Chapter 6 - Real b***h

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*Zefra's POV* --- After I have made sure that the ceremony has been canceled, I finally headed out of the church and went to the flower shop to tell Monica that the mission was accomplished. Damn, I don't know if that was good or not. But, at least I have saved a life, lives, right? I looked around our meeting place, but I can't see any signs of her around. And, I quickly turned my back on the road as I got the sight of the groom and his family drove by. Whew! "Ma'am, have you noticed the woman here that was wearing sunglasses and headscarf, earlier?" I asked the vendor of the flowers, and she made an oh face. "Yeah, are you Seraf... Sefar... Sebra... Sara? I don't really know. But, she actually left something for you." She asked for my name and kinda massacred it. Then, she handed me a folded paper. "What is this?" I asked her curiously, and she shrugged her shoulders. "I didn't read it." She replied, but with a cheeky smile. Mm, sure, ma'am, sure? "Okay, thank you so much! And, have a great day." I told her and bid her goodbye. "Yeah, you too! I hope that you are gonna have a great day ahead. Hopefully." She uttered with a wide smile, and I just waved at her as I walk to the bus stop. I'm just gonna read this on the bus and on the way home. --- As I sat at the last seat at the very end of the bus, I remembered the paper. And, I just decided to read the note, letter, or whatever is this that Monica left for me. "Hi, Zefra! Congratulations! I knew that you can make it. And, thank you so much for ruining that event for me. You are such a great hero and a bad b***h at the same time. But anyway, I think our paths won't cross again and you have to know something. I'm so sorry, but you helped the real b***h. I'm the other woman, and also, I'm not pregnant. Xoxo, Monica." After reading the note, I felt my world shattered into pieces as I have realized everything. "Holy mother of goats! What have I done?" I cursed under my breath, and I could feel my heartbeat is beating at an immeasurable speed. What kind of person is she? What kind of person am I? How...? No! Oh, my gosh! No, f**k it! f**k this! f**k you, Monica! What the...? And, I tried to control my breathing as I have felt something wet dripped down my cheeks. Tears. I just feel... I feel like I'm the worst person on earth, right now. No, what have I done? f**k! I shouldn't have trusted her. I think it's all my fault. It is my fault. Damn it! "Are you okay, Miss?" Someone asked me worriedly, and I looked up at the person. Then, I nodded my head in response, and I didn't notice that the bus has stopped at my destination and is about to go. "Hey, hey! Stop! I'll get down! Wait for a moment." I yelled and stood up to walk to the door, then finally, getting down. Then, I sat on the bench with my shoulders are down while my hand grips on the paper in my hold. I'm an i***t. A reckless i***t. And, I took off my blonde hair wig and threw it into the trash as I am about to walk on the sidewalk to go home. What mess have I made to that woman's life? I'm the worst person for her by now. And, maybe, she's searching for me to kill me, or worse... Torture me before killing me. But no, I guess not. It's Monica's fault. I just helped her. I have helped a freaking lying b***h. f**k it! --- "Zef, are you okay?" Molly asked me as I step inside our house, and I just headed to my room without saying anything, but I nodded my head in response. And, I placed the note on my study table as I let out a heavy sigh when I remembered again that I had ruined a life, earlier. Damn, I just hope that they erased those pictures and videos as what the real b***h assured me. Then, I laid down on my bed as I try to think again of some stressful things. f**k, I should not overthink it. I need to sleep since I still have two jobs later. "Zef, we are going to Mom, and we are planning to have a sleepover there," Riley stated as she peeks by my door, and I sat up to look at her. "Okay, I'll just pass by there before I'll get to the diner. I just need to sleep for now." I replied, and she nodded her head in response. And, I laid down again, which made my mind went to think of Bella. Mirabella, actually. But, I don't know her surname since it was all that was written on the invitation card. And, I'm pretty sure that she is crying her heart out right now in which I feel so f*****g guilty for the mess that I caused. Damn, how can I make it up? Or, should I just not worry about it? But, my conscience is gonna hunt me for sure. Ah, f**k it! I need to sleep. --- "Hey, Zef, you have been quiet. Are you okay?" Gaia asked me as we walk out of the diner after our shift is done. She's a colleague of mine, and she is used to my hyper and happy ass while at work. But, I think she has noticed my change of mood, today. "I'm fine, Gai. I'm just tired, I guess. And, a little headache is saying 'hello'." I answered with a little lie, and she giggled softly. "Yeah, you might need to unwind for a bit. You have been so serious about your job here or anywhere." She uttered as she points to the bar near our workplace. "No, I need to save up more, and I still have a night job at a convenience store at eleven," I replied which she chuckled. "You can always get a free drink, and a bottle of flavored beer won't make you wasted, or even tipsy, Zef." She uttered with facts, and I chuckled. Yeah, free drink it is. But I need to f*****g sing a song for that at the stage. "Mhmm, you may be right. Are you going there?" I asked her, and she shook her head no. "I actually need to be home because our dog is giving birth and... I am a midwife of that b***h. It's her third time." She answered, and I nodded my head in understanding. "Alright, I'll go along then," I told her as we are about to part ways. Well, I just need to get this stressful thing in my mind for a bit. "Mhmm, enjoy! And, I hope that you will find something or someone to spice up that romance in your bones. You are getting rusty." She let out, and I shook my head lightly as I laugh at her words. Nah, romance seems like a very unlucky word to me ever since forever. Then, I crossed the street to go inside the bar of a close friend. Well, I am a regular customer here before my mother got into the hospital. And yeah, I sing and I could get a free drink. Any drink. It's actually the owner who made that deal with me, and she is my mom's best friend. I really love Ollie. --- "Zefra, that's a good song! What drink this time? I'll make it two since it's been a while that you didn't get here. How's Rachel May?" The woman by the counter stated and asked me about my mom. And, we chatted about some things about how is my family doing for the rest of the time that I consume my beverage. --- It's almost ten in the evening, and I need to get home since I'll still change clothes and bring some sweaters with me for my night job. But, as I am about to stand up to leave, I heard the guy that is sitting on the stool on my left has been talking bullshits to whoever the woman he is talking to. It just got my attention since he is talking a language that my ex-girlfriend back in my first year in college has taught me. Filipino language. "Ang bastos mo, ah! Pwedi layuan mo yang binibini?" I told him to f**k off and leave the woman alone since he's bothering her in a perverted way. But, I bet that the girl can not understand it. Then, he turned to me while smiling like a real jackass. And, I really want to erase his lips from his face. He might be a half-blood or something, but all I know is he is a pure-blooded asshole. "Marunong ka magtagalog? Kamangha naman! Gusto mo ikaw nalang? Pwedi ka? Sexy ka rin. Okay, ikaw nalang. Ano?" He stated in amazement but mixed with cockiness, and he mentioned that he will take me to bed instead of the brown-haired lady. And, I badly want to punch his face now. Like... argh, I have a freaking bad day, and he might be the one to taste my madness. "Sorry, pero... Maganda at sexy din kasi ang hinahanap ko." I told him that I also want to bang a gorgeous girl like what he has been looking for, too. And, he seemed a bit surprised. Yeah, surprise, shawty! I'm gay. "Aba, tibo ka? Mababago ko yan kapag naikama na kit---" He countered but didn't finish when my blazing right fist met his jaw. K.O. You can't change gender because of s*x, i***t. "Itong kamao ko ang ikama mo, gagong motherfucking asshole!" I let out and that means f**k this fist of mine. Well, what is the purpose of being a gangster and engaging in street fights for almost seven years? I'm one hell of a bad girl on the team before. But, I'm different now, and I already resigned from that lifestyle. Still, I could make use of my skills, especially if I really need to. And, while some men checked out the asshole on the floor, I told the woman that she has been harassed earlier and what plan he's been plotting by the time that she will exit this bar. Then, as I notice that she didn't say anything in response, I looked at her that made my eyes widened in shock or rather in horror. Oh, s**t, no! I am doomed.
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