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POV NICO     I got a call from Cordelia's father a month ago. She was attacked at the theaters with her cousin. She managed to fight off the attacker but she was pretty shaken up about the whole situation. He wants me to double the security on her during all hours. He said he has been getting more and more threatening letters regarding her safety. I told them guys none of them were to touch her, only observe and report back to me. If she knew she was being tailed this would all be for nothing.      I've been working this job for almost two months now and I was falling for her more everyday, that damn Zander was in the way all the time. I kissed her earlier today at the pub, I told her if she chooses me I wouldn't let her go. Please God let her choose me. I looked at my phone and it was getting late, her night shift should be switching over pretty soon. I should try and get some sleep so I'm at the top of my game tomorrow. I lay down and think of her fiery hair going down her back. Soon I feel the pull of sleep overcoming me. *RING* *RING* *RING* It's Cordelia, it's 3:30AM What is she calling this late for, not that I'm really complaining. "Hello?" I whisper, the sleep still in my voice. "Nico...help me....p-please" She softly grunts. She sounds hurt, I shoot up out of my bed, grab a hoodie and start running towards the door. "Where are you?" My voice is frantic. "Park..." Is all she says before she goes completely silent, did she pass out?     I know exactly where she is and I start running. It's only a few blocks from my place. I see her security parked down the street, I will deal with them later. I really need to get her some better guards, if she is hurt there will be hell to pay. I start to run around the park looking for her, I see her laying under a tree. She is passed out, her cheek is split open. She has been crying, not that I can blame her. I gently kneel down beside her,  "Cordelia? Can you hear me hun?" I whisper in her ear, no response.  I take off my hoodie and wrap her up in it, I gently pick her up, she cries out in pain as I move her body. I hold her close to me as I start to walk with her in my arms. Her security is walking, not jogging towards me now. I glare at them,  "How did this happen?" I hiss at them, careful not to be too loud and wake her. "Uhh.. We don't know, she was fine last time we checked on her. She was with her boyfriend.. We were giving her privacy...you know.." The one says, the other looks like he's about to piss himself.  "I will deal with you both later. Get out of my sight" I look down at Cordelia and see her face is scrunched up in pain. I wonder where it hurts, other than her face. That Zander is going to pay. I will make him pay with my own two hands.      I walk slowly, not wanting to make any sudden movements or bumps to make her more uncomfortable, after a while we get back to my place. I bring her up to my bedroom, placing her on the bed. She is covered in dirt, I don't care. I want to draw a bath for her but I don't want her to think I'm a pervert. So I leave her on my bed. I go get a warm washcloth and wipe her face off. I sit in the chair across the room and watch her sleep.      I make a call to her father, letting him know she is safe with me. That he needs to deal with the security guards before I murder them. He is relieved to know I have his daughter. He said he got another note sent to him, this one with pictures of her at work, stating they would be taking her soon. I told him that would only happen over my dead body. I'm still trying to figure out who 'they' are. It's been driving me mad for weeks. Cordelia starts to stir after a few hours, it is early morning now. She slowly wakes up and I go to her side.  "Hey beautiful, how do you feel?" I gently help her sit up and she softly cries in pain. I guess that answers my question "Not great" She whispers "Do you think a nice bath will help you feel better?" I ask hopeful that I can do something to help ease her pain She gives a small nod, I go and start the bath for her, I come back in and she is trying to stand. I can tell she is in a great deal of pain,  "Where does it hurt?"  "Mostly my back" She sighs, I help her walk over to the bathroom. "Will you help me?" She asks I give her a small nod, "Just don't look okay?" She adds      I help her out of her clothes, I turn my head to the side and I help her step into the tub. I can't help but catch a glimpse of her back. There is a massive black and purple bruise formed on the middle of her lower back. My grip on her tightens ever so slightly, I really didn't mean to look.  "Give me a shout when you're done and I'll help you out okay?" I say      She gives me a small nod as she leans back into the tub crying out as she does, her back must be killing her.  I walk out and go find something to hit. After relieving some anger on my punching bag I got back to the room, sitting outside the bathroom, waiting for her to call me. After a few minutes She does, "Nico, are you there?"  "Yes, Are you ready to come out?"  I go to my dresser and pull out a pair of boxers and a shirt for her "Yes I'm ready.."      I go back in and she has her body pressed to the side of the tub so she thinks I won't see her breasts, but actually the way she is sitting has them perched up perfectly. The perfect view. I try not to look. I grab a big towel and take a step towards her. We both stare at each other for a moment.  "Turn around and I'll help you up" I clear my throat before speaking     Without being told twice she turns her back to me. I slowly reach down, wrapping my arms under hers, my hands graze her breasts and I gently lift her out. She's like a child in my arms, her legs tucked under so I have her entire weight in my arms, I lift her like she is a feather. I set her down and she takes the towel from me, wrapping herself in it.  "I brought you something to wear, let me know when you're dressed, I need to tend to your face..." I make my way out of the room. 
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