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CHAPTER 13 Juliette Stern ran the brush through the young woman’s hair. “Are you nervous?” She could barely ask the question without her voice squeaking. “If God’s will is for me to leave, how could I be worried?” Hannah’s image in the mirror reminded Juliette of the Met’s sculpture of Saint Margaret, the sixteenth-century martyr. She wondered how someone so young could know what was coming and remain so serene. After growing up in Seoul as the American ambassador’s daughter, Juliette’s Korean was nearly impeccable. Tonight, however, she couldn’t even express in English her love for Hannah and the other students she was sending off. “You know you’ll be missed.” Juliette lowered her voice. “By more than just Mr. Stern and me.” Hannah didn’t blush, but Juliette noticed her bite the corner of her lip. Eve, the Sterns’ housekeeper, slipped her head into the room. “I’m sorry for interrupting, but Mr. Stern just called from the office. He said he’s a little late. He expects to be home in twenty minutes or less.” Juliette nodded, both in thanks and in dismissal. “Thank you. We’ll start when he gets here.” Eve shut the door, and Juliette thought about the students they would commission as soon as Roger got home. Would she ever know what happened to them ... which were to experience a full life of ministry and impact, and which were doomed to imprisonment and death? The Sterns wouldn’t have any contact with the students once they returned to North Korea. There was a finality to this farewell that made it even more poignant than sending her college-bound daughter back to the States a few weeks earlier. Crossing her arms, she sighed. “I’ll get your robe from the closet.” Her husband had scoffed at the idea, but Juliette purchased caps and gowns for the Secret Seminary students. After the uncounted hours of labor these young people had poured into their training, Juliette insisted on providing this special touch. She also hired two extra workers to help Eve prepare a send-off feast, since God alone knew how the students would manage to feed themselves once they crossed the border and returned to North Korea. But she would think about more positive things tonight. She forced herself to smile at Hannah, whose hands were folded in her lap as if in perpetual prayer. Juliette cleared her throat and forced chipper confidence into her tone. “Let’s finish getting you ready.” ***
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