Stroll in the moonlight

1960 Words

Rain “It’s beautiful out here. I’ve never seen such a serene and peaceful place, nor have I ever seen the moon look so clear.” “There was nothing like this in Shadow Pack?” I shake my head at Blaze without taking my eyes off the moon. “What about the human town you grew up in?” I shrug. “It was a big city. There wasn’t much nature where I lived. But this is something else. All these trees, and greenery, flowers, and not to mention the fresh air.” “Huh, I never thought about it because I grew up around all of this. I guess I take it for granted.” “People take many things for granted. Take humans, for instants. Most take nature for granted every day, not caring about the damage they’re doing to the wilderness and wild animals.” “Yeah.” Blaze chuckles. “Humans are a hoot. Sorry, I didn’

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