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POV NICO     Cordelia thrashes around on the bed, screaming out. I can feel the panic and pain radiating off of her body in waves. I try to calm her but she fights against me, clawing at me. Whatever she is dreaming is causing her physical pain. I pull her close to me, holding her arms in place so she can't hit or scratch me. I hold her as she cries, she doesn't calm though, she just keeps crying. She is crying for her mother. After a while she calms a bit,  "Shhh I'm right here" I soothe her, stroking her hair. I try to wake her and she slowly opens her eyes, tears falling down as she does.  "It was just a bad dream Love, you're alright" I whisper "I don't think it was a dream at all Nico" She cries softly.  "Whatever it was, it's gone now. You're safe"      She cried in my arms while I held her close until she couldn't cry anymore and eventually she drifted back to sleep. After a while I fell back to sleep too, making sure not to let her go.      I wake in the morning and look down at the beautiful woman in my arms, she looks so sad, her eyes are puffy from crying and she has a small frown on her lips, her eyebrows are furrowed. All I want is to take away whatever pain she is feeling. I find myself playing with her hair, she stirs in my arms. Stretching, her toes hitting my knees. It's easy to forget how small she is. Her head lifts off my chest and she looks up at me. Her big beautiful hazel eyes are bloodshot. Even in this state, she is the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. I smile down at her, "Morning Beautiful" I kiss the tip of her nose, making her giggle. "Hey.." She breathes  She pulls away from my embrace and sighs.  "I had a terrible dream about my mother.." She says, shivering and pulling the blanket over her shoulders. "Do you want to talk about it?" I ask sitting up to face her. She is silent for a long time before answering. "Remember when my dad said she died protecting me at the park?"  I nod, not liking where this was heading. "Well I think I saw what happened to her when I was young. I think the dream wasn't a dream at all, but a memory of it. One I had suppressed for so long" A single tear falls from her eyes. Then another until it was a steady flow.  "I watched her die Nico... She died... all alone, because she told me to hide and I did, and she died! If only I had stayed with her, she wouldn't have been alone."  "Then you would most likely be dead too Cordelia. She was protecting you"      She told me the entire dream in between sobs and I listened. After she was done, she just sat there, staring at the bed. I went to the bathroom and drew a bath for her, I picked her up and carried her into the bathroom. She just stood there, she didn't move a muscle. It was like she was in shock. Her once lively eyes looked so empty. It scared me to see her like this. I didn't know what to do.. "The bath is ready for you Love" I whispered to her     She nodded and started to walk towards the tub, she went to get in, fully clothed before I stopped her. She didn't seem to even notice that she was still wearing her pj's. I quickly stripped her down and helped her into the tub. She leaned her head against the tub and pulled her legs to her body. She looked so small and broken. I left her alone with her thoughts. hoping she would be alright.  I went to my office and called her Father, "Nico what is it?" He answered after a few rings     I told him about her dream and he confirmed our suspicions, it was not a dream but a memory. Her mother Kathleen had been stabbed to death before her throat was slit. Cordelia was found six hours afterwards in a garbage can. She never spoke a word of what happened. Her father thought it would be best if he erased all memories of Kathleen from Cordelia's life. It seemed so cold and heartless to do that to a young girl but she never spoke of her mother after that day.   After I finished with my call I went to check on her. She was still sitting in the same position in the tub, only she had her eyes closed now.  "Cordelia?" I knelt down beside her "Mhmm?"  "The water is getting cold, you should come out now Love" "I don't want to leave yet.." She whispered. I took the drain plug out and emptied the tub halfway before adding more hot water.  "I'll come back in a bit okay?" I ask  "Mhmm" Is all she says I go back to my office and sit at my desk. What should I do... What can I do for her?     After thinking and coming up with nothing, I decided to go get her out of the tub.. I think she'd stay in there all day if I let her. I reach the bedroom and instantly feel like something is not right, I quickly go to the bathroom.      I see blood everywhere. The tub is filled with bloody water, the floor has blood pooled on it. I see Cordelia laying there with her wrists cut open, she looks so pale and lifeless. I ran to her pulling her out of the tub. "No no no baby please noo!!" I cry out as the tears freely escape my eyes... I feel as if my life is ending along with hers. My will to live and be a better man is slipping away.      I quickly grab a towel holding it to her wrists, I pull her body close to mine and I press my head against her chest, I listen, I hear a faint heartbeat.     I run to the bedroom with her in my arms, I grab a sheet off the bed and wrap her tightly in it when running down the stairs. I get us both in my car and I speed off to the hospital. Mr. Lando has a private room always on reserve and I rush us in, using his power to get her seen immediately. The nurse wants me to fill out some paperwork while they try to take her away. "I will not leave her!" I snap at the nurse. She is only trying to help, but it's pissing me off. Paperwork can wait.      The doctor starts to work on her, checking her vitals and stitching her up. I stand off to the side and let them work, but I don't take my eyes off of her. After what feels like eternity they have stabilized her, she is resting now, her wrists are patched up. Her body can't handle much more at this point, she has gone through so much in such a short time. I am worried she may never be the same again after this blow.      The doctors want to keep her for observations for a few days, I think it's a good idea, I don't want her to hurt herself again, so I agree. I call her father and tell him what has happened, he says he is coming right away. I don't know if she will want to see him or not. 

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