Light and Dark

708 Words
Present Day Ana I had secrets - guilt, regret and secrets. Two years prior I made the biggest mistake of my life. I could have stopped it if I had not ignored the signs. Since meeting on that fateful day, it had always been David. He knew everything about me - the light and the dark. Our daughter is the only person who trumped the feelings I had for him. Not knowing of the forces at play and refusing to raise our Eva in a home revolving around his bad choices I took our daughter, leaving David alone in his battle. To set up life as a single mother I accepted the help from a friend who I know now to be evil encarnate. David was at his lowest. I was wracked with guilt for failing, no longer holding the power to heal my beloved. We spent 4 years together which traveled like a rollercoaster. There were times we would be soaring upwards, something I missed in so many ways. Unfortunately the majority of our relationship endured his coerced addiction effecting every aspect of our lives. After leaving in my vulnerable state I allowed Joe to tamper with my heart like a poison, slowly growing in toxicity. It started innocently, an older man there to help a family in need. With lies and persuasion he caught me in his trap. I should have known. Joe was handsome standing at 5'11" with light brown hair, hazel eyes and a chiseled body but his dark heart diminished his features. The worst part, I am blessed with heavenly powers I could have used to see through the evil cloud which destroyed our lives. Mentally I am weak or believe I am. Being unable to survive the overwhelming emotions encompassing my mind is proof that despite my intelligence, my power does not reside within my mentality. Physically I am not your average human. My life began far above where most people recognize as Earth. I am an angel, a fallen angel, banished from Heaven for the same culpability I have today. Harming someone emotionally tears me apart. The troubles began when my father demanded I stop seeing my closest angelic friend. He felt her influence would diminish my light. I loved my best friend like a sister and she reciprocated those feelings. Nothing my father did would convince me to end our friendship or hurt her, even if her heart held some darkness as he described. My father is high ranking amongst angels. After my disobedience he used his authority to cast me down from Heaven and start over alone on Earth. Two years prior Joe My scheme was coming to fruition and I knew that ignorant human was going to destroy it all. After some snooping, I learned Ana planned to ask me to leave and allow her husband to move home. Ana wanted her happy little family and I would not allow it. I needed her heart filled with despair allowing the darkness to take hold. You see, I am a dark warlock with my forces stemming from death. I had the means to become the most powerful of my time but due to a prophecy taking effect I needed to defeat the Heavenly light overpowering the darkness. Until I conquered every glimmer on Earth and eventually the planes beyond much of my force remained dormant, making me a conman with only mediocre superhuman capability. I was taught to absorb the evil forces created by each death caused by a direct result of my actions. I am by no means weak. I have the motivation, tools and darkness to overtake a mere human. Mind manipulation and falsifying the truth are two of my favorite human abilities I fully conquered. Growing darkness within a light heart is currently my greatest power and the one that shall allow me to destroy the future written in the prophecy. If need be, I had other means to greatly increase my forces but was saving those for dire circumstances. The first step was to break dear Ana. I had already planted the seed but it was time to allow it to grow. To do so, I needed to eliminate the only thing separating our powers - her love.
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