Chapter 4 - The Final Attempt

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Chapter 4 - The Final Attempt Emily's POV "Good evening." I croak out, my voice sounding more high pitched than what I intended. "Emily." Robert nods at me and comes to peck my lips. I was taken by surprise but still managed to move my head so he ended up kissing my cheek instead. I furrow my eyebrows, obviously confused, but my husband puts his arm around my waist and guides me to have a seat at the table. It soon becomes apparent what they are all trying to do. The forced converstation and fake smiles, the fact that they are acting like nothing ever happened, and not a single peep about the divorce. Like not mentioning the elephant in the room will make it go away somehow. This is typical for my mother, to sweep everything under the rug like that, but I am not my mother, and won't go along with this charade any longer. I've made up my mind, and I would rather be living on the streets than have them force me back into this clearly loveless marriage which only kills my soul little by little. "Honey, we have talking to Robert, and we all agree that you might be a little stressed." My mother starts in a sweet voice, and I cringe, sensing where this is going. "It's great that you too are going on a vacation." She continues. I look at Robert, hoping that he'll see the madness in all this and stop her, but he doesn't. He only leans a bit closer to me and tries to get affectionate. I immediately pull away. "This is such a wonderful birthday treat. The Maldives!" Mother squeaks like an excited teenager. "Oh, Emily, you are so lucky to have a husband like Rob." The hell I am! That was it for me, the last straw. I jump up from my chair and glare at everyone. Until 2 days ago Robert's gesture of leaning closer would have seemed sweet to me, and my mom I would habe been able to tune out and ignore, but now it only enfuriates me. They all stare at me like I'm some mental case, but nobody dares to say anything. "Mother, Robert and I are getting divorced. I know it's not ideal, but for once, please try to think about my happiness." I plead and then turn my attention back to my husband. "Robert, I am so sorry to do this to you, but we both know there is no love between us. There might have been once, in the beginning, but not anymore. And you deserve to be with someone that is exactly what you have been looking for in a wife, someone that can give you what I can't." There are tears streaming down my face, but not from sadness, from anger. I am so angry at them for only caring about how this may look when people find out, only caring about the public implications, like my marriage is some sort of a business deal. "Jon, Laura, this is not what we agreed on." Robert gets up from his chair, calmly, while both my mom and dad gulp like they are afraid for their lives. "Robert, dear, I'm sure we can fix this." My mother squeaks out, panic clear in her eyes. She focuses her pleading gaze on me, but I have no idea what the f**k is going on right now. "You have 2 days to fix this Jon, or I'm calling my lawyer, and we all know what that means." Robert pushes his chair back and storms out of the room, and out of the house, not even sparing me a second glance. If I was confused before, now I'm downright scared. What happened to the sweet, oblivious Robert who would never get angry and cause a scene? I decided to focus my questions on my father, since he always seemed the one that cared about me more. "Dad, what was that all about? Why did Robert say you had an agreement?" My mother scoffs and gulps down her whole glass of wine, in a very uncharacteristic way. Thomas's POV Brigitte's whispers in my ear wake me up. She is purring like a lazy cat while kissing me and touching me, getting me ready for a morning round. On cue, my body responds and I open my eyes and flip us over, so I am now on top of her. She grins before we resume kissing hungrily, but I am less than happy about waking up next to her. "What are you still doing here?" I ask while taking her top off and completely exposing her breasts. The only reply I get from her are moans of pleasure and I keep fondling her n*****s. "I thought we had agreed that you wouldn't spend the night, Brigitte." I push before taking off my own boxer briefs. "I decided to be a bad girl and break the rules." She breathes out, probably trying to sound sexy and naughty but it only annoys me. I knew this would happen, I knew this day would eventually come, it always does. Props to Brigitte though, she lasted way more than any of them. Usually about a month into the agreement, my female partners started to want more. They would casually forget a cardigan at my place and later show up unannounced to retrieve it, or simply demand that we take the next step and ask them to become my girlfriend. Yeah, you can imagine how all of those talks ended. Let me give you a hint: it didn't go well for the ladies. I will never fall in love. This is the promise I made to myself on the day my mother died and my father's soul went on to be buried in that grave with her. I never wonder to be like that, love someone so much, with all my being, that if there were to fissapear from my life I would become this shell of a human. That day I decided that the only woman I would allow myself to love will be my baby sister, Lucille. Brigitte seemed different than the other women I had been with. She was more than happy to only be my f**k buddy in exchange for lawish gifts and access to a world full of wealthly billionaires looking for their next long term mistress. At least that's what she hinted that was her goal, because it apprears it might have changed now that she decided to spend the night instead of just slipping away like a catburglar after having s*x, like we originally agreed. I hate it when people can't hold their end of a deal, especially when feelings start to get in the way. And don't get me started on how I despise clingy women, hence why Brigitte must go. But I have to f**k her first, give her something to remember me by, call it a parting gift. I narrow my eyes and look at her flushed face, and start giving her what she wanted when she woke me up. I will have to make it quick though, the experience not being nearly as enjoyable for me as it is for her.
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