Chapter 24

1909 Words
Amelia ** trigger warning this scene contains a disturbing abuse of power in a dom/sub dynamic with violence but has a satisfying conclusion*** I nod a quick greeting to the security at the club as they whisk me through. There is a private room for those on the court to change and store our things. Relived to be here my head already begins to clear as I search my locker for something appropriate to slip into. Knowing I have a burning desire to reassert my dominance I choose a tight black leather crotchless body suit with a heavy silver zip up the front, leaving the zip low enough that there is a healthy amount of cleavage on display. Slipping a matching black and silver leather mask over my eyes and putting on black patent spikes heels covered in silver studs. Taking a moment to look at myself in the mirror I square my shoulders and put thoughts of Erik to the back of my mind. Time to find a cute little submissive to play with. I wander through the main floor looking for a tasty snack to play with but none appeal to me. Their eyes follow me around the room trying to catch my own, eager for my attention but no one jumps out to me. Feeling my frustration build I make my way slowly through the floors, eagerly looking for someone to capture my attention. I have never found it so difficult before. Chancing an opportunity on the top floor I pause at the window to each play room eager to see the play happening for inspiration. Half way along the corridor I freeze at the scene in the room something feels very wrong and off with it. Pleasure pain is a delicate balance, a responsibility for the dominant to work within the boundaries of their playmate. Even from out here I can sense the fear in the poor girl who is naked and chained to the large cross shape on the wall. My eyes narrow as I really take her in. She is human and her body is bleeding heavily from multiple lash marks, there are large gashes in her neck where it has been roughly torn into by the vampire before her with their fangs. One of her eyes is swollen and blackening from being struck. The clamps on her n*****s look too tight and I can see the bruising around them. Her wrists and legs look bound too tightly too and tears stream down her face. The vampire stands with his back to me, he is huge, a naked back with tight leather trousers, I can see the tension in his muscles as he prepares to lift the cat o nine tails in his hand to inflict more damage on the girl. My advanced years allow me to judge the force he intends to use by his position and grip and he is looking to cause absolute pain, there is no playfulness to his stance. He is a next level masochist who is abusing his power. I notice the terror in the widening of her unblemished eye as his hand begins to rise, my heart jumps into my throat at the terrified whispered plea for mercy and my blood boils at his evil laugh of pleasure at her terror. Galvanised I dash to the door and have to burst through the lock to get in to help her. I manage to grab his wrist just before he begins his downward stroke. I’m aware of her whimper of relief at my welcome intrusion but my eyes are glued to this beast. Her practically roars his snarl of rage at me and his full attention is focused in my direction. A wicked smile takes what should be a handsome face but it is marred by his rotten core. “Two little sluts to play with instead of one” he snickers with a malicious tone and had I been a normal vampire I may have been intimidated by his aura. He moves to pull his wrist from my grasp and I notice a little flash of surprise as he can’t. I have to work to hide my smile, this i***t has no idea who he’s dealing with. A flash of pain suddenly works through me as my head snaps to the side, as a brutal full force back handed fist connects with my face. I let go of his wrist as the force knocks me off my feet and I taste blood. I glare up at him from the ground and he sneers at me raising his wrist once more to strike me with the cat o nine tails. Laughter bubbles forth from me and I see the confusion flicker over his features. Creeps like this thrive off of fear and manipulating those weaker than themselves. Taking the opportunity I quickly get to my feet and square off against him once more. His blue eyes flicker with uncontained rage. “You should have stayed down b***h I am going to make you beg for death for interfering with my fun” he practically spits his words at me through gritted teeth. Once more my only response is laughter and I see the ripple of tension take his every muscle. He’s about to strike again and I quickly whip off my mask revealing myself. Letting my full power come forth. I can tell he doesn’t know exactly who I am but he can sense I’m old, much older than him and much more powerful. There is conflict in his eyes, his desire to cause me and the girl pain, to satiate his dark needs but he has enough sense to know there is risk to him if he continues. At that moment a flurry of activity entering the room distracts us both. Security must have been alerted six guards rush in. They at least have the sense to know who their Queen is a drop to their knees “Your majesty” the chorus with a bow of their heads. I keep my eyes fixated on the brutal stranger enjoying the moment of realisation of just how f****d he truly is take him. I step forward right into his space and laugh once more because I know how much it kills him to be laughed at by a woman. I wonder what happened to this creep to make him such an inadequate f**k but then I realise he’s not worth the energy. Reaching out I grab his wrist once more and capture his eyes “Get on the floor at her feet and grovel like the pathetic weak f**k you are! Beg her for her mercy to save your own life. Tell her what a wretched piece of s**t you truly are” I release him and my smile is huge as I see him try to fight my command and loose. Feel the pleasure as he sprawls at her feet and begins to mumble his begging apologies. “Louder!” I command “For everyone to hear” Snickers of laughter ripple through the room from the guards and I look at the girl properly with a calm head for the first time and another wave of shock ripples through me. I recognise her, the beautiful red head Clara. Guilt washes through me, is it my fault she’s ended up here with this monster? I allow his grovelling apologies to continue for another few minutes and then cut him off “Clara what’s your decision? Does he live?” I see the surprise on her face that I have remembered her. Her eyes show her conflict, she is a good person who found herself in a bad situation, she is not cruel. Her voice is barely a whisper when it comes out “He can live”. I’m pleased with her decision as it means his actions have not tainted her. “Stand” I command and he scurries to his feet, I see the relief at her decision on his features and I can not help the smile that takes my face. “Clara seems to have accepted your apologies and deemed that you should not die for the harm you have inflicted upon her” I pause and he takes the moment to rush in “Thank you my Queen for your mercy” he looks truly pathetic. Holding my hand up I signal for his quiet “I have not finished. You will not die for your crimes against the human but you struck your Queen. There is no mercy for that, you will die” I finish quite matter of fact and I see the rage in him once more. He truly needs to die he is the worst of us and he has no desire to change his ways. I wonder how many poor human girls he has tortured to death for his amusement. Reaching out I touch him once more “I want you to reach into your own chest and pull your heart out, crush it!” I actually enjoy the look on his face as he follows my instructions. Take pleasure as the light goes out in his eyes as he squeezes his own heart in his hand ending his life. Taking a deep breath I feel in control once more, the nervous chaos that had been running through me calmed. I just wish it had not come at the expense of this poor human. “Get rid of the body” I command the guards as I dash forward to release Clara from her bindings. Quickly freeing her from the clamps I see the pain in her eyes as I do and then I work on her ankles and wrists. As I release the last binding she slumps forwards into my arms and I grab her carefully lowering her to the ground with me. I cradle her in my arms stroking her hair as her body wracks with deep sobs against me. Looking up to the two remaining guards “Get me something to cover her please” and they dash off leaving us alone. She looks up at me clearly broken “I can take this all away if you want? Make you forget?” I see her struggle with her decision for a moment before she gives a little shake of her head “No, if I forget I might end up getting myself into another mess like this. I need to remember” Nodding my understanding I give her a final offer “I can heal your wounds, take away the physical pain for you, if you take my blood you will heal quickly and feel better?” Her face fills with surprise “But you’re their Queen! You would do that?” I smile warmly at her. “Of course you did not ask for or deserve what has happened to you here. He is the worst of us and I’m sorry we’re not all like that. I just want to help however I can” She gives me a shakey smile but nods her head and I waste no time in opening up my wrist and putting it to her lips. She takes only enough and I hold her in my arms as she sobs and heals. There is something about this girl that makes me feel extra protective over her.
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