The deal

1765 Words
Alina's pov My feet went downstairs anxiously…and the moment I saw my family in the living room, tears filled my eyes. Mother was doing house chores and Father was helping her since all our servants left. Sara was the only one who stayed, she was like a family to us. Storm brought fruits for us. “You're awake, sweetie?” Mother came closer and pecked my forehead. “I brought apples for you, sis!” Storm said with a pure smile. “You should eat fruits and stay healthy.” Father brushed through my head. My tears couldn't hold back anymore and I started crying my heart out. They got worried and kept asking me what happened, but little did they know it was the tears of joy. Even if it was just a dream…I never wished to wake up. My arms widened and hugged my family tightly. “Thank you for being alive” “Thank you so much.” “Madam has gone crazy since morning.” Sara mumbled sarcastically. “Did you have a nightmare?” Mother inquired. “Yes, a really bad one!” My lips answered. *Deep breath “Father” “Yes, darling?” “I am going to Romania for a few days.” “Romania? But why?” His brows furrowed. “To attend my friend's wedding.” That was a convincing excuse. *Sigh “About money…” Father was concerned. “Don't worry about it, I have savings.” Words came out of my mouth. His eyes were guilty with the fact he couldn't even afford a trip for his daughter. “When things get better…take us to Switzerland, okay?” My sweet tone tried to encourage his dull face. He nodded his head with a smile. “But you’re not going alone!” Storm interrupted. “Your brother is right.” Mother agreed, too. “Take Sara with you.” “I am going to start packing then.” Sara rushed to her room. *** Two weeks later… I took a leave from the hospital and headed straight to Romania with Sara. The entire flight my heart was worried and my stomach was anxious. What if Father's debt collector refuses to give me an ultimatum? “Now tell me the reason why we are going to Romania?” Sara was suspicious of my trip from the start. She was part of all my secrets. “We're going to meet Jayce Cross, Father's debt collector.” Sara's eyes widened with shock. “WHAT?” She shouted. “Please keep your voice down, Ma’am.” The airhostess interrupted her. “Uhm…Sorry!” Her sweet tone apologized. “He's dangerous!” She whispered into my ear. “We can't deal with that man!” “Let's just get off this flight, okay?” A wide awkward smile flashed on her mouth. “Shut up, Sara!” “We need to fix our situation or our whole family will be dead in the future.” I said with a pressurized tone. “Jayce Cross won't spare us either!” Her teeth clenched her words. “What if he turns out to be an old grumpy man with no hair on his head?” She was even worried about his appearance. “We will deal with that old man, trust me.” I assured her. “But do you even know his address?” Sara questioned. “He's very famous in Romania from what I have heard. Anyone will be able to take us to his house, even a child.” “Okay, let's do this!” Sara forced a smile. *** Upon arriving in Romania… My eyes were mesmerized by the beauty of Romania…it was eye-catching. The breath of fresh air brushed through my skin and I realized the taste of freedom. “Alina, come here!” Sara called me to the cab stop. My strong grip clutched her wrist tightly and dragged her in a corner. “What happened?” She was startled. “I am out of money!” “What the hell do you mean?” “I spent my savings on the flight tickets.” It was my honest confession to Sara whose fierce eyes were glaring at me. “Mr. Cross’ mansion is 4 kms away…how are we supposed to go there?” “Shall we walk?” A smile glinted on my lips. She frowned, but that was our only option. We walked for God knows how long…it was like walking on the desert without food and water. “There it is!” Sara pointed her finger at the big white mansion in front of us. There was a board with Mr. Cross name on it. *Deep breath “Let's go inside!” Before we could enter the mansion…the two guards outside stopped us. “We're here to meet Mr. Cross, it's very urgent, please.” My very polite tone requested them. “You can't meet him without a proper appointment.” The guards refused. “This is a very important matter about my father's debt, Levi Ortiz.” “Let us go inside, please!” “I already told you ma’am.” All of a sudden…one of those two guards got a call on their cell phone. As he finished talking on the phone…they opened the gates for us. “Mr. Cross allowed you.” The guard standing on my left mumbled. “Thank you!” Sara and I finally entered the mansion. A butler was already waiting for us in the living room. He was pretty old. “What would you like to have?” His polite tone asked. “Pasta, please?” Sara was starving. “Sure, Ma’am.” The butler bowed his head. “And what about you ma’am?” His eyes shifted to my face. “Just water, thanks!” I was used to living without food. He asked us to wait for Mr. Cross and headed straight to the kitchen. We waited for half an hour… “Oh!” Sara widened her eyes. “What?” My forehead wrinkled. “That old man is coming…” She pointed her eyes at the stairs. The corridor and the upper stairs were quite dark, it was hard to see his appearance at once. He slowly stepped down on the stairs one by one and a few dim lights on the wall slowly started to flash on his face and body… “Oh. My. God.” Sara mumbled. She wasn't the only one who was shocked, my eyes widened, too. Jayce Cross was no old man!! He was breathtaking. He was about 6 '0 tall, his hair was black and soft, whereas his gorgeous green eyes reminded me of a forest. His face was sharp and every feature was perfect…so unreal. He was wearing a black shirt with his sleeves rolled up, exposing his veins. As he was coming downstairs his fingers were fixing his expensive watch wrapped on his left wrist. “Look at his jawline!” Sara was drooling over him. I poked her arm with my elbow and she got out of her delusional world. “Control yourself.” “Seduce him, madam.” She whispered. “Are you crazy?” My lips whispered back. “So you're Levi Ortiz’ daughter?” His deep sexy voice interrupted our not so important conversation. *Gulp I got up from the couch and nodded my head obediently. “Why are you here?” His hands went inside his pants' pockets and he tilted his head slightly. “Uh…I have a request…” He was silent. “Could you please give my family a year to pay your debt?” *Chuckles “A year?” “It has already been a year.” My fingers started rubbing each other anxiously. “Then how about you allow me to work for you and cut the amount from my salary?” “Not interested.” He said with a straight face. “Only his face is handsome…he's a je*k!” Sara mumbled from behind. “What did she say?” He tried to see his face, but she hid behind my back. *Cough *Cough “She said you're a very nice, young, handsome man, so you should help us…” *Sigh “My family's situation is really bad. All the workers left our company, the employees are demanding their salaries, my father's partners are threatening him for shares…” “None of my business!” “If you're out of your excuses then please leave my mansion.” His palm pointed at the main door. Unexpectedly… “Dad” A child's voice reached our ears. He looked exactly like him…black hair and green eyes…but he was on a wheelchair. “What is it?” He knelt down on the floor and a charming smile on his lips. Perhaps, that smile was only for his son. “He's married!” Sara whispered with a disappointing tone. “Your legs seem healthy…with a few ayurvedic herbs and therapy, you'll be able to walk again.” I said with confidence. “Really?” The child looked at me with so much hope. My head nodded with a smile. All of a sudden Jayce got up from the floor and glared into my eyes. “Even the world's best doctor gave up in front of his condition, yet you're saying that Zane will be able to walk again?” “Not any medicine, but Ayurveda will definitely heal his legs. My father's company used to produce those ayurvedic medicines made of natural herbs.” “They're very rare though!” “You can only find them in Silver Falls.” He walked over to me and closed the distance between us to inches… “Then how about a deal?” “Deal?” My timid voice murmured. “If you make my son walk again, I will never ask you to pay me back.” His words were sincere, he wasn't bluffing. “Really?” Tears filled my eyes. “Only if my son walks again.” He made it clear. His steps walked back to his son… “Samuel” That old butler appeared again. “Pack our bags…we're going back to Silver Falls, back to my family.” He commanded him. His finger pointed at me… “You two are going to stay with us.” That was my first victory. “What's your name?” His brow twitched. “Alina Ortiz” His hands again went inside pants' pockets... “Congrats Alina…you're hired.”
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