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    After the incident at the theater, I felt more alert. I was also more aware of people watching me, I'm sure it was just some of Fathers minions watching me, but I kept my head down and tried to ignore the feeling in my gut telling me I was being watched. Nico had started to come around more often too, almost everyday he was at the pub, like before.      Zander and I have gone on quite a few dates and he seems to be seriously interested in me at this point. Things seem to be looking up. He seems like a decent guy, I need someone decent in my life right now. We've been going out for a month now, I still haven't slept with him, I just don't feel like I'm ready so soon after Jason. He got upset once but quickly apologized. Nico always seems to be grumpy when Zander comes into the pub, he's always glaring at him. Today was no different. Zander brought me flowers and I was setting them in a vase when I looked over and saw Nico glaring daggers at Zander, who was oblivious to the fact. I rolled my eyes,  He had his chance with me. He has no right to be acting like this now.  Zander gave me a kiss and headed out. I walked over to Nico's table with his drink. "What's wrong with you today?" I ask playfully "I don't like that guy" He growls "What's wrong with Zander?"  "I don't like you with him!"  "Look Nico, you can't do this, it's not fair. You had your chance"  His eyes snap up at my words. Suddenly he is standing in front of me, our bodies extremely close. His chest is pressed right up to me.  "I never had a chance. We both know it" He whispered looking down at me "I don't know what you mean?"      He leans forward and pulls me in closer to him, tilting my head up for better access, he closes the distance. His tongue swipes my lower lip, asking for access. I deny him, trying to turn my head away from him but he holds me in place. He tries again, I open my mouth and he slides his tongue inside. I moan in pleasure as his tongue dances with mine. He pulls me so close I can feel my breasts are pressed against his body. He nibbles on my lip and retracts from me.  "If you were his you would never have let me do that. Face it babe, you want me." He whispers seductively in my ear  I feel myself panting for air. That was hot. My body reacted to his touch in ways it never would with Zander. It was like I was drawn to Nico's touch.   "Think about what you want Cordelia, if it's me, then I promise this time I won't let you go" He says as he pays his bill and leaves. I pull out my phone and text Zander. "We need to talk, tonight"   I go back over to the bar, and see Jaxon watching me with his mouth hanging open.. "What the f**k. I thought you were with Zander?" He says "We aren't official, plus I don't really feel a connection with him" I manage to finally speak. "Well, you better let him down easy, he's a good guy" "I know. I'm so confused right now. Nico said if I pick him he won't let me go again. I don't know what to do" "Well if that kiss meant anything you know exactly what to do" He winked       My shift ended quickly after that, I went home and cleaned up before heading over to the meeting spot Zander and I agreed upon. Walking over to the park, I tried to think of what I would say to Zander. I didn't want to hurt him, he is a nice guy...just not for me. I found myself thinking of Nico and the kiss from earlier. Before I knew it a pair of arms wrapped around me from behind. I turned in the arms to see Zander.  "Hey baby" He smiles at me "Hey, thanks for meeting me. I wanted to talk to you" "What's up?"     I didn't know where to start, "I'll just be honest because I don't know any other way to say it. I think we should see other people. I don't see us going anywhere, don't get me wrong, it's been fun. I just don't see a future with you" I feel so uncomfortable right now Zander stares at me for a moment before speaking, "This is about Nico isn't it? That motherfucker has his claws in you doesn't he? Are you f*****g him on the side?" He is angry now, almost yelling at me.  I take a step back from him, scared he will try and attack me like Jason did. "I won't lie to you, Nico and I did kiss, but that's all. I'm not the kind of girl who cheats on someone! It's really none of your business what I do though. You need to respect my decision. We are over" I turn on my heels and walk away from him.     He grabs my arm and spins me back towards him. I struggle in his arms, "Let me go Zander. Don't do something you'll regret!" I cry out "The only thing I regret is wasting my time with a slut like you!" He spits at me I don't think about what I'm doing and next thing I know I am slapping him across the face.      Zander does not like that, he winds his arm and punches me in the face. I drop, he is still holding my arm, holding me up. The pain in my cheek from where his fist made contact is burning and pulsing at the same time. It is unbearable. He punches me again, this time in the stomach, "You stupid b***h!" He yells, before dropping my arm, I immediately fall to the ground. He looks down at me, spits on me, kicking me once in the back before walking away. I am screaming from the pain. My whole body is on fire. I stay down on the dirty ground crying. I don't know what to do, I can't stand up, I can barely move. I manage to reach into my pocket and pull out my phone, I hit Nico's number and hope to God he answers. 
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