679 Words
" If you all move or do something to attack me , It's your will , My gun only speak with you guys " said by Vivian .  Alex Roosevelt asked a question to that Vivian with a angry face , " Why you are here ? what you want ? Why you killed the students ? How we didn't know about that students death or missing ? How it will be possible ? Say it . . . .  you scumbag . . . " . " Relax man , why you are so angry ? Because that students are orphan , No one will know about them and if I kill them , no one will ask me , why you killed them . . . . . ? " . . . Westley started to curse him like . . , " You piece of a sh*t , scumbag . Are you out of mind ? How you can say like that ? Do you know the value of one live ? Who said ? Who said . . . ? No one will ask a question to you , I will ask , why you killed them ? How you can say with your dirty mouth ? You are already scumbag . . . . . " " Shut your mouth . . . shut up . . . . Yeah , I'm really a scumbag , who cares about that . Just gimme that evidences against me or I will just shoot , if you guys do something against me . I killed that Melanie , cause that i***t , stupid . . . . just ruined my all plans and also she tried to ruin my life . Also she spied me continuously , but she was wrong , she thought that I didn't knew about . Somehow I found it . . . . "  All of a sudden , Brian saying " Hey you , I'm also seeing from the start , you are just saying I will shoot . .  . . . . . . . .  . . I will shoot . . . . shoot . . . . . shoot , If you dare , just shoot me man , Let's see . Don't say do it " .  " Ugh . . . .  Oh my god , No worry , I will shoot you . . . . .Definitely I will shoot you as your wish . . . . . . . . . You are having a great attitude in front of my gun . Okay Let's see " . . .  That Vivian started to keep his hands in the gun slowly and they are all watching it very scarily except Brian. Brian didn't afraid of him and also to his gun . . . .  He slowly just pressed the trigger in that gun , but nothing happens  . . .  . . .. . . . . " Oh my . . . what's wrong with this gun ? Why this is not working now ? What happened to this ? " . . . . . . .  said by Vivian .  Unexpectedly , Brian said , " Hey you that is a dummy pistol man " .  Vivian saying , " Ah  . . . How that can be possible ? Wait . . . . . how you know that ? Did you ? " . . . Brian started to smile , Nathan , Alex Roosevelt , Westley  . . . they are rolling their eyes including that culprit Vivian .  Brian taking something from his pant pocket and showing it to them  . . . They all were shocked and surprised also . . . . . . .  . . Vivian shocked and asked , " How my gun came to you ? Are you ghost or something ? " . TO BE CONTINUED . . . . . . . .  .
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