Meeting with the Alpha

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Aura shifted quickly once she felt a safe distance from the Knights. The caravan had left the valley, and her clan was safe for another day. She was still astonished at the kiss that had left her breathless and wanting. How a human had such an effect on her when no male had made no sense. It was as if God was playing with her heartstrings or maybe just her lustful fantasies. "Stupid human." She muttered to herself. She didn't let herself just sit and daydream of Dax. Aura took off running toward the village only stopping to dunk herself in the river. She wanted to leave behind all traces of that man. She is a she-wolf, and humans were weak compared to her strength. Dax is not worthy nor was he a possibility. "Aura, get out of your head, and hurry up," Raika demanded through the mindlink. Aura tripped over the roots from her sister's sudden intrusion into her mind. "s**t, Raika. I am on my way." Aura charged forward, paws beating down on the forest floor. The forest thickened as she squeezed through the heavy brush. Her silver form popped out of the thicket to see her growing village. Each year, the Elders Council would have to push back the forest to make room for their growing numbers. Aura was sure one day the village would outgrow their valley, and the secret existence of the village would end. The village was made of cabins in neat little rows, a large school, and library, the shopping district, and food huts lined the two major roads. In the center, the community center and recreational building sat next to the grand hall where the Elders' Council and the Alphas meet and conduct business. Orchester sap light posts lit the village and each home. "Are you seriously stopping to admire the village? You are already late!" Raika remembered, intruding into Aura's thoughts. Aura gave out a warning growl to Raika. "I will be there soon." Aura transformed from wolf to beast. Her short fur appeared black against her olive skin. Her fur framed her face, which thinned into her olive skin. Aura had a tall, muscular body with soft curves. The fur lengthened into hair, which Aura braided to tame it. The clothing here was much simpler than in human towns. Aura wore a brown and gold wrap-around her chest with a matching brown skirt tied around her waist. "Yes. I get it, you look good, but there are more important things, right now." Raika chimed in again. "If only I could block you… Damn village protocol." Auta snipped back. She was already in a foul mood. Aura made her way through the village to the grand hall where her sister, Raika, waited for her. The village was as lively as ever. Pups played happily on the roads while adults worked or walked about on errands. This is the peace Aura worked so hard to keep. Her clan was her reason for being a wolf huntress. Her mood calmed as she walked up to her sister. "Hello, my lovable little sister." Aura said sarcastically as she squeezed Raika. "You are so late!" Raika shouted as she struggled to free herself from the hug. "Our Alpha has been waiting for hours." Aura released Raika from her bear hug. "Don't exaggerate. It's still midday. I am right on time." Raika huffed and straightened her clothes. Her sister always picked on her every time they saw each other. Raika thought Aura was always distracted by the world instead of devoting herself to her mission like a wolf huntress, but Aura has always been an amazing wolf huntress. It has been frustrating to be a prodigy's sister. Even now, Raika has been waiting over an hour for her sister to return to the village. Alpha Enoch has been impatient about Aura's return since dawn. He had spent the morning venting his frustration on the training grounds with Raika. Raika had cherished every moment she spent with Alpha Enoch. She was smitten with the brooding Alpha. "Let's go, Aura. I don't want to keep the Alpha waiting." Raika said, dragging her sister toward the entrance to the grand hall. "You mean you can't bear to be away from him for another minute." Aura teased. "Shut up." Raika squeaked, giving her sister a solid punch to the arm. "I know you are just seeking revenge for my mindlinking intrusions earlier. How petty can you be?" "Enough to embarrass you." Aura giggled as she followed Raika into the main chamber of the great hall. "I miss our sisterly banter." "You were only gone two days! How can you miss it, already?" Raika stopped and stared at her now quiet sister. "What's with you?" "Raika." Alpha Enoch's voice boomed across the room. "You may leave now." Raika's face dropped at his words. She had forgotten where they were, and why she had been there. Her tail tucked between her legs, and she turned to leave. Aura gave her hand a comforting squeeze, making Raika feel a little better. When the door was shut, Alpha Enoch stood in the middle of the room, looking as broody as ever. His hazel eyes looked as if they were struggling between being angry or being concerned. His black hair was a mess just beginning to get into his eyes. The tall, wide figure radiated power to the entire village. There was no mistake making him the Alpha. He was all dressed in the black Alpha garments that only made him seem more intimidating. Aura could see why Raika liked him so much, but she still saw the child trying to fit into the Alpha's clothes. "You can stop ogling me, Aura." Alpha Enoch interrupted her thoughts. "Whatever you say, Alpha." Aura shrugged her shoulders. "You are playing with fire, you know. How could you bear to kiss a human?" Alpha Enoch shuttered at the thought. "Watching me closely, Enoch?" Aura gave a sarcastic laugh. "Worry not, Alpha. I am only playing the character of an  intriguing and charming stranger." "Cut the crap, Aura." Alpha Enoch raised his voice. "We both know you have feelings for that human. You never get feelings for any male that you have worked with. So, why him?" "That, Alpha, is a question I can't answer. Maybe, God decided to mess with me. My life was just too boring." Aura decided to move this annoying discussion to the meeting table. "What is your suggestion for my predicament?" "I would say kill him, but that would ruin the work you have put in. Ignoring him is not possible since he is your mission. So, I don't have a good solution." Alpha Enoch sighed, sitting next to Aura at the table. This whole situation bothered him and left his stomach twisted. "Just ignore it, Aura. He's human, and he thinks you are too. He's not the responsible party. You are. Both your futures rely on your ability to separate your feelings from everything else. If the council finds out, you kiss your freedom goodbye." "Enoch, I understand. I will play my role and move on." Aura said, matter-of-factly. Whatever special connection she shared with Dax was not worth the pain of pursuing. "Aside from that, I may have a solution to keep the humans out of our valley without bloodshed." "That's a shame. I like causing bloodshed." Alpha Enoch tried to joke to lighten the mood, but he was still bothered by Aura's feelings for a human. He cared for Aura. Somehow Alpha Enoch knew this would not be the end of Aura's feelings for the human. He prayed that day never came. "Tell me your solution." "Easy. Let's build them a tunnel through the mountains." Aura smiled. She was confident an alternate passage would rid anyone of an excuse to enter the valley. "Simple, but it might work. Go meet with Jenro to see how 'easy' your solution truly is." Alpha Enoch responded. "Oh, and a week of night watch for being late and arrogant." "Yes, Alpha." Aura said, rolling her eyes as she got up to leave when Enoch pulled her back to him. He pinned her to the column next to the meeting table. His herculean body pressed against hers finally released the twisted pain in his stomach. Aura just stayed still in his grasp, completely stunned by him. Enoch was less than an inch from her face. She could feel his breath on her lips, and all she could do was stare into his intense gaze.
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