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Brian, Did Foursome family were killed by someone or they killed themselves?....  Westley," Brian, Alex Roosevelt.... come Let's go and find something about this incident, Guys I'm going first...  Okay you go, I will come within five minutes and Alex Roosevelt go with her.  They went inside and checking, Is something weird? They are looking very seriously.  Brian also came there, he is looking into that bedroom, The bedroom is full of red blood and  Westley, who killed whom? What a messy incident in my service!  Alex Roosevelt, Okay, I think this maybe happened...  What you think tell us? asked by Westley. Alex Roosevelt," Sawyer Ken, He cut his left hand with the knife in his right hand. And his wife were sliced and she is having a long sharp knife with a fluid red blood in it. Steven, he twisted his neck with the long steel rod, we have to check the fingerprints in that rod and Jonah, he also cut his right hand with the blade in his left hand. If we find any third person fingerprint or any weird thing or any things belong to the killer, it will be a murder other than it will be a suicide case.  Brian, why they have to kill themselves? Neighbours are saying, that they are good and they didn't have any enemies also. Then why? Westley," Let's wait for the results of both fingerprint and physical examinations of their bodies. All of a sudden, Nathan also came to that spot.  Hey guys, I'm really sorry for the late.  Brian: It's okay.  Nathan: Who saw them first? When the results will come? Did you guys find any clues for the murder? Are they killed themselves ah?  Brian: Is it suicide or murder? Westley: No doubt and confusion. It is suicide, Sawyer Ken killed himself and his wife Tessa sliced her neck with the knife in her hand and Steven also twisted his neck with the steel rod and Jonah also cut his right hand with the blade in his left hand. There is no evidence or third person belongings in the house. So it's a suicide and we have to wait for the fingerprint results and physical examination results of their bodies. Ah.... No windows or door locks were broken in their house. How the murderer came in without breaking the things? I think, it is a suicide.  Nathan," Hey Westley, for what reason they killed themselves? Why they have to die?"  Brian: How can she know about that? She is also with us. How she can? Am I right Westley? They are teasing Westley. " You are wrong, Maybe they killed themselves cause of the debt..... Nathan," How do you know?"  Say no more, Let's ask that girl, who seen them first.  Nathan," What girl ah ? Is she pretty?  Wait here, I go and call her..  Westley went and asked Kinsley to come with her. Kinsley also came there. Unexpectedly, Nathan," Hey Kinsley, How are you? What are you doing? Do you remember me?  "Sorry?? Do you know me?  "Of course, Why I can't? I'm also studied the same class as you in the middle. You are pretty familiar in the whole school and you are our class topper. Westley," Wow, what a coincidence! Kinsley, " Oh I see, Now I remembered you, I'm a medical student and I'm on the semester leave. Why you joined to police group? In middle school, you are going to be K-pop artist. Then what happened? "Some people are not same as in the teenage life including me. Later, I had a interest to join the police group. You are medical student ah good.  Brian," you two already know each other ah? Nathan," Yes, we both studied in the same class in the middle school and she is very brilliant and she is perfect in all including studies and in dressing also. She is always number one in the school.  Brian: Kinsley, Are you close with the Sawyer Ken family?  "No, not that close, we were just neighbours and I'm feeling pity for them. ( Kinsley in her mind: I'm very happy inside, Whatever, they made many mistakes in their life. That's why the god killed them. Anyway, I'm gonna celebrate this day with a little wine party oohhhh... ahhh..) Westley," What are you thinking Kinsley?  "Ahaan, Nothing, I'm just...... All of a sudden, someone showed the results of the fingerprints, blood in that killing weapons and the physical examination of their dead bodies.  "No other fingerprints were found, the blood in that weapons also belongs to them and nothing was found in the physical examination tests.  Brian: Is there any CCTV cameras near this house? Alex Roosevelt: No CCTV cameras were found near this house. I already told to checked it. Nothing like that was found. So it is a suicide case ah....  Westley: Definitely, If it was a murder, some mistakes were should be done by the killer and also it is looking like a perfect suicide.  Brian: Yes, you are right, it is looking like a perfect suicide, That's the doubt for me. Nathan: Brian, don't think too much, it is a suicide case.  Alex Roosevelt," Okay, Let's go. Case closed as Suicide." Foursome family were killed by themselves and no evidences were found for murder, So they closed the foursome family case as suicide.  In the same urban area Skiki,  The rain is drizzling in the road, The peoples were running here and there. Two loving couples were standing in the bus stand, that girl name is Freya, she is talking to her boyfriend," thank you for all Joel, I'm very happy to have a boyfriend like you. You are very kind to me." "Don't talk like that, it's my pleasure. I'm also very happy to have a girlfriend like you."  One bus came there,"  Okay, lets meet tomorrow, I have to go now. Bye. "Bye, I'm  waiting to see you tomorrow." Joel phone is ringing and the number is saved as wife. He is already married and he is fooling one girl.  From the back, One man with a long black dress and he is having black cap and black colour gloves in his hands. And that man is noticing this all.  Joel started to walk on the pavement, that man also started to follow Joel. Joel didn't notice it.......... TO BE CONTINUED.........
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