Chapter 5 - Ruin

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*Mirabella's POV* --- "I don't know who you are, and I have no f*****g idea if what you are talking about!" I belted, and I just feel so mad right now. Like, who wouldn't be? She stood up and objected, and then, babbled about us being together for four years. And, it's not true. None of it. I haven't even seen her my whole damn life. "No, why are you denying us, Belle? You have said that you loved me, and you promised that it will be me and only me that you'll be married to. Did you just lie to me when you said it the other night that you won't be doing this? Why? Because you just needed me to make love with you? Don't do this, Belle. Please? I love you." She stated in frustration, which made everyone around gasp in surprise by this lunatic's absurd claim. And, me? I am flabbergasted, and I just froze in place. What the f**k is she talking about? And, who the f**k is she? Why is she doing this? "Mira, is it true?" I heard Tim asked me, and I turned my head to him with a horrified face. "No, absolutely not! Those are all lies! I don't even know her. Don't you believe me, Tim?" I let out with all the truth, and he seemed to be thinking something. Then, my gaze went to his parents, and I could see a trace of disgust on their faces. "Miss, how can you prove that you are in a relationship with the bride?" The officiant asked, and yes, that's a good one. I can't let her ruin this day. Never. I have waited for this for a long time. "There. Our pictures together and there are even videos." She uttered as she looks somewhere, and all eyes of the guests turned to the big screen on the left side of the platform, where there are slides of pictures are shown. And, my mouth dropped to the floor as I have seen myself with that blonde-haired crazy person. How on earth...? "No, that is not real! It never happened. It's edited. All of this is a lie!" I let out angrily, and I could feel myself is about to break down. "Mira, I can't believe that you have been cheating on my son! How can you do that? And, for God's sake, with a woman? You are aware that it is forbidden, it's a sin! You are going to hell!" Ruth exclaimed as she is now standing near her son. "No, Ruth, it's not true! None of this is true! Timothy, you believe me, don't you? I can never do that." I cried out, and I cried more when I heard my man's reply. "I can't believe it, Mira. How... how can you do this to me? Is it why you never want to make love with me since the beginning of our relationship? Is she the reason? Because you're a disgusting dyke?" He uttered with a trace of hatred in his voice, and I am speechless while I could feel my knees weakened. No, this is not happening! "We are calling off this wedding! We won't let our son be tied with a sinner. What would people say if so? I'm so sorry, Mira. We can't continue this. You were such a nice woman, and I feel sorry for you." Tim's father announced and stated, while all I can hear are faint voices around me. There are lots of murmurs, and I just stood there and saying nothing. "Mira, Sweetie. What's this all about?" I heard Grammy's voice, and she went near me. And, all I did is sat on the floor and not caring anymore if what's happening around me. What is happening? Am I dreaming? No, it's a nightmare, and I wanna wake up now. Please, can somebody pinch me? "Mira, are you okay?" Someone asked, and I looked up to the person. "Grammy, I am not okay. Don't you believe me that it's not true? I can never do that. I... I don't know why this is happening to me." I sobbed with all my contempt, and she went to sit beside me and put me in her arms. "I believe you, Sweetie. Shhh, everything's gonna be okay. I'm not leaving you, and I believe you, okay?" She stated and rubbed my back as I cry on her shoulder. "Did he leave me, Grammy? Did he go? I can't believe that he believed those lies. What did I do to deserve all of this?" I asked her in between sobs, and she hugged me tighter. --- "Mira, open the door!" I heard my grandmother called as she knocks for the fifth time, and I just went under the sheets that are wet because of my stupid f*****g tears. I just wanna die badly. It's like I am still in that nightmare. Did everything really happen? Maybe, because I am still in the wedding gown that I have torn when I got home, earlier. Whoever is that psychopath that ruined everything, I will surely make her pay with all she did to me. She f*****g took everything from me. I will never forgive her, and I will f*****g kill her if I could. f**k! Why? Why did she do this? Who is she? "Sweetie, come and get up. You need to eat. It's already dinner time, and you haven't eaten anything since breakfast. It's gonna be bad for you. Let's just figure things out everything, tomorrow, and I promise that everything will be fine. Come on, I cooked your favorite." Grammy stated, and I felt movement on the bed. Ugh, she used the emergency spare key again? "Mira, I know that you are awake. Come on, I understand that you feel like s**t, right now, but you need to think of your health. You have encountered problems that are bigger than this, and you have conquered all of those. And, I'm sure that you can, too, for this one." She continued with absolute truth, and I started sobbing again. But, she's right, this is nothing compared to when I lost Mom, Dad, and Mike all at once. That was a real hell. And, I finally peeked out, and I saw the old woman smiling at me warmly. "Come on, I know that you are strong enough to fight that rage that you feel inside. And, I promise you that we are gonna find that psycho woman that has ruined this day. She just messed up with the wrong family." She uttered, and I giggled as she showed me her left fist with her stern fighting face. "That's my girl. Come here. Get up now, and we will eat dinner. I am the one who cooked, and you should eat them because I will be sad." She stated with her pouty lips, and I sat up on my bed. This woman never fails to make me feel okay with every shitty day that I have encountered since the moment I opened my eyes in the world. "Okay, Grammy. I'll just take a shower for a moment." I told her with a hoarse voice, and she held my right cheek gently before standing up. "Alright, I'll wait for you outside, and we'll eat together." She replied and walked out of my room. I finally let out a very heavy breath, and I just remembered something; Tim went here to see me, earlier this morning. Damn, that's the f*****g sign. It really is true. Well, there's one thing that I could say after all that I have encountered through my life. I really am an unlucky person. --- After our dinner, I told Grammy that I'll be fine, and she went home. And now, I'm all alone again except with the maids, and no, I am not gonna remember my misery again and cry my eyes out. I will call Tim because I wanna know if... If what? f**k, he despises me because of those lies. He left me crying there, and he believed it. I am so f****d up. I hate him for doing that. Damn, I should know if who is that girl, and I will make her pay for the mess that she made. She's just gonna wait because I'm gonna give her the vengeance that could make her kneel in front of me to ask for forgiveness. And, I will never go easy on her. Then, I had just decided to let everything cool down first before I'll talk to him. --- The night went on that I am lying on my bed, and my eyes are open wide. I can't sleep. So, I sat up and turned on the light of the lamp on my nightstand. Then, I looked at the time on the digital clock. Nine-seventeen. And, I have let my body decide on what to do in which I found myself take off my nightgown, and now, wearing jeans and a black fit T-shirt under my red leather jacket. I am gonna let loose this hell of a feeling in me. Then, I revved my Bugatti Veyron before I pulled out from the garage and drove somewhere. Well, I just need to unwind and forget about the s**t that my marriage has encountered, even just tonight. --- "Three shots of vodka, please," I told the male bartender, and he obeyed. Then, I closed my eyes as I have felt the alcohol burn in my throat. Damn, it's been a long time that I have tasted this sensation. "Can I sit here beside the lovely lady and order a whiskey on ice?" A man asked the bartender as he takes his sit on the stool beside mine. Hit one. Moments later, and I already finished my drinks and was about to order a cocktail when the man beside me spoke. "Do you wanna dance?" He asked, and I raised an eyebrow at him as I looked at his face. He smirked, and clearly, he is checking me out for the millionth time now. "No. I'm with someone, and he is looking this way," I replied, and he tried to look around him. And, he nodded his head slowly and decided to just walk along the dancefloor alone. One down. Well, this is the fun stuff if you are in a bar. You won't get tired of counting the men that would try to hit on you, and you'll eventually turn them down one by one. --- I glanced at the time on my phone and saw that it's five minutes before ten in the evening. And, my total count is... seven. And, oh, there's one more that is about to receive his rejection. "Hi, Miss! Pwedi ba akong umupo dito sa tabi mo?" He asked me, and I don't freaking understand. What language is it? I didn't say anything in reply, and he just sat there while eyeing me lustfully. Damn it, I'll be having a problem if he can't understand in English. Then, the bartender placed a bottle of beer for him, and he is now sitting while facing me. And, I just tried my best to ignore this asshole. "Ang ganda mo naman, Miss. Sarap mo siguro sa kama 'no? Magaling ako, at sigurado, 'di ka magsisisi. Pero, hindi mo ko naiintindihan. Cool!" He kept blabbering, and I just sipped on my cocktail while not bothering to give this foreign species any attention. "Can you just go away?" I finally spoke since he is really getting on my nerves now. "Wow, palaban! 'Yan ang gusto ko, at sigurado akong palaban ka din sa kama. Abangan kita mamaya sa labas, at nang labasan naman ako. Ang ga---" He uttered and stopped as someone cut him off. "Ang bastos mo, ah! Pwedi layuan mo yang binibini?" It's a woman's voice, and she is sitting next to him. And, oh, I bet that that is the girl who sang at the stage, earlier, for a free drink. And, thankfully, the jerk's attention is now on her. I bet they are speaking the same language. I continued drinking my beverage, but then, I could feel that there's tension building up with the foreign jerk and the woman beside him. "Aba, tibo ka ano? Mababago ko yan kapag naikama na kit---" The guy uttered, and he didn't finish when the girl punched him in the face that made him fall to the floor. And, I think he passed out. Wow, just one punch, huh? "Itong kamao ko ang ikama mo, gagong motherfucking asshole! Are you alright, Miss? This dude has been talking nasty things to you earlier and planning to harass you by the time you'll exit this place." She explained while some men checked the passed-out bastard, and I just stared intently at the red-haired woman that has saved me. Then, she finally looked at me, and she seemed like she saw a ghost by that look on her face. I can't be mistaken. It's her.
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