
1162 Words
{Sophia’s POV} I woke up to the sound of the door opening, and Kai running in. “I got the food!” He said proudly. I sat up, rubbing my eyes groggily, “Awesome, I’m starving!” I looked over to Soren who was staring down at me with an unreadable expression on his face. “Awe, you guys are so cute together!” Kai said laughing. “As if!” I said, wrapping the blanket around myself. “Yeah, plus you know I recently started dating Britannia!” Soren added, shifting around on the couch. “I’m just protective of Sophia, I’ve known her since she was in diapers!” Britannia.. ugh, that name left a bad taste in my mouth. She was a beautiful woman, no denying that, it was her personality that was ugly. “Why did you have to date her? She’s the nastiest woman I’ve ever had the displeasure of meeting!” Kai said, sticking his tongue out in disgust. “Oh come on Kai, he also likes the nastiest foods so it makes sense. He just has bad taste!” I said shrugging and laughing. “Ha, ha, ha, very funny!” Soren stated blandly before sitting up and opening up the boxes to find his food. “Well at least I can get a date. When’s the last time you dated someone Sophia?” He asked, popping a slice of raw tuna in his mouth. I paused for a moment and stared blankly at the wall. The last person I dated was Jack.. I left him because he would get drunk and beat the crap out of me. At that time I was staying in more often and barely talked to anyone. The only person who know about that was Cassie. My eyes began to tear up, but I looked away and quickly wiped them. “A while..” I said softly, opening up my California Rolls and digging in. “Hey, I didn’t mean to upset you.. I was just..” Soren started. I cut him off. “No it’s fine.. it wasn’t that.. it was something else that bothered me. Just the timing.. it was perfect timing I guess..” I opened up a box of noodles and dug in. Kai looked over to Soren, then looked at me. He gave me this look, and it was then that I realized that he knew what happened. I pulled out my phone and texted him. “Who told you?” I wrote. “Don’t be mad, I cornered Cassie one day and told her that I knew you’d been acting weird. I just wanted to know what was going on.” He tested back, following it up with. “I’m sorry..” I just sat my phone down and nodded, going back to my food. “Well, I wanna know..” Soren’s voice rang out beside me. “There’s nothing to know.. it was just something that happened a while ago. I just didn’t know that Cassie told Kai.” I said, shoving in another mouthful of noodles. “Kai..” he said, I could tell he was getting aggravated. He’d always been protective over me. “Why don’t you to worry about Britannia!” I sneered. “Ask again, and I’ll kick you out! It’s not any of your business Soren!” I yelled, I grabbed my food and began eating again. He paused for a moment then nodded. “Okay, sorry I asked.” He said, turning back to his food and eating. Once we were all done I put the leftovers in the fridge and walked back out to the living room. “Can I stay the night?” Kai asked. “Sure, I don’t care! I don’t have any plans for tomorrow, so we can go to the mall or something if you want! I’ll treat you to lunch and ice cream!” I said cheerfully. “What about you Soren?” “I’m heading over to Brit’s, she’s expecting me. Wouldn’t want to disappoint her now, would we?” He smirked before walking to the door. “Okay, bye!” I said, plopping down onto the couch. He walked out the door, shutting it behind him. “You guys fight like a married couple, I don’t see why you aren’t together..” Kai said, looking between the door and me. “Well, that’s because I’ll never be good enough for him. I’m not tall, and beautiful like Britannia. I have brown hair, he likes blondes. I have brown eyes, he loves blue eyes. We’re just not meant to be together.. I don’t think I’m really meant to be with anyone though.” I said, laying back on the couch. “You know what would be awesome?” I asked, looking over to him. “If you’re about to say movie marathon in your room, I might cry!” He said. He was like a golden retriever. Soren and I were best friends, but Kai and I, we’re like platonic soulmates! I sat up quickly. “Exactly what I was thinking!” I cheered. I jumped up running to the front door and locking it. I noticed that Soren had just begun walking away. I opened the door. “Something you wanted to say?” I asked, leaning against the doorframe and crossing my arms. “Goodnight..” he said, his tone seemed irritated as he walked away into the night. I closed the door, locking it once again and running back to the living room. “You ready for a movie marathon?” I asked, smiling brightly. “H*** yeah!” He said jumping up and running into my room. He dove into my bed and began sliding under the covers. “Okay, what are we watching?” He asked, propping up all the pillows so we could lean on them. “Hmm.. how about instead of a movie, we watch trash reality tv, like the worst of the worst?” I said, laughing and crawling into bed beside him. “Perfect!” He said, pulling the remote from my side table and turning on the tv. He scrolled through shows until he found one that he liked and then he turned it on. We were two episodes in when I got a test from Soren. It was a picture of him and Britannia on the couch. “Brit says hey!” The text read. I sent, a picture back of Kai and I in bed. We were cuddled up in our pajamas watching this god awful reality show. It was honestly kinda funny how bad it was. “Hey, from me and Kai!” I sent back. He left me on read, and that was the last I heard from him that night. I snuggled up to Kai, getting nice and comfy. I pulled the blanket up around me, and after a few more episodes I fell asleep.
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