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Vivian shocked and asked to Brian , " Are you ghost or something ? How can you do that ? How my gun came to you? " .  Brian said , " You fool , I'm not a ghost . Why you kept the gun in the car hood ? I suspected you , that's why I changed a pistols and I guessed it right . What to do ? Am I right ? My guess will always be right ? right ?? " .  Alex Roosevelt said , " Yes you are right Brian , How you are so brilliant ? Can you teach me how to be brilliant like you ? Can you . . you ? . . " .  Westley and Nathan faces be like , " Is this important in this serious situation " .  All of a sudden , that Vivian took a sharp knife from his pant pocket and he is trying to attack Westley with that sharp knife , They all were stunned and looking back at Vivian , unexpectedly Someone holds that Vivian's hand tightly and he snatched the knife from that Vivian and he said , " How dare you can try to attack them ? " .  Brian shouted loudly , " Hey Theo Keane , Long time no see my sweet heart friend and the youngest handsome detective " .  " Yeah , long time no see a brilliant person before five minutes . . " .  Unexpectedly , Jocelyn , Weston , Maci and Emmie also came there with the another police team . And They arrested that Vivian culprit . Westley asking Jocelyn , " How did you guys know that we are here ? " . " Nathan called us and he didn't talk anything to us and we heard the all things happened here and hurry up to this place " said by Jocelyn .  Westley asked Nathan , " Hey Nathan , When you called to the call centre ? " .  Flashback . . . . _________________ Alex Roosevelt said , " I called to them before the seconds that culprit Vivian came here and I didn't able to speak to them and I just hide my phone from him , But somehow Brian unknowingly took that gun from Vivian's car hood . We are lucky and after that twist revealed by Brian and again we had a lucky one who saved you from that Vivian culprit We can call this a day " .  _ _  . . . . . . . . .   Westley said with a pity voice , " How we can call this a day ? Two high school students were killed and Melanie also killed by that Vivian . Wait . . . . . . . We have to go and check near that river in that river and we also have to arrest the peoples who helped that Vivian " .               " No need for that Westley , I already sent some peoples to that river in that forest and we arrested the assistant of that Vivian and I will deal with the rest of this case " . said by Jocelyn . Brian said , " Okay thank you Jocelyn , then that's a relief  " .  " Don't mention , it's okay , but keep an eye on Joel case " .  Alex Roosevelt asking to Brian , " Well, Do you know him ah . . . Brian ?  " Why I can't know him ? ? ? ? His name is Theo Keane . He is my closest friend and he is a famous detective in Shirosu and he is a youngest detective and he solved many mysterious cases like me " . Alex Roosevelt saying , " Oh . . . . Oh . . .  like you ah . . . . .  Brian , I guess he is brilliant than you " .  Theo Keane asking , " Okay , It's almost 12 pm . Can we all have a nice lunch with peaceful talk ? " .  " Of course we can have , Jocelyn wanna join us with your team members for lunch ? " asked by Brain . Jocelyn said , " It's okay You guys go . I will have lunch after 3 pm only . My team members are very busy today. Sorry we can have a lunch on some other day " .  Alex Roosevelt said , " Then okay we are going to have lunch with a youngest detective Theo Keane " .           They are going to have a lunch in one restaurant  in the urban area Skiki.  They reached a restaurant called " Blue Soul " .  They are sitting in a big food table with six chairs .  " We are just five and who is going to come and sit in this sixth chair ? " asked by Alex Roosevelt . Westley said , " In this restaurant all tables are having six chairs , Just shut up and sit Alex Roosevelt " . " Fine , why you guys are always fighting like a cat and dog ? " asked by Nathan . " Theo Keane don't mind them three , they always fight like that and they also having indeed friendship bond between them . Guys cut that act and let's order nice lunch " .  Brian , Nathan , Alex Roosevelt and Theo Keane are looking into the food menu card to order lunch .  Meanwhile Westley saying , " well , I want fried rice " .  Brian saying , " Westley choose some special and different food " . Nathan saying , " She doesn't like other food and she always buy and eat only fried rice " .  " Oh , but why ??? . . . . wait . . . . how you know that Nathan ? " asked by Alex Roosevelt .  " Hey Alex Roosevelt , we all know that Westley always order fried rice " . Brian said ,  " okay leave it , Let me introduce my friend to you all , Me and Theo Keane , both are childhood friends and He is a detective and we didn't meet for almost two years and also didn't talk in the phone , he went to U.S for some case investigation, now I'm glad he is finally here to see me and wait . . . . . How you come to that place ? How you know I'm there ? " . " I just asked Tim York to track your phone and find the location , Whatever I just gave a surprise with a twisted entry, I'm happy " .  " Okay , Where is Tim York and Kyle Young ? why they didn't came with you ? " asked  by Brian .  " They both are having some works in U.S . They will come tomorrow " . Suddenly Nathan raised his voice and shouted , " Hey Kinsley . . . Come here , hey guys that is Kinsley .. . . " Oh my god . . . Why he saw me ? I'm going to suck here " ( Kinsley talking to her ) . Alex Roosevelt asked Kinsley , " What are you doing here ? " . Kinsley replied , " What do you think I will do here , I'm here to eat lunch alone " .  " Okay cool , Why are you yelling like Westley ? " said by Nathan  . . . .  . . . . . . .  ...  . . TO  BE CONTINUED      . . . . . . . . . .  . . .  
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