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{Sophia’s POV} The next day I woke up to the sound of banging on my front door. I looked at the time and realized it was 3:00 in the afternoon. Kai and I had slept almost all day. When I got up, I noticed that I was partially on top of Kai, he was still out cold. He’s such a night owl, always has been. I smiled at him, he was so adorable. I carefully got out of bed and made my way to the front door. Another series of bangs resounding as I approached it. “I’m coming, I’m coming!” I flung open the door to find Soren, he looked so mad, and I couldn’t for the life of me understand why he was so angry at my front door this early. “What’s wrong Soren? Why are you banging on my door?” I asked, looking over him. “Is he still here?” He asked, pushing past me, and making his way to my room. When he saw Kai asleep in my bed he looked like he could kill. “You two slept together?” He yelled, waking Kai up. “We fell asleep watching trash tv, it’s not like we did anything. Even if we did, it isn’t really your place to say anything. You could have slept over too, but you wanted to go stay with Brit..” I said, matter of factly. He scoffed. “She’s my girlfriend!” He yelled at me. “And Kai is one of my best friends! Just like you are! You’re not my brother, my dad, or my boyfriend so there is no reason for you to be here yelling at me for who stays over!” I yelled back. “If I want Kai to stay over he can, if I want to pick up a random guy at a bar to stay over I can! It’s not any of your business!” He turned to Kai and gave a deadly stare. “I told you to stay away from her!” He yelled. “Excuse me?” I said, poking his chest. “You don’t get to tell my friends to stay away from me. Until you figure out your crap, you need to stay away from me!” I yelled, my temper beginning to boil. He looked taken aback. “Sophia..” he started. “No! Get out!” I yelled pointing to the front door. He stood for a minute, before turning and pacing out the door. He turned around, and began to say something but I slammed the door in his face, locking it. I walked back into my room and paced around frustrated. “How could he act like that? We’ve all had sleep overs before. I’ve had sleep overs alone with you, him, Felix, and Liam! We’re all so close, why is he acting so weird?” I asked, looking over to Kai who was just sitting on my bed with a weird expression in his face. I walked over and sat down in front of him. “Kai? What’s wrong?” I asked. “You don’t understand! He won’t let us tell you! I didn’t think that it’d be a problem, but since your birthday he’s been different. I’m sorry Sophie, I’m going to go ahead and head out..” he said standing up and grabbing his things. “Wait, what about going to the mall? Remember? I was going to take you out for lunch..” I said chasing him as he made his way to the door. “Maybe some other time Sophia..” he said, opening the door and walking out, where Soren was still standing. Soren stood with his arms crossed, and a smirk on his face. I couldn’t handle it anymore, his attitude had gotten out of hand. “I don’t know why you look so smug.. I’m going to the club tonight!” I said smugly. “And Cassie just bought me a beautiful new dress, I think I’ll wear it! You guys have fun with your weird s***!” I said slamming the door and locking it once again. I didn’t even do anything wrong, but for some reason I’m being punished. He’s acting like a child with a favorite toy. I heard banging on my door, but since I knew it was Soren I just decided to ignore it. I walked into my bathroom and stripped off my clothes, tossing them down then pulled off my n***** covers. I took my hair down, allowing it to flow down my back, all the way to the backs of my thighs. Then turned on my shower, I looked in the mirror and sighed. My eyes trailed over my ribs to the tattoo that I had of butterflies. Then to my hip where I had some roses with a bee on one. I then looked to my piercings, both of my n******, and my belly button were pierced. Suddenly I heard a noise at my bathroom door, I turned to see Soren. His eyes scanned my body, taking in every single inch of it. I turned and grabbed my towel pulling it to my chest. “What the h*** Soren! What is your problem?” I yelled. His eyes scanned down to my leg where I had begun a tattoo to cover up some scarring that I had from my relationship with Jack. He had bitten my thigh so hard that it broke skin, and his teeth marks were still on me. I had an appointment to get it tattooed over, but it wasn’t for another two weeks. I covered it up with my hand, and yelled once again. “I said get out Soren!” Kai came around the corner, stopping behind Soren, and his eyes widened as he looked at me. I was barely covering myself, and my hair was a curly mess that fell all around me. I was trying so hard to keep my scar covered that I was having trouble with the towel. “Kai, get him out of here!” I yelled. Kai nodded, before grabbing Soren’s arm. “Come on Soren, she doesn’t want you here!” He said, trying to drag him away. “Who did that to you Soph?” He asked, his voice angrier than I’d ever heard it before. “Don’t worry about it Soren! I’m so sick of your mood swings! You need to go before I call your girlfriend.” I yelled, still trying to cover myself. He gritted his teeth, before turning and leaving in a huff. I sighed as he left and dropped to the floor on my knees, and just began sobbing.

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