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In the east side , the sun kissing the sea in the city named Doronto, which is busy for 24 hours with busy working peoples. The city is full of sounds with moving of buses and cabs. In Doronto, a urban area named Skiki, A beautiful house with two floors, In that house someone is opening the window of the second floor. Her name is Marcelin (49), she is waking her daughter " Ah..... you wake up Kinsley, for many times I told you to avoid night study in the library, you are coming in the midnight. This is very bad for your health. Wake up soon and give this sweets to the next house people, go fast and give this sweet box. "Mom, why I have to give this to the next house scumbags ? what they did to you? Where is my sister Delaney ? Ask her to give. Why are you waking me up to early ? Suddenly Marcelin raised her voice and said " Time is 8' o clock, Delaney went to college in the early morning, go fast and give that sweet box to them. If you want a Ramyeon noodles for breakfast, give this to them. I'm leaving now, I'm having school works. Kinsley talking to herself," what a messy life? I'm a medical student and I'm on my semester leave. Actually, I don't like my family, especially my mother and father cause.. they are giving more importance to the next house peoples. My family thinking that they are really good and helpful, they are fooling my family. Many times I said these to my mother and father, In return I got scolded very well. I'm the only one, who knows about that family history. The next house family head is Sawyer Ken (45), he is having a baldness head whenever I seeing him, I want to pour a sauce on his face, but I can't. His wife Tessa (35) is really a scumbag, I seen her in many clubs and in parties. She is good at mingling with boys and she is not that beautiful, but her talking way is very good. she steal and collect money in that way. And they having two sons, first son Steven (23), he didn't even pass the high school and their second son Jonah (21), he is also like her mother and he helps her mother to find rich males. Aish..... but my useless family don't know about it and my family is get fooling by them. Sawyer ken family borrowed $6000 from my family. What to do, my family is having enough money. And the most important is" I'm waiting to kill that family. If someone ask me, which is the worst day for you? I will say it is my birth day. Oh okay, I have to go before my mother comes here and scold me. I'm going to give this sweet box to the Sawyer Ken family, who is living in the next house to mine. Kinsley, touched their house gate and opened briskly and she is clicking the calling bell of that house, continuously...... but no one is coming out. Why they are not coming out? Are they still sleeping? who knows, they will sleep up to evening. ah... I'm going crazy cause of them. Wait... the door is opened already. No delay I'm going in. Where are they? They all are always sit in this hall and discuss "how to fool someone?" where they are? Hello, aunt...... Uncle..... Jonah..... Steven.... Aunt.... Are they disappeared in the night? How? Did they went somewhere? Clatter...... clatter....._ clatter....Clatter... clatter.... What sound is it? Is it water dropping sound? From where it is coming? oh... they are wasting water also. Is that water dropping sound coming from that bedroom? I'm going to see, Kinsley is placing her hand in that bedroom lock and she is opening that door slowly. Oh nah...... it is not a sound of water dropping, it is blood sound dropping from the Tessa's sliced neck. Kinsley shocked to death. That bedroom is full of red blood, Kinsley dropped that sweet box in her hands and Kinsley started to shouting and she went to her house and called the police. Marcelin asking," what happened Kinsley? why are you screaming and why you called to the police? What you saw in their house? Mother, they all were died and they all were floating in the lot of red blood. Tessa aunt neck were sliced........ Is it real or Am I dreaming? Who killed them? Is it suicide? Don't worry about, I'm calling your father, Marcelin called her husband Santos pork (49) and he also arrived there with a shock expression. The police group also arrived at the dead scene. The most talented police group, they solved more murder cases. The police group is Brian and team. The members is Brian, Westley, Alex Roosevelt and Nathan. "Who saw them first?, Why they went there?" asked by Brian. Kinsley said, I'm the one, who seen them first and I went there to give sweet box, my mother asked to give that sweet box.I saw them in their bedroom And I dropped that sweet box there itself... cause of shock and run away from there and called the police. Westley: Okay, Did you touch anything in that house? Any things.... Alex Roosevelt asked, did you keep your hands somewhere in their house? Kinsley said," yes, the gate, calling bell, bedroom door lock and main door lock, that's it. Brian asked to check the fingerprints in the Sawyer Ken house. The fingerprint checking team also gathered there and they started to check. Westley," Where is our another team member? Why he is not punctual in time? Alex Roosevelt said," He is having some important work in the morning, he is on the way. Kinsley family is in the shock, But not our Kinsley, she is very happy inside. Brian went to them and asked," Did you know anything about this family? any enemies like that... Santos said," we are only neighbours and we share foods. We shared a nice relationship as friends. Brian came alone and said, Did this foursome family were killed by someone or killed themselves ah...? TO BE CONTINUED ........
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