Chapter 23

866 Words
Amelia Hours have passed and I can’t concentrate at all, I’ve looked at the same set of data six times now and I still have no idea what it’s telling me. My eyes are glued to him, his presence has been truly felt in the lab since he arrived, his mind is sharp and he’s been guiding multiple points of development and research. Honestly I wished I had him here years ago from a purely scientific viewpoint. Yet for me he is the biggest distraction I could have. His words echo through my mind constantly making it impossible to focus on anything else, a part of my considering if I could tell him everything. Wanting desperately to tell him everything and have him truly look at me the way he used to but I have not completely lost my mind. He is strong, powerful, I know this but he is not Damian strong and powerful no matter how much I wish he was. It would not work, I would be sending him straight to his death. He can never know the truth and I need to find a way to regain control over myself. If only I could actually compel me my life would be so much simpler or bloody Damian, I had learned all too quickly he was impervious to my power. I notice the googly eyes Alice one of my lead scientists gives Erik as she hangs on his every word. There is no one impervious to his charms it would seem. He smiles warmly back at her and I feel a ping of jealousy in my gut, something I have not felt since before I turned. The power he has over me is like nothing else. It’s like he senses my emotions, he picks that very moment to look directly at me a wicked smile plays on his lips, asshole. He reaches out and touches Alice’s shoulder and she blushes up at him. I can feel my knuckles turning white as I grip the desk. If he wants to play games he’s on, I check my watch and smile the club will be open by now. Slowly I make a show of getting up and collecting my bag, take my time locking my office, loudly say goodbye as I walk through the lab to the exit. It takes a few moments for the elevator to arrive and I feel a little antsy as he has not joined me, I had been sure he would be hot on my heels. Well I’m committed now, as the doors open I step over the threshold but before I can even turn I feel him there right behind me. His hands snake around my waist turning me to face him, that sexy smile still on his face, a triumphant glint in his eyes. The fucker he wanted this. Before I can even think he has pushed me into the wall pulling the emergency stop. Hoisting my legs around his waist as his lips find mine in a deep searing kiss. Tongue’s dance furiously together in heat, a burning passion and furious need. I hear the sharp sound as he quickly works his zip down and free’s himself. I am so ready for him again, I don’t think I would ever tire of him. That first teasing push into me making me gasp into his mouth with the delight of being filled by him. His pace is fast, furious, exquisite, everything I need in this moment. I never want it to end but I also can not take much more as he works me so perfectly. I can feel the pleasure building, my very toes shaking as it begins to work through my body, the beginning of a tidal wave and then just as it’s about to consume me, he’s gone from inside of me, the wave dissipating back out into the ocean. The snarl of frustration that comes from me only making him chuckle as he releases my lips and fixes me with a hard stare. “The truth Lia” is all he says and then plants an infuriating kiss on my lips before pressing the release button on the emergency stop and exiting the elevator with a wink. Furiously I pull back down my dress and hit my fist off of the wall in frustration. I don’t know what to do with myself now, I can’t walk back in there like this, he has won the game yet again and he knows it. I stand there stunned for another minute before I finally press the button for the lobby needing to get out of here and take some space to reset my head. I need to make a plan, find a way to build my defences against him. As I exit the elevator I still don’t quite know what to do with myself, in a daze I walk out to take one of our town cars, debating between going back to the apartment or to the club. Bugger it I’m going to the club I could do with a fresh feed and I need to regain some control today, he has me completely off balance.
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