Chapter 8

1040 Words
Amelia I look at myself in the mirror wearing my dramatic make up like armour, deep red lips and black smokey eyeshadow. My hair tumbles in dark waves down my naked back. The gold chainmail of my dress cold against my skin where it touches. Short and tight fitting tying around my neck with a deep cowl showing off my cleavage and a completely bare back. The dress sent by my darling husband. How I hate him to the very core of his being. My small mercy being that he no longer cares to touch me himself. I had endured his ‘affections’ for centuries as he tried desperately to get me to give him an heir. Vampire children are exceedingly rare, perhaps one born every century. No one quite knows why it happens for the rare few and not the rest of us. Well, that’s not exactly true I know the secret but in order to protect my own life and Erik’s I can never share what I found in my research. It took me decades in the lab studying the blood work and dna of those who had successfully reproduced and their children. The secret my husband would so desperately love to know is that both parents must have some witch dna and they must come from the same bloodline. His own decree for a witch to never be turned is the key to our lack of natural fertility. Understandably the odd witch or witch descendant with dormant powers would slip through his rules but I will protect their secret with my life. If my husband had truly sired me like he believes then we should have had a child by now but the only person in this world who could have given me this gift is Erik. With a heavy sigh I turn away from the mirror to head down to the party. A little piece of me is thrilled with an excitement to feel Erik’s touch again but it will be a torture to know it will not be the loving touch I have so craved and fantasised about Quietly I slip in unnoticed to the reception room, there are around fifty vampires here obviously Damian is feeling frivolous tonight with all of his favoured vampires at court. I take two glasses of champagne from the server passing by, downing one and placing the empty glass back on his tray. He gives me a beautiful innocent smile of appreciation. Pity flows through me for him, he has no idea what’s in store for him later. I’m almost hidden by one of the large stone pillars and from here I watch the room. Nico is by Damians side, he looks like one of the angels from the renaissance and I am most certain that he was used as inspiration for the great Italian masters. His face looks serious as he listens to whatever Damian is saying, there is a bright eyed adoring fledgling hanging from Damian’s arm looking at him like he is a god. Foolish girl. Nico’s eyes keep roaming the room and I know he is looking for me but I can not make myself move in their direction. Allowing my own eyes to search the crowd I finally find them, standing on their own slightly separate from the rest of the crowd. They look uneasy in this situation which does not surprise me in the least. In honesty I am a little surprised they are still here, I had half expected them to run as soon as they received their invite for tonight. Deep down I think I knew they wouldn’t, it would give Damian the excuse he needed to finally go after Erik and create a war with the five houses. Our peace has an unsteady balance and although we have the greater numbers the five would not go down without a fight. It would be a blood bath with great losses on both sides. I watch how they interact with each other, I know I’m torturing myself but I can’t help it. Inside I do want him to be happy, I would not wish my existence on anyone but a little bit of my soul wonders what I did so wrong to deserve this fate. Why Damian had to decide he wanted me above all others. Why I could not just have been allowed to marry my love and live a simple happy life together. She is beautiful, his wife, long chestnut brown hair and hazel eyes, delicate features, she has a softness in her expression that I used to share before this life forced me to change. Her eyes shine with adoration for him and it gives me a little peace. I dare to let my eyes wander to him and I jump a little, he is staring right at me. There is a fire there that I can’t quite decipher, such a thin line between passion and hate. My very breath catches in my throat and I am unable to look away from him. Captured in his orbit, I feel my body respond to his intensity my arousal igniting at my core. A snarl in my ear and rough squeeze on my hip snaps me from his snare. “What the f**k Amelia” Nico’s voice is harsh as he whispers to me, so so close body pressing into me from behind. I hadn’t even noticed him move or get close to me which is a worry, so captured by Erik. Yes, this could be very dangerous. I move to turn but he grips the top of my arms keeping me in place “Don’t move, I can’t be seen from here. I just had to intervene with your puppy dog eyes, Damian almost spotted you. What the f**k Amelia you need to get your s**t together!” I start to respond but he places a kiss at the nape of my neck, a suck and nip that makes me stifle a moan. “Later when I tell you I hate you, I’m really saying I love you” and he pats my ass giving me a push froward “Now go to your husband before anything goes wrong”
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