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Joe I walked out the front door to find Ana hidden in her car speaking quietly into her phone. We met a year prior but I expected her for far longer. I planned the perfect time to approach. She was married to a man turned dead beat addict but more importantly she had their daughter to protect. Despite my dark intentions I could not deny that Ana was stunning. Her golden blonde hair hung in messy waves past her shoulders. Her body was slim with curves in all the right places while her heart shaped face, blue eyes and full lips took any man's breath away. I entered their lives by masquerading as a repair man there to fix a leaking bathroom sink. Befriending David was easy. He had a need and I offered to assist. I soon found myself visiting their home daily. Luckily for me David spent most of his time hidden away in their study playing video games or feeding his demon, leaving me the perfect opportunity. I would spend most my time with Ana who soon trusted me and vented her frustrations regarding her husband. Befriending their daughter Eva helped create my deceitful personality, blossoming the psuedo friendship with Ana. I portrayed myself as a caring man who agreed with her on everything from politics to parenting. Ana believed every word providing me the opportunity to plant contention in her pure heart. Unknown to David I facilitated his lowest points, in turn pushing Ana further towards my goal. It was time to embark on the next stage of my plan. Convincing Ana to leave with Eva proved to be more difficult than I initially anticipated. With my first attempt, I left David unconcious on their bed. When Ana threatened to leave he used his life as leverage. Doing so was a page out of my own handbook. For a moment, I was proud of the man I was destroying but that pride dissipated quickly when Ana did not leave his side. I had not anticipated her love for him would be as strong as it was. A few weeks later I tried again. After convincing David one last time would not hurt, I left him unconcious on their bathroom floor. I finally succeeded. Early the next morning Ana and Eva abandoned David leaving him to fend for himself. “Love you Dad,” I over heard Ana speak quickly before ending the call. By this time her demeanor had changed. We were initially best friends or so she thought. Thanks to my manipulative tactics, once I got Ana and Eva away from David our friendship turned to something more. I had no regard for their living situation or them despite portraying a man who wanted only the best for the pair. What I truly cared about and the sole reason for my years of planning was to obtain Ana and her power. Unfortunately my plan was proving to have flaws. After I greatly assisted in setting up their life without David, Ana became distant. She barely spoke to me, instead had the phone attached to her as if it was her lifeline. I had my faults some would say but faults are in the eyes of the beholder. To be clear, it is my nature and manipulating the truth, my forte. I too am an addict among other things. From my dark perspective I saw no fault in bringing pain to those around me yet for my plan I managed to hide it with lies and manipulation. That was until Ana's aggravating intelligence caught on. At which point, I decided to use my addiction as a pathway, revealing it after Ana threatened to leave me. Using an embellished sob story to my advantage I morphed the situation with crocodile tears and promises to get clean. Not only did I convince her to continue down the route we were traveling but also persuaded Ana to allow me to move into their new home so she could ensure my sobriety. I kept my word soley because I could not allow a clouded mind to destroy my plan. Unfortunately, I had a sneaking suspicion there was another factor who may end up doing just that. “Hey Ana, who were you talking to?” “My dad” she hurriedly replied. I let it be. I knew who she was speaking to but I was not losing this battle. I finally found her and she was more than I ever expected. Ana had no clue how powerful she was but with my corruption we would finally destroy and conquer what I set out to do many years prior.
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