Grief and rejection

3123 Words

Winter’s pov “Go now” my mate screamed at me, fear threatening to cripple me, I closed my eyes and thought of my mother, my safe place, my comfort, “Winter?” my mother’s soft voice ran in my ears, I opened my eyes and I was standing on a porch of what looked like a cabin, my mother stood at the door with a slight frown on her face. “Mom” I shot forward and I hugged her, she wrapped her arms around me and I cried into her shoulder. A sudden pain shot through my back and head and my legs gave out under my weight but my mother caught before I could reach the ground, “Winter what’s wrong? What’s the matter?” she asked me panicking, “I don’t kn…” I tried to respond but then my throat closed up, I struggled to breath and I was growing light headed, what the hell was going on with me but then it

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