CH 11

2182 Words
Luci They both huffed in annoyance now. Yes, they were both stuck, it seemed, and a part of Luci wondered if she couldn’t be sated simply because she didn’t have her shift yet. She knew she-wolves were sensitive creatures and enjoyed being touched, got all hot and bothered and could be sated easily. Were as horny as the un-mated males were. So maybe she was just going to be stuck this way until Kali could get out of her. Luci turned her attention back to the bath and away from the woods. Being wolf-less was why there were rules from her father, or at least that’s what he told her. She was not a wolf, so she wasn’t allowed to touch any of an Alpha Units; no ranked members, not even heirs of ranked members. Certainly not an Alpha or his heir, even a young one was off limits to her. “Alphas are not like normal wolves, are bigger and more aggressive in the mating department. No wolf-less girls can handle them, that means you Lucian.” He’d told her and on more than one occasion, like she needed to be reminded. She did know, had heard his words and been annoyed by them. Now, even just today before coming here, she’d gotten in trouble for looking at the future Alpha Unit in her pack. They were all young and though good and strong, not as buffed up as the older units were, they were still working on getting stronger and building all the muscles they would eventually have. So why couldn’t she crawl into one of their beds and let one of them try to sort out her needs? Luci stripped off and submerged herself under the water and stayed there, she always felt just a little bit better, a bit calmer under the water. It was very relaxing for her, she liked it a lot. Even back home at Nightfall, she had a soaker tub. Her mother had it put in for her. “I know you feel better in water. So, a good tub to soak in is my gift to you.” Luci could stay under the water for a very long time, a lot longer than most she’d noted, the longest she’d stayed submerged was 6 minutes and only then did she have a need to come up and breathe. Her mother just smiled at her and hugged her when she told her she’d beaten her own record. She stayed in that bath and just relaxed for a long time, fell asleep with her head resting on a rolled-up towel she’d used to make shift as a pillow to help relax herself. Woke up to see that it was dark outside. The water was cold now, not that it bothered her at all; liked being in the cold water. That was often more relaxing than warm water. Luci got up and out of the bath, groaned, she felt even worse, she realised, as she stood there and dried herself off; she felt utterly hideous, that headache was suddenly a pounding headache that had her hands rubbing at her temples. She was suddenly light sensitive and had to half close her eyes against the brightness of the bathroom. Her whole body was aching all over, and she was not only sweating within just a few minutes of getting out of the bath and pulling pj’s on, but she was also shivering a little as well. Luci got snarled at by Kali near instantly at having put those clothes on, their skin seemed to scream at the material, rebel against it and caused them to be itchy all over. Oh, there was definitely something wrong with them. She made her way to that bed, really needed to lay down and try and get more sleep, or she was going to need to be hospitalised. She didn’t want that. She would give it one hour and if she didn’t feel any better, she was going to wake her mother. Was about to get into her bed when Kali snarled ‘Go outside.’ ‘It’s late, Kali, and I don’t feel so well.’ Luci told her as she sank down on the bed. ‘Now. I need to be outside.’ Her wolf was angry and very unhappy, was actually being aggressive with her, which wasn’t like Kali at all. Whatever was wrong with them was obviously affecting her as well. ‘Father will kill me, it’s after midnight.’ ‘I’ll wear it.’ Kali shot right back at her. ‘Yeah right.’ Luci groaned, how could her wolf wear it? When they didn’t even know she existed, couldn’t get out of her to wear it. But she turned away from the bed and left the suite in just her pj’s, ‘Yep if father finds out I’m a dead woman.’ She thought absently as she headed down the hallway, at least the polished concrete floor was cold on her feet. That was something nice and a part of her really wanted to just lay down on it and stay there to cool herself off. She put a hand on the wall as she walked, felt more than a little dizzy at times and thought she was going to fall down as well. On the bright side, it was after midnight and her father, she knew, would be busy with or curled up with her mother, in their own suite, so he wouldn’t have heard her leave. Not having a wolf did actually come in handy sometimes. He couldn’t feel her moving away from him, or through the packhouse either. Luci made her way down the stairs, had to really grip onto the railing and then kind of just stumbled and slid down the last three steps to land on her backside on the floor. She didn’t really know how to find a door to get outside other than the front doors and the dining room. Luci could see from here the front doors were closed for the night. She managed to get herself up and stumble her way over there, pushed and pulled on them to no avail. They were locked up tight, she could see the coded panel on the door which she didn’t have. She sighed to herself when Kali snarled at her for not getting outside. Luci turned and headed for the packhouse dining room. There were several glass doors that led to the outside, in there. She’d seen Thatcher use one to go out and play with his new friends. Surely there had to be one that was still open, or not coded, so she could open it. Luci headed down the hallway that she knew led to the dining room and came right upon Alpha Rafe and Beta Jack. They were both eating a sandwich and only wearing a pair of slacks. Likely just gotten back from their shift that she’d seen them go on earlier that night. Luci stopped walking and slid her eyes over each one of them in turn, it seemed that even not feeling well she couldn’t bloody help it, they were half naked. All their chest and abdominal muscles were on display and boy didn’t they have them. Damn bloody sexy beasts, the pair of them, and they just had to be walking around half naked in the middle of the night. She shook her head after a moment of staring at them to try and clear her thoughts, she had other issues going on right this minute. “Like what you see?” It was Beta Jack, and she saw a smirk spread right across his lips, not just a normal smile because he knew she’d just looked him over, ogled all his muscles. Her eyes slid over him once more, she couldn’t bloody stop herself with that comment, he’d said it on purpose, and she knew it was meant to draw her eyes back to his body, and it bloody worked. She once again took in all his muscled-up goodness, then just growled right at him all deep and soft. But she did know better, had them stupid rules. She sighed to herself and then muttered at him, “Ah, you couldn’t handle me anyway.” “Luci, are you alright?” Alpha Rafe asked her. He was frowning at her now. She watched as he reached a hand out to touch her face and moved away from it. That was not a good idea. “I’m fine, just hot.” She muttered, hating her father's rules right this minute, not to mention she wasn’t feeling all that great, but they didn’t need to know just how dreadful she truly was feeling. Luci turned and walked away from them, pushed on all the doors to the outside until she came across one that was open, heard the latch click and sighed as she stepped outside, into the night breeze, that cold winter air was glorious on her hot skin. She felt the moon set, like everyone else here would have, and then gasped as pain ripped right through her entire body. She nearly screamed as she felt her whole-body c***k and break and snap almost all at once. So very fast, and then they were just gone running off into the woods, but it wasn’t her. It was Kali, she was free, had finally managed to get out of her and into her wolf form. Kali ran full tilt away from the packhouse and right into the dark forest, a place she’d never been before, didn’t even care that she had no idea where she was going, there was just pure joy filtering to her, from her wolf, as she ran freely for the very first time. Luci was just as exhilarated by her first shift as Kali was. No longer did they feel horrible and unwell either, they were both just happy and excited, alive. Finally, they both got to feel what all other wolves felt. She got to see through Kali’s eyes, knew it was pitch dark out here, but with Kali’s heightened sight it wasn’t dark. She could see everything. Kali ran as fast as she could, really stretching her legs, leaping over fallen trees and bouncing off large rocks and tree stumps, leaped up high into the air and growled and snarled at anything that moved, dug into the burrows that small animals raced off to, startled by them, and then she chased lots of little animals all over the place. Kali scratched at some of the trees and rolled around in the grass of the forest floor, loved being free and finally was able to be her true self, ‘I’m free, Luci.’ She chortled, sounding so very happy to Luci. ‘I’m gonna f**k the first ranked man I see.’ Luci laughed right back. No longer could her father tell her no. She was now an Alpha female in the true sense of the word, and could, now that she had a wolf, handle an Alpha male if she so chose to take one on. Oh, she was going to get in so much trouble, and she already knew it, but right this very minute as she laughed along with Kali, she didn’t bloody care at all, was free and whole and nothing was going to ruin that for her. She was finally a shifter. ‘I’ll let you, I’m so happy I don’t have a care in the world.’ They were both laughing now, the pair of them as happy as each other, for each other. Kali ran all over the place, and then just stopped and looked up at the night sky, the moon was so very bright and full, stood and just howled right up at her, happy to have been granted her true form finally. Then she stood and shook herself all over before just shifting Luci back to her human form. ‘That stings.’ Luci told her. ‘First shift, it’ll get easier.’ Kali chortled. ‘So, where in this pack did you leave my naked ass?’ Luci chuckled softly. She had no idea. ‘I don’t know.’ Kali chortled right back, ‘just sleep out here.’ ‘In the snow?’ she shook her head. ‘I’m also not tired to be honest.’ and she wasn’t, had slept for hours in the bath, felt not only energized but had an itch to scratch still, and she’d just had to see those two dead sexy beasts on her way out here, that didn’t bloody help. ‘There’s no one around, just scratch it here.’ Kali snorted, amused. ‘Then we make our way back.’ Luci smiled to herself. Why the hell not? She wasn’t allowed to find a man out here in this pack, had been warned already by her father. She’d had that itch even before she’d gotten here; gotten in trouble back home for it. That was why she was here, to be punished and kept away from her pack, from her own unit or Trent even.
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