Aura's Mission

1420 Words
16 years later… Aura Argenti, the wolf huntress, stalked the human caravan for days as they traveled through her clan's valley. She had just returned from an undercover mission. Working as a human bodyguard to a horrible dark elf, she had managed to earn the sleaze ball’s trust before he had harmed anymore of his slave. Using her herbal skills, she made the dark elf appear to die of natural causes and freed all the shifters and orcs in his manor. His death would have been more satisfying for her if she could have spilled his guts, but her Alpha had insisted on a quieter approach. Despite her reluctance, under her previous Alpha, Aura had become a renowned assassin in her village. She had become as strong as she had desired as a child, but she wasn’t excited about her chosen path in life.    Her parents recovered very slowly, and her former Alpha, Alpha Demos, had her parents relieved of their duties as wolf hunters. Unfortunately, her parents were scarred from the beating and torture they had received as captives during those two days. A week after Aura rescued her parents, Aura was paired with her mentor, Jalen Morjor, for five years of intense training. For only being ten years old, Aura had matured quickly from the horror she had seen in that ogre camp. While she was with Jalen, she saw worse atrocities across the land of Lunaris. Her choice to be a wolf huntress was solely driven by her desire to help people although she had dreamed of being a professional herbalist. Still, she had no regrets about her choice to become a wolf huntress to save her parents. After only a day of being home from her last mission, Aura was sent to watch over the valley and keep her clan's village hidden from the invaders. As a wolf huntress, Aura was a part of the elite guard in her clan. She was charged with protecting the valley, completing missions to investigate the world outside the valley, and maintaining the secrecy of her clan. Her clan was lost to the world centuries ago because of their seclusion in the valley. Only the elite guard had crossed the valley borders until the humans began crossing the valley two months ago. The ruling council called everyone to the village to minimize exposure to the intruding humans. Now, everyone has been forced to stay in the village until the elite guard removes the threat from the valley. Aura studied the humans as they set their camp for the night. The sun was setting over the tree canopies as the fires began to light up the campsite. The humans finished propping up their tents and tending to the horses. The smell of smoking meat filled the air, making both Aura's stomach and muzzle let out a growl. She was waiting for word from the Alpha Hunter if her plan was approved to infiltrate the human caravan. The moon rose high above her in the sky. She watched the light of the fire dance over the human camp. In the trees behind her, Aura heard branches rattle and paws beat the forest floor. Her answer from the Alpha was arriving. Suddenly, a black silhouette burst out of the shadows. The humans stirred watching the tree line hoping to find the source of the disturbance. Aura left her post, pushing the black silhouette back into the shadows. She could smell humans drawing near to them as she pushed back deeper into the forest. Aura gave a final headbutt, pushing the black silhouette into the den at the root of the oak tree. Quietly, the two sat waiting for the scent of humans to fade. After an hour of silence, the two of them crawled out from the den. The black figure faced Aura, settling under the oak tree as beams of moonlight peeked through the branches. "I hope you're bringing good news little sister." Aura said as she sat back on her haunches, looking at the little black wolf in front of her. She could see her little sister had grown stronger over the last year since Aura had been away on continuous missions. "Don't look too happy to see your sister. I can't take your excitement." "Aura, you know I don't like frivolous conversations. I am here on behalf of Enoch, the Alpha Hunter, to tell you what he has decided about your proposal." Raika straightened her back to display her serious demeanor. Her posture was rigid, and Aura could tell she was trying too hard to be professional. Raika wanted so much to be a wolf huntress that she has been training for years. Her coming to Aura meant she was climbing in ranks, and she would soon become a wolf huntress like Aura. "Enoch, the Alpha Hunter, sent you, huh? I believe congratulations are in order. Enoch does not trust many."  Aura smiled proudly at Raika. "Just don't lose sight of my little sister when you become the Alpha Huntress one day." "I would never stop being your little sister, Aura, but I do plan to be a wolf huntress soon and the Alpha Huntress in a few years." Raika's tail began to wag thinking about her dream. Aura missed seeing her little sister being a dreamer like she was as a child. Raika loved hearing her mom's stories of heroic missions and meeting other races. They were like fairy tales filling her head with beautiful dreams of becoming a wolf huntress and defending her people, but Aura knew better. "I can see how happy it makes you." Aura joked while watching Raika's tail, thumping on the ground. Raika looked behind her, realizing her tail was moving on its own. She sat down on top of it trying to hide her emotions. "Raika, do not hide your emotions. It's what shows that you have heart, and a wolf huntress is nothing without her heart. I wouldn't be a wolf huntress if I hadn't followed my heart." "I know the story, Aura. You bravely saved our parents from invaders by following your heart, which gave you the title of wolf huntress at a young age." Raika rolled her eyes. She had heard the story many times of how Aura, knowing the consequences, used their mother's polymorphic ring to trick the assailants into trusting her. Once Aura had the assailants' trust, she freed her parents and escaped. Raika knew her sister was amazing, but her sister never wanted to be a wolf huntress when they were kids. "You should read the report for yourself once you become a huntress. What you have heard is not the whole story." Aura murmured. Only highlights of the truth were shared when Aura was given the status of wolf huntress. Maybe one day, the two of them could discuss the truth and why Aura didn't want this life. "What? More to the story?" Raika stared at her puzzled. Aura looked at the ground, but she could feel Raika searching for answers. Aura couldn't say anymore, and Raika knew it. Raika was left wondering what the big deal was.   "Anyway. You brought news of the Alpha's decision." Aura turned to look back at her sister with her serious golden eyes. Raika saw her sister switch from carefree spirit to protective wolf huntress. "Ah. My serious sister has returned. Alpha Enoch agreed to your proposal. You only have two days to get in and out. Find out what they are doing here, where they are going, and why they keep coming." Raika looked at her big sister with respect. The two wolves sat quietly as the wind blew through the oak branches. Aura developed a plan to infiltrate the human caravan. After watching them for a few days, Aura knew exactly which man to target. The man had constantly stepped in to take care of anyone in need on the journey like when a snake attacked one of the medics two days ago, he jumped in front of the snake without hesitation. This man would rescue a damsel in distress without hesitation too. "All right. I will need your help." Aura smiled. "We aren't doing big bad wolf again, are we?" Raika groaned. "Of course," Aura chuckled. "Let's go, big bad wolf." Aura walked into the light of the moon where her fur faded into the skin and she stood on two legs. Her golden eyes shone in the shadow of the night.
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