A story and a prophesy

2564 Words

Aurora’s pov Its dark, it’s all dark, empty. I don’t know how long I’ve been wondering in this darkness with no sign of light or life. “Hello” I yelled out into the darkness, “is anyone there?” I tried again, “please” I don’t know what I’m pleading for but all I know is that I don’t want to be alone. Is this what death feels like? Cold, dark and empty? Sighing I sit down bringing my knees to my chest to hug them as tears pool in my eyes. I’m dead, my sister killed me, she killed our parents and my mate rejected me, Xavier rejected me, I curled into a ball and cried, this is all I’ve been doing since I died, I guess that’s why I haven’t found peace, I hate her, I hate my mate. “Aurora” I heard a voice, so light so sweet, I sprang up and looked around but it was all engulfed in darkness.

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