Chapter 35

1024 Words
Amelia I turn to run from him and by some miracle my compulsion has worked, he is not right behind me. I had been uncertain if I had the mental clarity to make my power work the level of shock I felt finding him uncovering my deepest held secrets. He was looking at my sample, has he worked it out? Does he know the truth? What will he do? I feel sick. No wait I actually feel physically sick. Desperately my eyes search the lobby and mercifully there is a trash can not too far away. I’m painfully aware of the extra loud click of my heels on the marble floor as I dash towards it drawing unwanted attention. I barely make it there before my stomach empties loudly into it. I’m embarrassed and don’t dare look up, unable to bare the curious looks of those passing by. In a thousand years I have not been sick, vampires don’t get sick. Can he honestly affect me so strongly? As only bile remains my wretching begins to stop and I can breathe again. Wiping the tears from my cheeks I keep my head down and make my way quickly to the waiting car. My driver is on the ball pulling the door open and I am grateful that I don’t encounter anyone I know in those final straps. “Where to ma’am?” He asks as he watches me climb into the back. Good bloody question, where to indeed? I don’t particularly wish to go home he will find me there too easily and I am in no mood to go to the club or even a bar. I just don’t feel good at all. Glancing up at the driver I give a quick instruction “Take me to the Waldorf” and then settle back in my seat for the journey. I let my eyes close and the rhythmic movement of the car lure me into a sense of peacefulness. My mind wanders, haunted by the image of Erik in my office, all that he will have uncovered. My eyes snap open as I think about it, f**k! Fuckety f*****g f**k! “I need you to make a stop at a drug store on the way” I don’t even bother with a please as I bark my order, my mind is in free fall. Could I have been so stupid? I’m going to get us all killed if my fear is true. Each second that ticks by is absolute torture, my mind whirling with all of the ways we are going to be murdered by Damian. Traffic is too slow, my driver is too slow, time itself is too slow. A century later, well really ten minutes, he pulls over signalling we are here. I decline his offer to escort me, can you just imagine him tattling to Damian what I’m about to purchase. I know no one in the store knows who I am but I still feel shifty and nervous as I stalk the isles looking for what I need. Glancing around before I enter the isle just to make absolutely sure I don’t recognise anyone. Coast clear I dash down and quickly grab what I need, then have a mental wobble and rush to the make up section picking up a few random bits to help disguise my purchase. The three people in the queue before me have to be the three slowest mo fo’s on the actual planet, everything inside of me wants to rip their hearts out of their chest just to get rid of them. Jesus Amelia! Calm your s**t! I chastise myself and force a smile at the grey haired old lady looking over her shoulder at me, blissfully unaware of how close to death she is as she purchases her blue rinse. As I finally reach the cashier I allow my frustrated breath to release and she raises a curious eyebrow at me but thankfully doesn’t try and make awkward small talk. Sensible girl or she also may meet an untimely demise. I don’t even hear her tell me the cost of my items I just pull out my card and tap it on the screen in a daze stuffing my precious cargo into a carrier. As I climb back into the car I don’t even make eye contact with my driver I just need to get to the Waldorf. I am however immensely grateful for my Vuitton overnight back that has suddenly appeared in the back seat. He is so wonderfully efficient. I discreetly stuff my carrier in alongside the clothing and send a little thank you to the heavens. By the time we arrive the doorman is ready for me, my diver having called ahead “We have your favourite suit ready for you ma’am. Please allow me to take your bag” I hesitate a moment too long, reticent to let it out of my hands. “Ma’am?” He queries and I give a little shake, I need to get a grip on myself. “Apologies and thank you” I murmur as I had the bag over following him dutifully to my suite. As soon as I have the door closed and firmly locked behind him I scarper for the bag. Pulling the test out, fumbling fingers struggling to get it open in my frantic state. Dashing for the bathroom I squat over it on the loo and nothing comes out. I let out a growl of frustration and then try to be calm. Still nothing! I turn on the faucet and close my eyes, concentrating on the sound of the flowing water and take one deep breath after the other and finally! Miraculously it comes out! And now the torturous minutes of waiting for the result. To find out if what should be the happiest moment of my life is really true. Maybe Erik and I could just run away? I know I’m being naive there is no where on this earth we would be safe, Damien would hunt us for the rest of eternity until he found us.
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