7 - Deceitful bitc.h!

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Lorcan “Wow,” Luther sits back in his chair and rakes his fingers through his long hair. I just finished telling my brothers and their friends about Gianna. Needless to say, they’re all shocked. Even they didn’t believe I’d find my mate—not this soon, at least. My office is a big room. Victorian architecture gives the place that old-fashioned feeling. It must be the Vampire in me, but modern-day architecture doesn’t do it for me. However, I’d be a liar if I didn’t have modern furnishings. Leander and Sara are sitting on the plush sofa near the open fire. Their two-year-old son, Drew, is sleeping in his mother’s arms. Luther and Jenna are sitting in the two chairs in front of my desk. Of course, I’m behind the desk, telling them everything. “So that’s why she wanted to kill me.” It wasn’t a question; Jenna was stating a fact. “Don’t look at us like that, Lorcan,” Luther snaps. “She might hate your guts, but she’s still your mate. When she saw you and Jenna hugging, the mate bond went crazy.” “She’s bound to be possessive.” I roll my eyes at Leander. “Then she best rein it in,” “You’d be okay if someone had their hands on Gianna? No matter who that person was?” My heart begins to hammer, but I keep my face straight. No man will touch Gianna because I’ll tear them apart! “Maybe you shouldn’t have ignored her all day. If you’d told her we were coming, none of what happened would have happened.” Jenna smiles slightly. She has a point, but what’s done is done. “I can’t believe you hurt her the way you did,” Sara shakes her head in disgust. Sara and I don’t get on the way Jenna and I do, and she’s not afraid to call me out on things. “I put the girl in her place, nothing more.” I shrug. “Put her in her place? You brok …” Leander takes Sara’s arm, cutting her off. “For Goddess’s sake, Leander. I won’t say anything to your precious brother! “The man is a lunatic who hurts his mate. No man should ever lay his hand on a woman. Lorcan could have calmed the situation without slamming the girl into a wall!” I smirk while shaking my head. This situation does nothing other than amuse me. “You may find this funny, Lorcan,” I breathe deeply, trying with all my might not to blow up at Luther. “But Sara is right. You might not want Gianna for a mate, but she had no choice; you did. You took her away from her family when she didn’t want to leave with you. You don’t have a clue whether or not Gia was in a relationship with someone else. Hell, you know nothing about the girl!” “It should have been her choice to leave with you, Lorcan.” “Will you two give it a rest?” I snap at Luther and Leander. “I don’t need your damn advice. Especially not yours after the way you treated your mate!” Luther’s eyes widen. But he has no right to tell me anything. “Do whatever you want, Lorcan,” Luther sighs exasperatedly. “But that girl will never stop trying to get away from you. Any chance she gets, she’ll run. You can lock her up for months, but all you’ll be doing is solidifying in her mind that she needs to run.” “Showing Gianna kindness is not a weakness on your part.” Jenna locks eyes with mine. The girl hates it when you don’t keep eye contact while she’s talking. Jenna has come a long way from the servant girl we once knew. Jenna went from Omega to Alpha upon mating and accepting Luther’s mark, which is one of the perks of mating with a Supreme Alpha of Lykos. “I know you don’t want a mate, Lorcan. But the fact remains that you do have one. You don’t have to change your life entirely for her, but Gianna needs your compassion. Everything Gianna ever knew has disappeared in the blink of an eye while yours stayed the same. If you want your mate to be loyal to you, then you need to compromise. It’s the only way you’ll keep her with you.” I keep my eyes on Jenna as she continues to speak. I don’t understand why she thinks I need to hear this. ‘Because you’re both arrogant and ignorant, Lorcan.’ I ignore Valsurus and continue listening to Jenna. “If you are only going to reject Gianna in the end, why do this to her?” “If he rejects her, it could kill them both,” Luther looks at me. “You want to die after everything we went through to bring you into the physical? You’d throw away the gift Jenna gave you?” I roll my eyes in annoyance. Of course, I don’t want to die! Rejecting Gianna doesn’t mean I’ll die for sure; it’s only a slim possibility. Could I risk that? I think I could, yes. “Why keep Gianna here if you don’t want the girl, Lorcan?” Jenna asks. “For pride? There’s no pride in forcing a woman to be with you, Lorcan. It won’t make you the bigger man to use and abuse Gianna to throw her away when you’ve had your fill. “If that’s what you intend, let the girl go home to her family. It won’t be easy for you, but if she has a partner, let Gianna be with him. I’ll make sure you don’t feel anything when they’re physical with each other.” I raise my eyebrow. The audacity to mention my mate with someone else! “I’ll ask Selene to break your bond with Gianna; then, you’ll both be free. You can go about your life, and Gianna can be with her partner where she’s safe and happy. Isn’t the girl’s happiness more important than your pride?” Jenna shifts in her seat. “The smallest gesture will make your mate smile. The simplest of words will have her wanting to please you. If a part of you wants Gianna as your mate, then show her, Lorcan.” Women. For Goddess’s sake, they’re all romantics! I won’t change myself for a woman I can’t stand. Gianna is mine for now, and when the time comes, perhaps I’ll take Jenna up on her offer to break the mate bond. For now, I’ll use Gianna however I see fit. ‘She’s planning something,’ Valsurus mumbles. ‘I can feel her Wolf is restless. Lyra thinks I’m going to reject her, and it’s all your fault!’ ‘We are going to reject them, Valsurus. Stop whining!’ “Why don’t you bring Gianna down here so we can meet her properly?” I raise my eyebrow. “I’m not sure that’s a good idea, Leander.” “If you mean because she almost tore my wife’s head off,” Luther chuckles. “We’re over it; she was acting on instinct.” “Yes,” Jenna nods. “No harm done. Besides, I’d like to meet Gianna officially. You might be an asshole to her, but the least the rest of us can do is welcome her to the family.” I groan while rolling my eyes. I’m not going to get out of this easily. “Fine.” I snap before making my way to my room. Gianna has one chance to prove herself to my family. They’re more forgiving than I ever would be in this situation. I swear to the Moon Goddess that if Gianna embarrasses me one more time, I’ll rip her throat out, mate or no mate! I have my hand on the door handle, ready to burst in and demand Gianna come downstairs. Then I remember what Jenna said, and I take a deep breath. I might not want a mate, but that doesn’t mean I have to mistreat Gianna. A mate stands by your side through everything life throws at you. They are the ones who bring you joy through the madness. An Alpha puts his pack first, and his Luna will do the same. Your mate is the one you come home to at the end of the day. The one person you can count on above all others. Ugh! I sound like a damn idio.t. I go to turn the door handle when something stops me in my tracks. Gianna is talking to someone, but I only hear her voice. She must be on the phone. ‘It’s not like I planned it! He’s horrible, Mason. I don’t want him as my mate; I just want to go home and pretend I never met him . . . What am I going to do without you?. . . Mason, I’m not ready to let go of us. I miss you, and I love you so much . . . ‘No, I haven’t told him because I’m scared of what he’ll do if he knew . . . I can’t believe you’d say that to me! . . . I’m not staying with him, Mason. Whatever I have to do, I will come back to you. . . I know, and we’ll deal with that when the time comes. Please don’t give up on us just yet, Mason. . . Lupus Menthis,” My heart hammers in my chest. Why the hell do I feel so betrayed? Lupus Menthis? Fuc.k! My blood is boiling, and I can’t contain it as much as I try. I’m going to kill the bitc.h!
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