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Ana I awoke once again in the arms of the man said to be my true fated love. My heart was at peace as I nestled into his toned chest. I rolled to a more comfortable position and the family photo on my night stand caught my attention. Once again, grief and remorse overpowered me. I tore Derek's arm from my body. Quickly throwing on my robe I rushed to the bathroom as my tears began to fall. I could not do this. After all the trials, all the highs and the lows I had been through with David I refused to allow any man access to my love. I would not survive another battle involving my heart. Earlier in the day during the midst of passion I was sure Derek was my true fated but seeing my late husband’s photo brought back memories of the love I had for him. I stood facing the mirror and sobbed. What had I done? Derek told me he loved me and if I was honest with myself I felt the same. I could not hurt him but I needed to step back. My thoughts were jumbled as my heart fought with my mind on what path to take. There was a knock on the bathroom door. “Baby girl, are you okay?” Derek kindly asked before inching open the door. Turning my back to him to hide the tears, I quietly replied, “I am just lost. David will always be part of my life and being in love with both him and you is unfair for you.” Realizing what I just admitted I turned to him. I had not meant to proclaim my love. In fact, I needed time to figure out what these strong feelings truly were. When he did not reply with anything other than a huge smile I continued, “Derek, I hold so much guilt for what happened to David. I do not think my mind will ever be at peace. I can feel the light you bring to my heart and have never felt a connection like the one we seem to have. Whenever I am reminded of David, despair overtakes the glimmers of belief telling me my life can once again be filled with happiness, a true happiness.” I proceeded to tell him everything; my tortured emotional state, that I was having a hard time accepting him as my fated love despite what we experienced, how much I loved David and I even told him of the prophecy. He knew the basics but had no idea the role he played if he was indeed my fated. Instead of running out the door, he came over and embraced me. “As far as David goes I understand and accept that you will always love him. I have fallen madly in love with you and that will not push me away. I can see the pain you hold and all I want is to help carry some of it for you. If you accept me I will be everything you need, a father figure to Ana, your light when darkness tries to gain control. I will be here to ensure that together we keep the darkness at bay like the prophecy calls for. Ana, we are each other's fated. Nothing you can tell me would convince me to change my mind. It has been 24 hours but again, I already know I love you,” Derek told me, his voice full of honesty. Before I had a chance to reply a nervous look crossed his face. He continued, “There is something I need to tell you though. David came to me earlier with a message for you.” Hearing that I broke down in Derek's arms while he relayed the message David entrusted to him.
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