8 - What have I done?

1509 Words

Gianna “Who the hell is Mason?” I scream while spinning on the spot. I didn’t hear Lorcan enter the room, but I figured he must have stood outside the door while I spoke to Mason. Great. “Lorcan,” I swallow hard while stepping back in fear. I’ve had enough beatings for one day. I don’t think I could handle another one. “Who is he, Gia?” I back away even more as Lorcan steps towards me. The back of my legs hit the bed, and I fall on my ass with a gasp. “Please, Lorcan,” “Answer me!” He bellows so loudly that I cringe. “He’s my boyfriend.” Lorcan grabs my upper arms and pulls me to my feet, causing me to whimper. With his lips to my ear, he says, “Not anymore. If you contact him again, I’ll kill him.” Ice covers my heart, and dread fills my stomach. I’m never going to get away f

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