CH 18

1983 Words

Orien He’d been furious last night at finding Luci’s room empty when he and Addison had gone to check on her, though their own attentions had been on each other when the moon had set. Preoccupied with pleasing each other and sating their own needs, so hadn’t gone into her room till nearly 30 minutes after the moon had set. And she’d not been there, both he and Addison had tried to reach the girl via a mind-link and gotten nothing at all. Addison had frowned a lot and tried more than once, had put a hand on him to stop his anger and stalking from the room to hunt the girl. She’d been frowning deeply and told him it was likely she had shifted, was probably out in the woods. That they just couldn’t connect to her because they actually didn’t know what she felt like to them, or where exactl

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