his legs on the table and flashes me a smile. “I thought you were leaving? You need some help? You can talk to me. I’m your shrink.” “Yes. I need a lot of it.” “Talk to me. Tell me what you are dealing with and we will work on this together.” I say in a friendly way. “I need s*x and I want it from you.” Gulp. Double gulp. Triple gulp. What the hell? Is he out of his mind? “What did you say?” “I want s*x. It’s my therapy.” He says with a smirk. I give him a glare and go to sit on another couch. “You are crazy. I have a boyfriend.” “So what? I’m taking care of you on his behalf because he is not around.” “You are a psycho.” I say shaking my head. “Been told so severally.” He says with a smirk. “So what do you say? A shag on this couch will be awesome. I know you are on dry spell. I want to help.” “I’m not interested sir.” I stand and take the bottle of wine and the glass with me. “Once you are done with whatever you are doing here, you know your way out.”  “Okay sweetheart.” He shouts just as I get into my room. ******* I wake up with a start. That noise is coming from my living room. I look at the time and run my fingers through my hair. It’s two in the morning. I don’t know how many hours I have been sleeping but the wine must have gotten the better of me. I hear more noises and get out of bed. I wrap a robe around me and walk out. “What the hell is he doing here?” a voice booms in the house.  
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