
1303 Words

-HIM- She was red after the kiss. My lycan and I were now satisfied with how strong she smelt of me. Any hint of Stefaan's scent was completely gone but I wasn't going to let him get away with it. Once he's home, I'll beat him into a pump and bury him in the empty plot just beside my parent's grave. "That should do," I commented. At this, she snapped out of the daze that the kiss had put her into before giving me a mean look and stepping away from me. For a moment, it scared me a bit. Didn't she like the kiss? Or was my kiss too bold? But the way her heart was beating and when the very sweet and faint scent of arousal reached my nose, I knew she liked it. My lycan stirred inside me happily, feeling more alive than before because of the first kiss we had. "So, are you free this weekend,

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