

opposites attract

about three guys and two girls in college who were given the opportunity to work as an undercover agent with fully paid salary but they were finding it very hard to cope with both their education and the job so they decided to quit but something strange happened that brought them back to the job and it includes risking or even losing their lives.

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episode one
(14 years ago) " where is that crazy b***h?, a drunk man in black suit who was standing at the door asked and was waiting for response, " what have I done wrong this time around? a white woman came out from the back door and standing at a spot not moving close to the man cause she knew that it will be trouble if she should move close to the man, " why haven't you put my dinner on the table? the man asked, " your food is already on the table" she replied shakily Stacy pov Oh God! why is this woman disturbing my sleep, why cant i just rest “Stacy” she called out again but this time was lauder “you know that you will be going to your new college and you must not be late so get up and go take your bath” she said why walking straight to the kitchen”ok fine av heard you”I replied and went straight to the bathroom to have my bath. Well let me introduce myself to you guys, I am Stacy Williams, 22 years old and my mom just got divorced with my dad cause he was caught cheating on her so we had to move out of town and I also had to change my school, now we live in Texas, although the house is not as big as I have imagined but it's still manageable, I broke up with my boyfriend last two months cause he was not rich and he could not even get me a reasonable present on my birthday, and now I'm on my own, not ready for any relationship, just all by myself “Mom am ready so let's start going”I said to her, “ make sure you behave yourself and don't make videos while you are in the classroom,”she told me, “ ok”I answered her in other to satisfy her but I was not going to listen to her, so we entered the car and drove off to my school then she left for her new job. MIKE'S POV Why must I always be late for school everyday and always have to jump over the school fence with George, “Mike hurry up George has been waiting for you for over 15 minutes” my dad called out “am almost done please give me a minute”I replied then took out my comb and started heading over to the sitting room to meet them “me and George were just talking about your up coming exam and I hope you are preparing cause I have not been seeing you with your books instead you have been playing games” I knew he was becoming serious and I had to do something “ dad you know that I don't read in the daylight only in the night” I replied him in other to surpass his anger “ dad am already late so I have to start going” I took my bag immediately and left the house in other to avoid any upcoming query. Oh sorry I haven't introduced myself, my name is Maxlen mike, I am 24 years old, I live in Texas, my mom died when I was ten and since then I have been living alone with my dad cause he said he could not get married, no girlfriend, just on my own and with my friend George, also, I love playing video games,l. “Mike did you notice the new girl that just moved in with her mom four days ago? George asked, “ oh yeah I saw her and her mom this morning entering the car” I paused , “she must be from a rich family” George chuckled then I checked my time “what! We are late , we need to hurry up” JAYDEN'S POV (in class) why am I so shy to talk to a girl and just ask her out [ trying to move closer to Stephanie] wait what if she reject me in front of the whole class, no I can't do this, “ hey Steph wassup” that was my friend waltz I guess he wants to help me out “ I have been dying to tell you this but I actually have feelings for you and I don't want another person to say this to you before I do” what was that All abou, I told this guy to help me talk to her and now he uses that one against me “ am sorry but am not in for this” Stephanie replied, wow this girl is actually a crazy b***h, “ that's what you get for being a fool” I said to waltz and he stood up from his seat trying to create a scene that was when the principal and a new teacher entered the classroom “as you can all see, there is a new teacher and he's name is Mr Stark and he will be taking you guys science history so you guys should all respect him and there is also a new student” he called out the new girl in other for her to introduce herself then she went back to her seat. Ok so my name is Gary Jayden, am 23 years old and I live with my aunt in Texas because my dad got drunk one night and he killed my mom when I was 9 years old so he was taken to jail to stay there for 15 years so that's all about me. STEPHANIE POV Wow this guy actually think am a simple girl who he could just call on a date and will just accept I didn't even thought twice before replying him cause the guy is not a little bit handsome and am not ready for any of these relationship “ hey young lady hope you are paying attention to what I have been saying” the new teacher asked “ yes sir” I replied even though I was not listening to any of his words. You could call me Stephanie, no need for full me but you could also call me the silent b***h cause I don't usually talk to anyone like the way others do, I am 22 years old, I love putting on my headphone in other to listen to music but must times I don't listen to music so I just use the headphone in other to avoid any conversation with anybody, my parents are not always around, my dad is a military man and he leaves the house sometimes for five or four months and whenever he comes back he only spend a week before he leaves for his work while my mom is a pilot and she only comes home on weekends and leave on Sunday afternoon after the morning Mass, I guess am always alone but am already used to it so no need to feel pity for me. “ Wow! Is this how you guys do come late to class ? The new teacher asked Mike and George who where just entering the hall “ we are so sorry sir” those guys never stop to make me laugh, they went to their seat and the new teacher continued with his teaching which seems a little bit boring or maybe because I wasn't concentrating. “ Dring! Dring! Phew, thank God, this period is over [ she puts on her headset and waited for the next teacher to come in (The next day) Mr Stark's pov ( On call ) yes ma'am I know and I already found the best Ong them which we will be needing for this job and I will make it a successful one [ he heard a knock on his door] ok ma'am see you later. “ Mr Stark, I guess you forgot that you will be having our class now” a guy came to remind me, “ oh that's true I will be with you guys in a second” I immediately followed him to the class and we started the lesson, “ good morning everyone, I will be giving everyone test today and I hope you all do great” everyone was shocked by what I said but I was not worried so immediately I begin to share the paper to each and everyone of them. “ thank God you guys are early today” I said to the two late comers, well I actually knew their names but I will rather try not to look suspicious in other to achieve my goal in this place. I guess you might wonder how I got to know their names but first of all let me start with the introduction, my name is Anthony stark I work as an undercover agent for a secret base called THE ADVANCE SECRET SOCIETY OF INFORMATION AND TECHNOLOGY FOR PROTECTION OF THE COUNTRY [ A.S.S.I.T.P.C]. It was originally owned by the government eight years ago before Mrs Moldavia took over by buying it from the government then she developed it into a large laboratory used for developing new gadgets and protecting the country and helping the cops whenever the criminal looks so difficult so we have scientists who usually help is to create many gadgets and other equipment but now the workers are already getting old and we need some New replacement and that is where I come in, I have been working as an undercover for good eight years so I have known every thing that I need to know about this job and since we needed some replacement I knew that the best place to see them was in college so I had to work there and get to see those that would be fit for the job, for two years I have been monitoring the students and I found four perfect people for this job and I knew they were going to be good enough but since my boss said she needs at least five, I had to look for one more and I think I just found the last person who would be fit for this job. “ Sir am done” wow that was Jayden “ well time up everyone” I begin to collect everyone's paper. “you guys should all come and collect your script before you leave for your house” I told them and they all replied then I left.

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