Chapter 34

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Erik I watch her through the glass to her office and I am equal parts captivated and annoyed. She still somehow has managed to avoid talking to me and explaining what I need to know. My desire for her has clouded my judgement, I’ve let this rumble on too long and too many parts of the puzzle do not fit together. I need answers. At that very moment she looks up and catches my eye, I feel my chest still, even after all of this time there is no other in the world who can affect me like she does with a simple look. Eyes never leaving me she stands and then does a sexy turn putting that practically naked back to me, her beautiful flesh exposed almost to her ass. I feel my body react instantly and have to swallow the rumble of excitement she illicit’s. A flicker of disappointment runs through me as she pulls on her blazer covering my temptation and then picks up her laptop walking purposefully out of her office, followed closely by her PA a nervous looking little vampire. It always amazes me how intimidated everyone seems by Amelia, when I look at her now all I can see is that same beautiful soul I fell completely, totally and utterly in love with the first moment I saw her. As she sashay’s past me she gives me a wink full of promise and once again I feel my d**k twitch. How I want to just bend her over right here in front of everyone and stake my claim on her. Thirty minutes pass and my mind is consumed with her still and my need for answers. My eyes keep wandering to her now empty office, to the secrets it holds, her little side projects that no one else has access to. Would they fill in some of the puzzle for me? I start to walk towards the office but then pause and turn back. I really shouldn’t invade her privacy like this. Yet I know there is so much she isn’t telling me, a thousand years of secrets and lies. Do I not deserve the truth? Another hour passes, a torturous hour of tormenting and arguing with myself. What’s the right thing to do? Damn it! I give in to my worst impulses and march to her office. Feeling the handle I am unsurprised to find it locked but turning it with a little more force than a human has I feel the lock give way for me. Her office is meticulous, everything in its place with a mini lab set along one wall. There are high tech locked freezer cabinets and an old fashioned looking locked filing cabinet. I make my way over peering through the glass of the freezer. Most of the samples look as they should marked with names and coded but there’s one that stands out. Mysteriously coded with simply patient A. Very unusual considering the meticulous notation on everything else. I wander to the cabinet and force the lock on it, it’s full of patient files, all handwritten, which is highly unusual now, normally these would all be created and stored digitally. A thought strikes me, unless you wanted to make sure no one else would ever discover what they contain, digital files are vulnerable. Pulling out a pile of files I walk to her desk and begin to pour through them. Her work is thorough and astounding, she has discovered what no other could. The key to having children, creating families, if more vampires could perhaps it would make them recover some of the humanity they lost? Allow us to live in greater harmony with humans. Now I understand her desire to successfully produce synthetic blood, together this would change everything for us, allow us to come out of the dark once more. I wonder why she hasn’t shared this discovery with the rest of the lab, locking it away here? But inside I already know the answer, Damien. I can’t imagine that my cousin would be receptive to this, his desire to hold onto ultimate control and power over the vampires is not compatible with the future this could bring. Allowing witch DNA back into our genetic pool would significantly reduce his hold as more powerful vampires were created. Carefully I put all of the file back in order and into the cabinet. There is one mystery left, the sample, patient A. I’m in too deep now I need to know who or why she has this sample, the other samples all correlate exactly with the files I have read. Taking it out I put it under the microscope and gasp, it’s mine! No wait, it’s subtly different, female. I step back from it feeling like I have been burned. How in gods name is this possible! It would mean I had sired another vampire! I feel sick and my mind swirls incoherently with the shock of this revelation. How could this be possible? Who is the mystery vampire? Another thought races through my mind, is this how I was saved from the hunters weapon? Not by some miracle? Taking a few slow deep breaths I calm my mind and try to regain some focus. Returning to the sample to see what I can work out from it, if it will give me any further answers. A gasp of surprise from behind suddenly pulls me from my intense focus. Whirling Amelia is there, hand over her mouth, eyes wide as she realises what I am looking at. Both of us freeze for what feels like an eternity our secrets stretching between us. Purposefully I walk towards her, she owes me an explanation, answers. Stopping before her she looks scared, pure terror flashes through her eyes and it makes me pause for a moment, trying to gather myself to use the right words. Her little hand reaches froward and grips my forearm, I look down at it and then back up into those fear filled eyes, “Don’t follow me!” She blurts out and releases her grip on my arm. She turns and runs from me and I try with everything in me to go after her but I can’t. I am grounded to the spot and I realise consciously for the first time she has compulsion. Anger begins to bubble inside me once more, how many times has she used this on me in the past?
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