CH 10

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Orien He marched himself up to their rooms, banged right into his suite, was going to tear strips off of that girl, regardless of what her mother wanted. Luci knew better or should know better than to behave that way inside another pack, show full disrespect like she had. He had told her and Thatcher the rules of being in another’s pack, had practically drummed the rules into both of them; on the drive up here. Seeing as neither of them had been to an allied pack before; other than his mother's pack. It was something he’d put off, he didn’t need his allied packs, male wolves getting ideas where she was concerned, they had been here all of a minute and that bloody Beta had looked her over. He was right to keep her out of other packs up until now. His rules were clear, when you’re in another’s pack, respect for the reigning Alpha and his unit was a must. Speak when spoken to, don’t show any form of disrespect to him. To their mother or to each other, for that matter. They were to be polite and respectful at all times. Speak proudly and fondly of their home pack, and don’t start any fights with each other. It wasn’t that hard to do, just two or three days, was it really so hard a thing to do? Keep one’s tongue held till they were gone. He didn’t think it was that hard to do. Luci was just being a spoiled brat and he knew it. He’d gone off and found Thatcher before coming up here to their suite, wanted to sit down with both of them and remind them of the rules. Though Thatcher, so far, had been a good boy, followed all the rules, had even gone off and made friends, played out behind the packhouse with some of the kids from here. His boy made friends very easily, was well liked by most as far as he could see, had a nice even temperament, and could mind his manners, even got along with his sister for the most part. Which was good. He did like that the two children got along. Though he was very disappointed in Luci right this minute. Hell, most of the time that girl disappointed him. It didn’t really surprise him that she knew he wanted Thatcher to be the Heir to Nightfall. She’d commented more than once that he loved Thatcher more than he did her. That ticked him off, he loved them both the same the majority of the time, but things got more difficult with Luci as the years passed. It wasn’t that he didn’t love her, it was just that he couldn’t contain her, she was too willful, and she wouldn’t do as she was told. It didn’t help that Addi never helped him to admonish the girl, was always on Luci’s side of everything, he could do nothing right with her; not since she’d been 12. He was only allowed to raise his voice to the girl and the occasional smack up the backside of her head was all he was allowed to do, where punishment was needed for the children. And it made things more difficult than they needed to be. Raising his voice was all he truly had. He couldn’t do anything else, not lash her, not put her in a cell, not even smack the child. Addi didn’t believe in any of that for her children. She believed a simple sit down and calm, rational talking to, was the way to go with both the children. That did not work for Luci anymore, it had once when she was little, but not nowadays. Addison was standing right in front of the adjoining door to Luci’s room, and he knew she was there for a reason, was putting herself between him and Luci, like she always did. “Thatcher, go to your room.” He told the boy. “Is Luci in trouble?” he asked. “Yes,” he’d stated, “Go to your room, please.” Orien saw his boy look right at his mother for a moment, and then just sigh and turn and go to his room, closing the door. He’d seen them argue before. Hell, that boy had seen his own mother go and sleep elsewhere after they fought. “Addison, that girl was outright disrespectful. Not only to me, but the way I run things. To both Alpha Rafe and Beta as well. I can’t have that, and you know it.” He watched her fold her arms and stare right at him. “Perhaps, you shouldn’t have stated she was wolf-less.” “They needed the reminder. That Beta was eyeing her off or did you just not notice it?” “That is not the point, you tell everyone she is wolf-less, and you know it bothers her to hear you do it.” “It’s the simple truth of the matter, Addison.” “You picked a fight with Luci on purpose, you knew it would make her angry, you wanted a reason to find a way to make her stay in this suite and not be allowed out of it. Ground her.” “I do not want that, Addison.” He told her. “Are you certain? What punishment are you considering, seeing that you picked that fight yourself?” He glared right at Addison now, “Stern words ought to do it.” he muttered, he did want to go in there and yell at her, ground her to that very room for their entire stay. It would keep male wolves off of her. He also knew that her defiant streak was going to see her find a bed that was not hers to be in. Didn’t want that, it would just be disrespectful to him and their home pack. The Alpha’s daughter being seen as not only unruly, but promiscuous is what would get out to his allied packs. He did not want, nor need, that reputation for the pack, she had to learn to abide by certain rules, and staying in her own bed was the number one rule he needed her to follow while here. This was a very large pack, and he had a good alliance with them and didn’t want them talking about Luci behind his back in such a manner. “I don’t believe you.” Addison stared up at him. “Like you would let me smack that girl.” He snapped. “Have I ever laid a hand on her, even once?” “Yes, you have. Do you recall just a month ago you dragged her from the training ground, and she had a bruised arm for nearly a week, because you had such a tight grip on her.” He frowned at Addi now and sighed, “That was an accident, and I did apologize.” “It’s not the first bruise she’s gotten from you, you may have never hit her Orien, but she often gets a bruised arm or elbow from you pulling her around to make your point.” She stared at him pointedly. She was, unfortunately, not wrong, had him on that one. He never meant to bruise the girl, she just had really fair skin and any sort of tight grip on her seemed to just pull dark purple bruising to the surface. It was like you couldn’t even touch her without bruising her sometimes. “She bruises easily, Addi; I don’t mean to do it, you know that. You’d beat me senseless if I did it on purpose, would you not?” He sighed now because he knew that his own Mate would in fact come at him if he hurt Luci on purpose. “I think sometimes you want to,” She stated flatly. “Yes, there are days when I want to punish that girl of ours. But have I ever really punished her, Addi? No, I have not, laid down a few strict rules is all. Rules that need to be there, she looks just like you. Half the damned pack is attracted to her and looking to mate off to her, and you know it.” “There is nothing wrong with that. She is desirable, that is all. It doesn’t mean that she will sleep with them all.” “Really?” he muttered. “You need to loosen the reins a little, she’s only defying you because of all those rules. If they weren’t there, she’d be easy to handle for you.” “If I hadn’t laid out those rules, Addi. She’d have f****d her way through her own Alpha unit years ago.” “Let it go, Orien. She is Alpha-blooded. We’ve had this conversation more than once.” “Bring her in here, so I can talk to her.” “No, I’ve already seen her.” she frowned and walked away from the door and right over to him, “I don’t think she’s feeling well. I think this could be why she’s agitated, more than normal.” “Not feeling well?” he frowned now, knew wolves didn’t get sick. Luci had never been sick a day in her life, but the way Addi said it, he was actually inclined to believe her. “Yes, looks flushed and a bit sweaty, was like that even before you and she got into it. Did you not notice?” “Well, actually I did see her wipe sweat from her brow, perhaps a trip to the pack doctor would help?” He didn’t want Luci to get sick, it would freak Addi out completely and he knew it. “Let’s see how she goes. Most wolves can fight off being sick. Then there is…” “There is what?” he asked, wondering if he was going to find out the other side of their daughters’ lineage finally. “The full moon after her 18th birthday, around 2am tonight, she could be about to get her wolf. Some come late, and some bodies don’t handle it well, they run fevers, and they get agitated as well.” He was staring right at Addi now, “You really think she might get her wolf tomorrow.” He smiled a little at the thought of it, Fallon was a pretty wolf, he was willing to bet Luci’s would be too. “That would be nice for her.” “It would. I am hoping she will. Can you please just leave her be for now, just in case this is what is happening, she’ll likely be cranky and irritable as her body prepares for its first shift.” He nodded, “Alright, a reprieve for now. But if she doesn’t get her wolf, Addison. I want you to punish her for disobeying the rules. You, not me.” He countered. Orien saw her frown near instantly. “I will ground her.” Addison nodded. “For one week, no boyfriend, no training, I’ll even let you go in and take her TV away if you like. I do understand she broke the rules. But I honestly still think you picked a fight with her.” “Perhaps I did.” He finally acknowledged, “I didn’t like the way Beta Jack was looking at her. You know as well as I do Addi, they share one woman between them. Do you really want that for Luci? It won’t just be Jack, it will be Rafe as well.” She sighed but said nothing, just like she always did. Would likely let it happen, he realised, if Luci wanted it, was willing to be a part of that. He didn’t understand his own Mate sometimes, what parent wanted that for their own daughter. Certainly, none that he knew of. If she was their Mate, so be it, he’d have no say in it. It was what the Goddess had planned for the girl, but if she wasn’t that was a whole other issue altogether. But at least he had gotten Addi to state she would punish the girl. That would be a first. Coming from her mother, it would likely be devastating to the girl. It might only be a mild punishment, but to Luci, it would be a complete shock, and she’d never see it coming. Any punishment her mother dished out, even mild, would be like him lashing the girl, so he was happy with that. “I’m sorry Addi, that I stated she was wolf-less and upset her.” He slid his arms around her and hugged her to him. “I really would like to see her get her wolf.” “Me too.” Addi nodded. “I bet Addi, she’ll be as pretty as Fallon is.” He murmured and heard her chuckle softly. “You’re trying to sweet talk me.” “I am.” He nodded. “Rali and I want to take our beautiful Mate to bed and r****h her for hours.” She actually giggled and hugged him. He was thankful their fight seemed to be over, “Thatcher is still up.” She murmured. “Hmm, it’s still early, we could have a shower and fool around a little.” He saw those hazel blue eyes of hers turn up to him, knew she was interested, but also knew she was going to put him off until Thatcher was asleep. Hugged her, “I can wait.” “Then you can have me after he goes to bed, for hours.” She teased him softly. Orien smiled down at her, leaned down and kissed her lightly, he would wait, and he would have her for hours, just like she promised him.
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