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Aura neared the humans' camp with her sister on her tail. She stopped to shift from her wolf form into her human form using the polymorphic ring that had earned her the title of wolf huntress. Her fur receded into her skin, tingling on her olive complexion. Bones cracked and popped as her wolf figure restructured into a young, human woman. A dull ache haunted her body from the vast transformation. Her sister nudged her to give her clothes. She would blend in as a wolf beast in human clothing. Her sights set on the sympathetic man that she targeted. - Dax secured his tent as the fire crackled behind him. The laughter of his comrades filled the dark forest that surrounded them. This was the third time that he had been through the valley, escorting a caravan. He couldn't shake the feeling something was watching him. He heard howling in the darkness beyond his tent. It got closer as Dax reached for his sword lying in its sheath at his feet. He started to hear the beast growl and branches break. The beast was chasing something this way. Dax alerted the other men to the commotion. They stood ready for what may come from the darkness. The laughter had stopped, leaving only the crackling of fire and snarling of the beast. "Ahhh! Leave me alone!" A voice called out in the shadows of the trees. "Dammit." The beast whined. "Take that, stupid wolf." The voice taunted the beast. "What the hell?" Dax said as he stared at the moving shadows. A woman popped out of the forest, pushing Dax to the ground. Following the woman, was a black wolf that was growling at her. The men charged at the wolf, causing the beast to retreat to the forest. Dax looked up at the woman sitting on top of him. He saw the mess of black curls, covering the woman's gentle face. The woman looked down at him, revealing tears in her golden eyes. The gold eyes bewildered Dax for a moment as he took in the beauty of the woman on his lap. She moved off Dax when she realized people were beginning to stare at the two of them. The men approached the woman as she scrambled to her feet. Her attire was a bit odd. Her feet were bare, her pants and shirt had small tears on the legs and sleeves, and she only had a ring on her finger. They could see her face was flush from the chase as she wiped her eyes. Dax stood up, watching the woman finish dusting herself off. This woman's whole presence was peculiar. How did she wind up in the valley? "Are you all right?" Dax asked the woman as she caught her breath. "I'd be better if you all weren't staring at me. But, I suppose I owe you all a thank you. So, thank you." The woman fixed her hair looking at the men."I suppose you have questions, but can you all give me a little space?" "I will take responsibility for her since she fell into my lap," Dax reassured the men, so they could give them space. "She won't cause any trouble." The men returned to their tents, tending to their fires and horses. "What's your name, miss?" "You can call me, Aura." The woman said, studying Dax. He moved closer to her as the men walked away. "Do you have a name?" "My name is Dax Shalltear. Care to tell me how you got here?" He sat down on a log by his tent and fire pit. He gestured for her to join him. Aura followed behind him to rest awhile on the log. "Well, I walked into this valley about a week ago. Not long after that, I got lost, was chased by the wolf, and fell into your lap." "So, not only are you a peculiar person, but also a reckless one. Why would you enter the Valley of the Lost willingly?" He studied the woman in front of him. "No one comes here because it's haunted by the souls lost during the last great war." "You're here, and you're with a caravan, no less. Why can't I walk into the valley because I like a good adventure?" Aura grinned. She had him intrigued with her responses. From her tears to her forced smile, Dax wanted to know the secrets behind them all. "Yes, I came with a caravan because I know better than to travel in uncharted territory, all alone. I suspect you came here for a reason beyond exploration. You are either a terrible spy or you are hiding from something." She just continued to smile. "You are half right. I am not hiding so much as running. This place is untouched, or at least it was until I stumbled onto you." "So, you won't reveal the whole truth, huh?" He relaxed his posture as he tended the fire in front of him. He could tell there was more to the story because everything that just happened was too convenient to be happenstance. She couldn't have just stumbled on his caravan while being chased in a secluded valley by a wolf. It's unbelievable. Aura looked exhausted, sitting next to him. "You can stay in my tent tonight. I will stay by the fire. Go get some sleep, Aura." His tone told Aura that he was suspicious of her. Her beauty and wits wouldn't be enough to get his trust. She would have to try a different tactic. In the past, Aura would be more careful with her approach, but she didn't have the time to be aloof. She would need to be more honest than usual. "To be honest, I couldn't sleep even if I wanted to. Between the wolf, your men, and you watching me, and my paranoia, there would be no rest." Aura tried to relax in front of the fire. Her body was still stiff from the shift into this form she had done only hours ago. "You have nothing to fear from the men here. We live by a code to protect those in need. It is our way of life as Knights of the Land. We are martial artists and masters of weaponry who protect those in need. We have no allegiances to any of the kingdoms." Dax proclaimed, going off into a tangent. "Sounds like a fairy tale organization. However, I  can see you mean well." Aura rambled on. "Most people and organizations have good intentions, but pride and greed live in the hearts of many." "So what organization or person betrayed you?" Dax asked. "Aren't you direct," She commented, shocked by the audacity of this man. He caught on to her faster than others and even managed to surprise her. "I find people who believe the way you do have either had prior experience with it or they are overly skeptical and crazy. You seem to fall into the prior experience category given your sad expression. Does this have to do with why you are running?" He watched her as her eyes gave her away emotions. "Dax, I met you less than an hour ago. Why would I divulge my situation to someone I just met?" She looked at him wearily. This man would not hold back his probing questions. "Because, my men scared away the wolf, and I made you my responsibility. I think I should know who I put myself on the line for." His expressions turned serious, waiting for her answer. "I didn't ask for you to do anything." Aura replied sternly. "If you want to know my story, then you'll have to share yours. I don't want to relieve emotional pain alone." "Deal." Dax agreed.
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