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PROLOGUE “911, what’s your emergency?” “Are unicorns horses with horns or are horses unicorns without horns?” “Line secure, access code?” “One one one Alpha Foxtrot Quebec.” “Agent Xenovia, is the job done?” I’m fine thank you very much for asking, she thinks sarcastically “Positive” “Meet me at the main office… We have a new target for you” the voice said She disposed of the burner phone in a trash can as she walked past. The headquarters were a walking distance away so she decided against taking a cab. At the next corner she ducked into a street beside her and waited, listening for the footsteps that had been steadily matching hers the last few blocks. She pulled her knife from the side of her boots and pulled the man into the alley pushing him against the wall holding the knife to his neck. “You have 5 seconds to tell me who paid you to follow me….” she said pressing the knife softly against his neck as he struggled, trying to release himself from her grasp. “...” “2 seconds and you will have more than 3 holes in your body” “I don't know… I swear don't” “Then you really are no use to me… it has been a while since I spilled blood on American soil” “Wait w-wait. He paid me through a local account. Y-you can trace it. I have the details on my phone right here” “Hmm.. I guess you were of some use to me after all. Give it to me ” “Wait, you have to promise not to hurt me if i give you the details” “Cross My heart and hope to die” she said with a smile on her face. He pulled his phone from his pocket and handed it over to her. “Thank you very much Thomas” she said burying her knife in his lap, ignoring the screams of agony from Tom. “YOU PROMISED!!!!!” “Grow the f**k and shut the hell up Tom” “HOW DO YOU KNOW MY NAME?” “Thomas, my new friend. I have people everywhere. Anytime my name pops up in someone’s conversation, I’m notified. I can be your worst nightmare Thomas, but I like you, which is why I just left you with a warning…. You are going to tell your employer that you lost the trail, okay?” He nodded vehemently. “That’s good Thomas. I’m gonna need my knife back. I have a lot of memories attached to it… is that okay with you Tom?” “...” “Thank you Thomas. Don't make me come back to finish the job” she says pulling the knife out. Her phone rang as she left the street. “You were at the same location for a while Agent, any problem?” a voice says as she picks the call. “No problem boss. I’m 8 minutes out” she replied, keeping her complaint about being tracked to herself. “Welcome back Agent Xenovia Hills” Alexander T. Willis, Director of the CIA announced as she passed the security clearance, accompanied by a round of applause from all present staff.
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