Chapter 4

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She arched her back from the bed as the sharp pain shooting inside her intensified and it felt as if it was spreading around her lower section. She couldn't control the tears falling in her eyes and let them flow down her cheeks. Her toes were tingling so she tried to curl and uncurl them. She also felt the irritation near her bond mark, she immediately started scratching at it but the itching continued more like increased instead of soothing it. She could feel small whimpers slipping out of her lips as the pain was getting uncontrollable. Why was it happening suddenly? And why now? She thought while trying to breathe through the blinding pain. She felt a wave of nausea, it was bubbling inside her stomach to the point that she felt a bitter taste in her mouth. She immediately raised from the bed and with a considerable effort, she moved out of the bed and stumbled towards the bathroom. Pushing open the door with a bang she emptied all the contents of her stomach in the toilet. She exhaled and cringed as the bitter taste was left in her mouth. She thought that it must be some kind of bug. And after puking the pain will subside but no such luck. She stayed hunched towards the toilet seat and then she felt a sharp pain travelling through her bond mark again. She tried to press her palm tightly against the bond mark an effort to soothe the pain but it was of no use. When she fell her knees hurt by kneeling for a long time she immediately got up from the floor and limped towards the wash basin and looked at herself in the mirror. She looked absolutely bizarre with her hair dishevelled and nose runny, her lips swollen and she could feel the foul breath in her mouth. Just when she thought that the pain would go away it intensified so much as if someone was kicking her abdomen with a heavy object. She bowed down clutching at her stomach and started sobbing. Why was it happening? She didn't even eat anything odd or unusual. After a few minutes of her holding her abdomen, the pain subsidised and felt better like she could finally breathe again. Just then she heard the shuffling sound from her room and her for sure that it must be her roommate. she got the paddling sound of the footsteps approaching her to which she timidly turned around and found that it was indeed her roommate. "Ly are you fine?" She croaked while rubbing her eyes but then when she noticed that Lylia was crying and had tear stains on her cheeks she was alarmed. She touched her forehead and flinched as it was warmer than usual. "Moon's grace! What happened?" She asked in a raspy tone and Lylia felt guilty that she was the reason Amira woke up. She took a deep breath trying to answer her friend. She herself didn't know what happened. "I feel sick. I don't know" She pitifully rasped her throat itching to even talk. Amira narrowed her eyebrows as if trying to figure out and when she didn't say anything else for a few seconds. "Let's get you to bed" Amira mumbled and took her arm and slowly they moved out of the bathroom with half her weight leaning towards her roommate. "I feel like dying..." She moaned while she lifted her head and notice that Amira just gave her a sympathetic look and patted her arm. It made her feel a bit better. "I am sure you will feel better in the morning," Amira assured her and pulled the covers till her neck and switched off the table side lamp and whispered her a soft goodnight. Lylia closed her eyes when she felt a certain wolf chasing her in the Woods but she didn't try to think about it but felt asleep dreaming the same. *** "Are you fine now?" Dylan asked whispering closely towards her. The omega felt like glaring at Ameera but sadly she wasn't there in the restaurant today. Why did she even tell Dylan about it? Lylia felt her face flame at the intense stare. "Yes," She softly whispered when she heard the cluttering sounds in the kitchen. She peeked a look at the head chef who was fumbling around. What was that about? "So I noticed that you are covering the bond mark," Dylan remarked. She felt her breath hitch and her hands immediately flew towards her neck. She thought that he wouldn't be able to smell another wolf on her. Who was she fooling? He was an Alpha. Of course, he would be able to. "I-" She spluttered unable to say anything, just kept awkwardly playing around with her collar of the shirt. She didn't know how to explain the situation. It was embarrassing to even recall how her Alpha rejected after giving her a bond mark. Dylan was a good friend. He had always been there for her. She was aware of how he tried several times to approach her for courting her but she didn't respond because she believed that friendship too much to ruin it. She felt guilty for doing that to him but her main focus has always been to earn money and establish a restaurant of her own. She didn't want to waste your time thinking about these things or being with an Alpha. The best thing about him was he understood her, her situation and it wasn't awkward between them as she thought it would be. He was kind, honest and a clever Alpha. Anyone would be lucky to have him as their mate but apparently, she wasn't that lucky. She thought about it for a while. It wouldn't be that embarrassing to confess everything to him because she was sure as hell not telling this to Amira. And besides Dylan never would make fun of her or spread this because he was too good and respected her enough to keep it a secret. She took a deep breath before looking at him and then continued, "It happened last night at the ODC job. As I was walking out towards the party I collided into him and then he marked me..." "That is so romantic" He sarcastically interrupted so the omega rolled her eyes and flicked his arm to which he made an action of zipping his mouth. "Anyways he rejected me afterwards and said that I should just forget about it and pretend that it didn't happen. We should move on and carry on with our lives..." She explained while nervously scratching at her neck. She felt the itch to do again and she hoped that the last night wouldn't repeat. "Wow! Really? That's so..." He exclaimed angrily while pulling at his hair and exhaling a loud breath. Lylia shrugged her shoulders instead of replying and dodged around. She was too ashamed to even meet his eyes. It was silent for a while. "Do you want him to be your mate?" He questioned to which she snapped her head at him. She laughed at his question and then felt eyes on her from the kitchen staff to which she immediately covered her mouth with her palm. "I'm sorry..." The omega wheezed in between when she noticed the confused smile playing on his lips. "No...I didn't even know his name. So I don't know... But it did sting a bit because he's supposed to be my soulmate but..." She shrugged her shoulders avoiding his eyes when she felt him exhale deeply at that. It was as if he wasn't believing her words. Before Dylan could reply she heard the creaking sound of the door and loud footsteps approaching. "What happened?" She mumbled to herself when she noticed her manager walk inside the kitchen with a deep frown on his face. "Lylia do you need a special invitation? Get your butt out already and take their order..." The manager furiously yelled. The omega flinched and turned towards Dylan who had a surprised look on his face as well. She had no idea why the manager was so angry all of a sudden. "I have to do everything around here" He angrily muttered to himself and stalked towards the head chef. What was going on? She was about to ask when she noticed that he turn towards her with an angry glint in his eyes. "What are you waiting for? Just go and take the bloody order. Selene!" He cursed at the end. The omega immediately picked the tablet phone from the countertop and rushed out of the kitchen. Lylia heard the loud sounds of laughter and giggles from the corner table and looked at Sofia who was leaning against the plate counter. She had a troubled expression on her face and she looked tired. She glared back at the table and then looked around the restaurant and noticed that only two tables were occupied. One of the tables was occupied by the family of four whereas the other table had two Alphas sitting around. And they had food on their table already so she was sure that she had to go to that corner table to take the order. With a heavy breath, she reluctantly walked towards that table when she smelled that familiar smell. Mate! Her omega whimpered inside her and she wasn't least bit excited to approach that table. Why was he here? The omega didn't want to see him again after last night but it seemed like fate loved playing these tricks on her. Clearing her throat, she wiped the sweat forming on her palms on her skirt. Then she stood at the edge of the table. She mentally groaned as she noticed four of them around the table. Two Alphas and two omegas. The thing that irked her the most was that the omegas were unmated. "Good afternoon." She greeted when she felt his eyes digging on her. Only if he had that kind of power she was sure that she would be underground by now. The two omegas didn't even bother to glance at her busy giggling about something. She wanted to roll her eyes but it wasn't polite so she just avoided them. They looked so out of place with their tight sleeveless dresses, breasts spilling out from that and she couldn't imagine the lengths they were going. "Good afternoon" An Alpha greeted her with a wide smile on his face and she felt weird because it seemed like he knew who she was or was trying to pretend from that smile. So instead she just gave him a weak smile in return and then her eyes fell on her mate who had a smirk playing on his lips. Uh oh. ***
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